Talmud test 3

According to ??? ????, the best possible way to perform the mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles: You start with 8 candles on the first day and every day you light one less candle.


What is the Hebrew phrase that means "Publicizing the Miracle"?

?????? ????

Why does Hillel want to light the candles counting up?

You always go up in Holy things

What is the basic mitzvah of lighting candles on Chanukah?

Making sure 1 candle is lit in your house each night of Chanukah.

On a Mehadrin level, every person in the house has to light one candle per night.


What does "?????? ?? ???????" mean?

The best possible way

Based on Beit Hillels opinion, where else do we see the concept of going up and not down?

Sefirat Ha'omer

According to Beit Shamai we light the candles from 1-8 because it followed the order of Korbanot on pesach.


According to Tosfot, the best way to perform the mitzvah is...

Only one person in the house should like a candle per night

What does Beit Hillel say we have to do regarding lighting the candles?

light from 1-8

According to the Rambam, it is better for everyone to light their own menorah than to be able to tell what night of chanukah it is with one menorah.


What is ????? ????

Declaring your Chametz ownerless

The Mishna Brurah says this word is a must when doing ?????...


What is the gemara?s general question?

why do you need to do ????? if ????? is enough?

The reason we can't do ????? during the 4th/5th hour is because the Rabbi's say it's too close to when we can't eat chametz anymore.


Who wrote the ???? ??????

The Chofetz Chaim

The person who wrote the ????? ???? was Rav Yosef Karo?


If you get married with a piece of wheat and it starts raining right before the sixth hour, you're considered married?


According to Rav Yehuda the one searches for chametz cannot nullify it


One can never do ????? on Shabbos or Pesach?


What does an open pit in a public place and chametz in someone's house from the sixth hour of Nisan forward have in common?

The Gemara says that, realistically, they are considered to be in your possession but Halachikally are not.