health 2 nervous system quiz

the nervous system

major control center, communication network, sense change

two main divisions


central nervous system (CNS)

brain and spinal cord
- command center
- interprets signals
- outputs info

peripheral nervous system (PNS)

nerves that extend from the CNS
- gathers info from inside and outside your body
- made up of nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord

how the nervous system works

messages are transmitted through electrical impulses or charges


the basic building block of the nervous system. These are messengers and receivers of transmissions or stimuli

cell body

consists of a nucleus that receives and sends nerve impulses: the nucleus is contained within the cell membrane


branching projections of the cell body: they receive and carry impulses toward the cell body


branching projections of the cell body: they receive and carry impulses away the cell body

myelin sheath

insulates the nerve fiber which speeds up the transmission

sensory neurons

have specialized receptor ends that are located in the skin and other sensory organs

motor neurons

carry impulses from the CNS to the muscles and glands


neurons within the brain and spinal cord that relays impulses from sensoring neurons

spinal cord

cylinder of nerve tissue, protects the vertebrae, protected by cerebrospinal fluid which acts like shock absorber & by 3 layers of connective membranes called the spinal meninges


-receives and processes messages
-coordinates muscle movement
- weighs 3 lbs, makes up 2% of body weight
- uses 20% oxygen inhaled
- 20% of blood pumped through heart

protection of brain

protected by the 8 cranial bones that firm the skull and by three layers of membranes called cranial meninges

main divisions of the brain

Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain Stem


-largest & most complex part of the brain
- Site of most conscious & intelligent
- divided into 2 halves called cerebral hemisphere

left hemisphere

- arithmetic calc.
- analysis
- critical thinking

right hemisphere

- visual thinking
- form
- artistic activities
- emotions

Frontal Lobe

controls voluntary movement and has a role in language

Parietal Lobe

sensory information

Temporal Lobe

senses of hearing & smell, along with memory, thought, & judgment


- 2nd largest part part of the brain
- located beneath the the occipital lobes of the cerebrum
- main purpose- maintaining posture and balance, coordinating skeletal muscle movement

brain stem

3" long stalk of nerve cells and fibers that connects the spinal cord to the rest of the brain. controls breathing, heartbeat, eye reflexes.

3 main parts of brain stem

-Medulla Oblongata
- Pons
- Midbrain

Medulla oblongata

lowest part of the brain stem Contains vital control centers that regulate:
blood pressure


just above the medulla, serves as a pathway for nerve impulses passing to and from the cerebrum

mid brain

shortest part of the brain stem, lies above the pons, controls eye movement- the size and reactions of the pupils


2 egged shaped loves above the midbrain, important relay center for incoming, sensory impulses


located behind the eyes and under the thalamus, controls various body processes & keeps body conditions balanced (body temp, appetite)

The PNS is broken down into two subdivisions

- autonomic nervous system
- somatic nervous system

Autonomic Nervous System

Responsible for controlling the involuntary functions of the body, such as body heat, heart rate, and digestion.

The ANS is further divided into

- sympathetic nervous system
- parasympathetic nervous system

Sympathetic Nervous System

Responds to the body's needs during increased activities and in emergencies

Parasympathetic Nervous System

opposes the actions of the sympathetic system by slowing body functions
slows down heartbeat
opens blood vessels
lowers blood pressure