health education

what are causes of loss of wellness

1. lifestyle factso
2. environmental conditions
3. genetics

lifestyle factors that diseaes are traced to

smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, sedentary life, deit high fat, salt, sugar, sleep, television watching, ability to deal with stress

environmental factors that affect health

quality of our air and water, noise poullution, overcrowing, disposawl of hazardous materials, nuclear power plant, thinning of ozone layer, use of asbestos

genetic factors that affect health

heart disease, high BP, diabetes may in part be inherited, people with strong family history of cancer or heart disease may be facing more risk if they chose to smoke

sedentary lifestyle

high dieasea risk




previous history family history personal, social, and psychiatric history


client who is told that she are risk for a heart attack also needs info about what she do about risk,
-helpful health care provider will need to know what contrainst the client faces in trying to change befhavior


inner drie that forces the individual toward action

awareness and info have left gap in complicance that what is th gap



assess your clients by finding out who they are, what they know, experiences are
set the stage

5 princieples of learning

1. brevetiy breif and to the point
2. princieple of primacy
3. readability written materials must be readable in order to educate
4. repitition
5. specificty