Health TR1: Ch 3- Stress Management


the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it.

What are the 3 main causes of stress?

Major life changes, everyday problems, and physical surroundings.


Positive stress.


Negative stress.

What are the 3 stages of stress response?

1. Alarm Stage: when homeostasis is disturbed and adrenaline is released into the blood stream.
2. Resistance Stage: body tries to recover from the alarm stage- body may become tired.
3. Exhaustion Stage: if the stressor continues for a long period of tim

Flight or fight response

The body's reaction that includes on increase in heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure.

What are the physical signs of stress?

Muscle tension, headache, upset stomach, pounding heart, sweating and dry mouth.

What are the emotional signs of stress?

Irritability, anger, impatience, forgetfulness, negative thinking and loss of interest.

What are the behavioral types of stress?

Loss of appetite or overeating, drug abuse, sleep problems, restlessness, withdrawal.

Psychosomatic illness

Physical disorders that result from stress or other emotional disorder.

Type A Personality

Rushed & competitive; high standards: may become angry, frustrated & hostile when goals are not met.

Type B Personality

Calmer & less competitive; less likely to feel stressed if they do not succeed; have difficulty facing challenges.


Person who accepts nothing less than excellence from him/herself.


A personality trait that allows a person to resist stress and view stress as opportunities rather than threats; involved & commited to tasks; have control of tasks, not overwhelmed by challenges.

What are the risky behaviors and signs of a stressed youth?

Depression and high levels of anxiety, drug and alcohol use, anger and aggressive behaviors, lack of interest in school or activities, oversleeping or insomnia, and frequent illness.

What are the stress management techniques?

Confront the problem, Time management, Physical activity, Relaxation and meditation, Mental rehearsal, Biofeedback, Humor, and Getting help when you need it.