Chapter 7 Business and Personal Law

genuine assent

true and complete agreement

voidable contract

contract in which the injured party can withdraw, thus cancelling the contract


backing out of a transaction by asking for the return of what you gave and offering to give back what you received


conduct suggesting you intend to be bound by the contract


only occurs when one party uses an improper threat or act to obtain an expression of agreement

undue influence

occurs when one party to the contract is in a position of trust and wrongfully dominates the other party

unilateral mistake

occurs when only one party holds an incorrect belief about the facts related to the contract

mutual mistake

both parties to a contract have an incorrect belief about an important fact

material facts

*important facts that influence the parties' decisions
*fact which is significant to the issue or matter at hand


without legal effect

innocent misrepresentation

party to a contract does not know that a statement he or she made is untrue


is based on misrepresentation

fraudulent misrepresentation

party to a contract knows that a statement he or she made is untrue