

how your body and mind react to threatening or challenging events in your life.


situations, events, and people that cause you stress.

Major Life Changes

changes that affect one's family or school life; ex.- going through parents' divorce.

Everyday Problems

hassles"- everyday events that cause you stress. Hassles include misplacing or losing something, being concerned with how you look, or having too many things do at once.

Physical Surroundings

conditions in your immediate surroundings. Noise, temperature, crowds.

Other concerns

worries about your future, conflicts or fights with family members or friends.

Positive Stress

sometimes called eustress. Stress is positive when it promotes growth and accomplishment.

Negative Stress

sometimes called distress. Stress that produces negative effects.


your body's balanced state.

Alarm stage

body releases a hormone called adrenaline into your bloodstream. The adrenaline gives your body a burst of energy and causes other changes in your body. Heart beats faster increasing flow of blood to muscles, breathing quickens to provide more oxygen for

Fight or Flight response

you can either stand and fight, or you can run away.

Resistance Stage

when the stressor continues, the body cannot restore to homeostasis. Instead it functions at a higher than normal level. Your body uses up a lot of energy in this stage. It causes you to become tired, irritable, and less able to handle any additional stre

Exhaustion Stage

if the stressors still continues, you enter the third stage. Your body is worn down and no longer has the enough energy to fight off the stressor. As your body's balance remains out of control, you become more susceptible to illness.

Physical signs

muscle tension, headache, upset stomach, nail biting, skin rash, and twitching.

Emotional signs

anger, irritability, nervousness, and inability to concentrate.

Behavioral signs

loss of appetite, overeating, drug abuse, sleep problems, and fidgeting.

Psychosomatic illnesses

physical disorders that result from stress or other emotional causes.

Lowered resistance

immune system does not function. If your immune system does not function well, you are more susceptible to minor illnesses, like the common cold or flu.


increase acid in the stomach leads to ulcers. Ulcers are open sores in the stomach or other parts of the digestive tract. Increased acid prevents the ulcer from healing.


respiratory system. People with asthma need to recognize their bodies' reactions to stressors to manage their asthmatic attacks.

High Blood Pressure

stress increases the blood flow in the body.

Type A

tend to be more rushed and competitive.

Type B

calmer, less competitive, and not as concerned about accomplishment.


Confronting the problem
Time management
Physical activity
Mental rehearsal
Getting help when you need it


the measure of our body's efficiency and over-all well-being

The dimensions of help are

Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual Health.

Physical Health

deals with the body's ability to function; has many elements including: exercise, nutrition, sleep, and weight management

Physical Health Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight decreases your risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes

Mental Health

heath deals with being comfortable with oneself and how you feel about yourself; encompasses self-esteem, and stress management

Emotional Health

Understanding your feelings and coping with problems that arise in everyday life, how you react to circumstances, maintaining a sense of humor.


the act of using your muscles to stay physically fit;helps to give you more energy, maintain weight, increase confidence & self esteem, and helps to battle chronic diseases.

Social Health

deals with the way you react with people within your environment.

Social Health: Family Relationships

one that is supportive, loving, responsible, and balanced.

Families should work together to eliminate stress and negativity in the home


one that is supportive, loving, responsible, and balanced.


Social Health: Peer Relationship

become more of an influence, can be both positive and negative, becomes more developed as you grow.

Social Health: Community Relationships

Relationships that develop with teachers, coaches, dance instructors, church, and neighborhood.

Spiritual Health

A sense of meaning and purpose in life; having a set of beliefs and acting on them.

Intellectual Health

Having an open mind to new ideas and concepts, seek out new experiences and challenges, entails creativity and common sense, good time management skills, communicates effectively


being a balanced person

There are 6 major areas of the health

physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social.

Elements of Physical Health

Exercise, Sleep, Nutrition, Weight Management

Elements of Intellectual Health

Communication, Aware of global issues, Creativity, Common sense

Elements of Mental Health

Stress Management, Self-esteem

Elements of Spiritual Health

Belief system, Morals and values, Purpose of life, right and wrong

Elements of Social Health

Community Relationships, peer relationships, family relationship