Of Mice and Men

Identify and give a physical description of Lennie

A huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his little feet. He is not very smart but is an extremely strong man and a good worker.

Identify and give a physical description of George

A small and quick man, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose. He takes care of Lennie as they traveled together.

What is George's first complaint to Lennie?

Is that Lennie is drinking too much water; however, he is always complaining about Lennie.

What trouble did George and Lennie have in Weed?

They got run out of town by men because Lennie touched a girl's dress to feel the material. When she tried to move away from Lennie, he got confused and held on to her dress even tighter. The girls accused him of trying to rape her, and that is when the m

What is in Lennie's pocket? Why does he have it?

He has a dead mouse in his pocket because he likes to pet soft things.

George bursts into a long speech about what he could do if he were alone. What could he do?

He could live so easily. He could take his money and go to a cat house, or out drinking whiskey all night, or spend his time playing cards at a pool hall. Basically he would do things like the lonely ranch hands do.

Lennie offers to go away and live in a cave. What is George's response?

He starts off by telling Lennie that he wouldn't survive, that he couldn't find any food, or take care of himself. After that he realizes he had been mean to Lennie, and admits to Lennie that he really doesn't want him to go.

Why are George and Lennie different from the other "guys like us that work on ranches"?

Because most guys that work on ranches are the lonely guys, with no families, and George and Lennie have one another to look after him

What are George and Lennie going to do some day?

They are going to have a little house and a few acres. They will have some pigs, cows, rabbits, and chickens. They will have a big vegetable patch.

What two things does George want Lennie to remember?

To remember not to say a word tomorrow when the boss asks him a question. He also has to remember the place they are at, which is about a quarter mile away from the ranch. He wants him to remember this place because if Lennie gets in trouble George wants

Why did George want to camp overnight instead of going another quarter mile to the ranch?

Because he liked the scenery of the woods.

What does George answer when the boss asks what he is trying to put over?

He says that he isn't trying to put anything over, that he and Lennie travel together; they are cousins. He says that Lennie is slow mentally because he got kicked in the head by a horse, but that he is strong, a good worker who follows orders

Identify and describe Curley.

He is the boss' son. He was a young man with a brown face, brown eyes and a head of tightly curled hair. He wore a work glove on his left hand, and he wore high-heeled boots. He is a little man, but he had been a boxing champion. He didn't like anybody an

The swamper says, "Seems like Curley ain't givin' nobody a chance." Explain.

If Curley would fight a big man and win, everyone would think he was very strong and would congratulate him. If curley would fight a big man and lose, everyone would feel sorry for him and tell the big man to pick on someone his own size. Either way, Curl

What advice does George give Lennie after Curley and the swamper leave?

To stay away from Curley, that he is nothing but trouble. Lennie replies that he doesn't like this place, and he was to leave.

Identify Slim and Carlson

They are other ranch hands. One seems very reasonable and respected and tries to understand George and Lennie. one is later responsible for killing Candy's dog.

What does Slim have that Lennie wants

His dog just had a litter of puppies. Lennie wants one.

Slim and George have a long conversation. Slim says it's funny how George and Lennie go around together. What is George's answer?

He explains that Lennie has no one else to take care of him, and George assumed the responsibility. He admits that Lennie is a pain in the neck sometimes, but that "you kinda get used to going around with a guy and after a while you can't get rid of 'm.

Identify Candy.

Is the swamper. He is an older man who has at some time lost one hand. He has an old dog he raised from a pup and although he realizes that the dog must be in misery, he can't bring himself to shoot it.

What did Carlson do with his Luger? Why?

He used it to kill the dog.

What card game does George play?


Describe Curley's wife. What's the problem about her

She dresses and acts like a tramp, according to the men. The problem is that she is lonesome since Curley won't let her talk to anyone. She keeps coming around the bunkhouse and barn to talk to the men (and to make advances), and then Curley gets jealous

What will Lennie's job be when he and George get their land?

To tend to the rabbits.

What does Candy want when he hears about George and Lennie's plans? What is he willing to contribute?

She wants to join George and Lennie on their land. He is willing to put up several hundred dollars he has saved.

Why did Curley fight with Lennie? What happened?

Lennie is smiling, thinking about the land when Carlson and Candy were verbally attacking Curley. Curley sees Lennie smiling and assumes he is laughing at him. Curley begins beating on Lennie, who remains with his hands at his sides until George tells him