Peds- Developmental milestones (Gross/fine motor)

1 month

demonstrates head lag and has a grasp reflex

2 month

lifts head off mattress when prone, holds hand in an open position, grasp reflex fading

3 month

raises head and shoulder off mattress when prone, only slight head lag, no longer has a grasp reflex, keeps hands loosely open

4 month

rolls from back to side, grasps objects with both hands

5 month

rolls from front to back, uses palmar grasp dominantly

6 month

rolls from back to front, holds bottle

7 month

bears full weight on feet; moves objects from hand to hand

8 month

sits unsupported; begins using pincer grasp

9 month

pulls to standing position, creeps on hands and knees instead of crawling; has a crude pincer grasp; dominant hand preference evident

10 month

changes from a prone to a sitting position; grasps rattle by its handle

11 month

cruises or walks while holding onto something, walks with one hand held; places objects into a container, neat pincer grasp

12 month

Sits down from a standing position without assistance; tries to build a 2 block tower without success; can turn pages in a book

15 months

walks without help, creeps upstairs; uses a cup well, builds a tower of 2 blocks

18 months

runs clumsily, falls often, throws a ball overhand, jumps in place with both feet, pulls and pushes toys; manages a spoon without rotation, turns pages in a book (2 or 3 at a time), builds tower of 3-4 blocks

2 years

walks up and downstairs by placing both feet on each step; builds a tower of 6-7 blocks, turns pages of books one at a time

2.5 years

Jumps across the floor and off a chair or step using both feet, stands on one foot momentarily, takes a few steps on tiptoe, draws circles, has good hand-finger

3 years

rides a tricycle, jumps off bottom step, stands on one foot for a few seconds

4 years

skips and hops on one foot, throws a ball overhead, catches ball reliably

5 years

jumps rope, walks backward with heel to toe, throws and catches a ball with ease