Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs - Health

Tobacco use can negatively impact a person's health, family, and finances.


Which of the following statements about the societal costs of tobacco use is TRUE?

Tobacco users contribute to an overall loss of productivity.

When a role model uses a tobacco product, it gives the impression tobacco products lead to __________.

all of the above

A carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance.


A role model, like a popular public figure, that smokes could increase an individual's desire to use tobacco.


Which of the following factors might make tobacco use more appealing to teens?

Tobacco is easy to obtain.

Smoking in a social situation to fit in, even though you don't want to, is an example of __________.

reluctant acceptance

Which of the following BEST describes the possible impact of tobacco use on families?

all of the above

Society is not affected by an individual's choice to use tobacco products.


How many chemicals in tobacco products have been proven to cause cancer?


Which of the following is the safest level of exposure to secondhand smoke?


What is the minimum age that individuals can purchase tobacco legally in most US states?


What percentage of adult deaths is attributed in part to smoking?


Secondhand smoke is more dangerous in enclosed spaces.


Smoking reduces a person's life span by an average of __________.

13 to 14 years

Which of the following effects of smoking is an individual least likely to experience from secondhand smoke?

yellowing teeth

Which of the following statements about secondhand smoke is NOT true?

Secondhand smoke is inhaled less deeply than firsthand smoke.

Environmental tobacco smoke causes the death of approximately 7,000 nonsmokers per year.


How have high taxes on tobacco products impacted the number of people who use them?

The number of tobacco users has decreased.

Secondhand smoke is less dangerous than the smoke tobacco users breathe.


Paula believes that drinking will help her relax and calm her nerves. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing her decision to drink alcohol?


Which of the following statements is TRUE about the relationship between alcoholism and genetics?

Alcoholism is strongly tied to genetics, and children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics themselves.

Which of the following forms of alcohol can be consumed?


Which of the following BEST describes the consequences of driving under the influence?

Apart from fines and jail time, driving under the influence puts the life of the driver and everyone else on the road at risk.

95% of violent crimes committed on college campuses are alcohol-related.


Which of the following statements is NOT true?

It is against the law to be in an establishment that serves alcohol unless you're 21.

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate of blood alcohol content (BAC)?

BAC is used to determine number of beverages consumed.

Approximately, how many commercials promoting alcoholic beverages do teens see each year?


Drinking five ounces of wine is better for the body than drinking twelve ounces of beer because there's less pure alcohol in a glass of wine.


Proof is the standard measure used to determine how much alcohol is contained in an alcoholic beverage.


Which of the following is NOT a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause children to have increased IQs.

Long-term alcohol use is more severe in older people than younger people because older people's body systems are generally weaker.


Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol on the digestive system?

Excessive amounts of alcohol can cause breathing to slow, become irregular, or stop.

Involuntary functions, such as breathing, may shut down if a person has alcohol poisoning.


During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.


Pregnant women can protect their fetus from developing fetal alcohol syndrome by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.


Which of the following statements BEST describes the effects that alcoholism has on one's life?

Alcoholism can bring turmoil to the entire family and can affect one's school or work performance.

Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction.


Which of the following is NOT a behavioral difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

problems with shyness

Which of the following bodily systems is NOT at immediate risk of effects from alcohol?

[NOT] respiratory system

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are those that can be purchased without a doctor's authorization.


If you have the same symptoms as a friend, it's acceptable to take their prescription medicine.


Antivirals are medicines that can both suppress and kill viruses in the body.


The Food and Drug Act was the first US law that regulated medicine.


Which of the following is NOT a major type of medicine?


FDA regulations require that all medication labels include __________.

specific ingredients and possible side effects

Generic medications are __________.

include the same active ingredients as the original medication

All drugs can be considered medicines.


Medicines that relieve pain are called __________.


Which of these FDA regulations required that manufacturers disclose possible dangers and side effects of their medicines?

Kefauver-Harris Amendment

Not all drugs are considered medicines because __________.

medicines are used to cure, treat, and prevent diseases

Which of the following is NOT a major source of pressure that influences teens to seek escape through drug abuse?

a supportive network of friends

Why do anabolic steroids differ from other illegal drugs?

They do not cause intoxication.

Which of the following statements is false?

By law, the media must portray drug use accurately and honestly.

Drugs are substances that cause a change in a person's physical but not mental state.


Hallucinogens distort an individual's perceptions of reality.


Only teens can abuse illegal drugs.


Which of the following statements BEST describes tobacco?

It is only legal for people age 18 and older.

Most designer drugs are meant to imitate the effects of painkillers


Psilocybin is a type of __________.


Having a drug-addicted spouse often involves which of the following?

financial difficulties

Which of the following commonly occurs in a household with a drug-addicted child?

abuse from the child

Which of the following statements is NOT true about drug dependence?

People that are dependent on drugs can stop using the drug without experiencing any side effects.

Illegal drug use often leads to more illegal behavior.


Choose the correct cycle of addiction.

drug use, tolerance, dependence, addiction, withdrawal

Which of the following statements is true about drug use during pregnancy?

Drug use during pregnancy can lead to multiple birth defects.

Teens are more susceptible to the effects of drugs than adults.


Drug abuse can often lead to suicide because __________.

all of the above

There is a safe way to measure illegal drugs in order to avoid overdosing.


Which of the following are behaviors that often result from drug use?

engaging in criminal activity

Drugs modify the brain chemistry and change behaviors.


Side effects of medicines are always the same for everyone.


Thrill-seeking behavior is likely to lead many students to avoid drug abuse.


If a doctor prescribes Tylenol III with codeine, he or she has prescribed a __________.


What does it mean when you develop a tolerance for a medication?

The effectiveness of the medicine decreases over time.

Which of these is a significant risk with prolonged use of OTC medications?

OTC medications can mask more serious health problems.

Which of the following often results from the use of drugs?

all of the above

All of the following are symptoms of addiction EXCEPT:

using the drug several times a year

Impaired brain function as a result of drug use involves all of the following EXCEPT:

increased concentration

Drugs of abuse trigger the release of dopamine within our brain, which allows the user to experience a temporary feeling of pleasure.


Drug use during pregnancy does not affect the unborn baby.


Which of the following statements BEST describes alcohol?

It is only legal for people age 21 and older.

A person addicted to crystal meth is using a __________.


Why are many teens curious about trying illegal drugs?

Drug use is glamorized in popular media.

Prescription drugs become illegal when __________.

you buy them without a prescription

Which of the following is a classification of illegal drugs?


Generic OTC medicines have the same active ingredients as the brand-name OTC medications.


Which of the following is the legal method for obtaining prescription medicines?

from a pharmacy

Although Joshua is an alcoholic, he is able to control his drinking when he parties with his friends.


Which of the following BEST describes the effects that fetal alcohol syndrome has on a child's mental abilities?

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause parts of the brain to be underdeveloped and can cause mental retardation.

Which of the following BEST describes the short-term effects that alcohol has on the nervous system?

Alcohol dulls concentration, impairs coordination, and causes one's thought process to be disorganized.

April has only consumed one glass of wine, so her body isn't affected by the alcohol because short-term effects only begin with the second drink.


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of alcohol poisoning?

high body temperature

When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the baby is also drinking alcohol because blood freely passes from the woman's blood stream into the fetus's blood stream.


A standard drink is equal to 12.7 grams of pure alcohol.


Which of the following statements BEST describes how the body processes alcohol?

After alcohol is metabolized in the liver, it is burned as fuel for the cells.

Thomas is an adolescent who often seeks out potentially harmful situations without thinking about the consequences. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing his decision to drink alcohol?


Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between alcohol and fermentation?

Fermentation is a process that uses substances such as bacteria or yeast to change the sugars of fruits or grains into alcohol.

Which of the following is NOT a legal consequence of driving under the influence?

school expulsion

Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcoholics?

Alcoholics are able to limit the amount they drink.

Cirrhosis of the liver is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by chronic alcohol abuse.


In what year were cigarette packages made to include health warning labels that mentioned the Surgeon General?


Which of the following statements about the dangers of tobacco use is TRUE?

Tobacco use has consequences to both smokers and nonsmokers.

__________ is a short-term risk associated with tobacco use.

All of the above

Which of the following represents a way in which children and infants can be exposed to tobacco products?

all of the above

All of the following are long-term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT:

change in senses

Tobacco is __________.

obtained from plants

__________ is a side effect of tobacco use.

All of the above

Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance.


Tobacco products have little effect on society.


Environmental factors, such as friends, family, and the media, have little influence on whether or not someone chooses to drink or not to drink.


Alcoholics generally feel dependent on alcohol and crave it, which is why it's hard for them to stop drinking.


Which of the following groups is affected by tobacco use?

all of the above

The only person that is negatively affected by drug use is the addict.


The FDA regulates facilities that manufacture OTC medications.
