�Hasta qu� punto es perjudicial...?

Creo que

I believe that

Pienso que

I think that

En mi opini�n

in my opinion

Desde mi punto de vista

from my point of view

Para m�

for me

Por un lado

on one hand

Por otro lado

on the other hand

Sin embargo


beber alcohol

to drink alcohol


to get drunk

fumar cigarrillos

to smoke cigarettes

fumar porros

to smoke joints

tomar drogas blandas

to take soft drugs

tomar drogas duras

to take hard drugs

no es tan malo

it's not so bad

es una tonter�a

it's silly

es muy perjudicial

it's very harmful



ya que


puesto que


debido a que

due to the fact that

dado que

given that



te relaja

It relaxes you

te quita el estr�s

it relieves stress

te quita el sue�o

it takes sleep from you

te quita el control

it takes control from you

causa depresi�n

It causes depression

malgastas dinero

you waste money

te engancha

it hooks you