Theories Final

The NIMH Collaborative Depression study found that:

the effects of psychotherapy were no different from placebo treatment

A statistical technique that combines the results of a selected set of studies into an overall index of effectiveness is called:


A theory:

provides explanations for human behavior

The primary purpose of theories of counseling is to explain:

the processes for human behavior change

Which of the following statements reflects a way that cognitive schemata can be harmful?

They contribute to the formation of stereotypes.

A counseling theory

helps therapists organize information about their clients and may lead a therapist to view a client from a biased perspective.

Counseling theories provide therapists with:

a professional schemata

A good counseling theory is

precise and has empirical support

The most important point of Project MATCH was to

assess the effects of client characteristics in psychotherapy outcome

The Consumer Reports study was controversial because

it used retrospective reports of clients and it was not an experimental study

Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the Empirically Supported Treatment (EST) approach?

we don't have enough studies that meet the EST criteria

The principle of ___________ says the simplest explanation that can handle the data is the best.


The ethical principles of ___________ dictate that counseling professionals are always attentive to client welfare and do not engage in behaviors that could in any way harm the client.

beneficence and malfeasance

. ___________ dictates that clients be given information in writing regarding the confidentiality of information they give to therapists


Which of the following is one of the most clearly defined rules regarding confidentiality?

Clients can give consent to the counselor to disclose information as they wish
Counselors are bound to disclose information if the client is in danger of harming him or herself or someone else.
All states in the U.S. mandate that they counselor report evi

Counselors are not acting in a competent manner when they

experience burnout, conduct counseling sessions when you are in some way impaired, and practice using new approach with lack of appropriate skills in that method

What is usually the first step to take if you observe a peer or colleague acting in an unethical way?

try to informally resolve the issue by talking to the transgressor

In Eysenck's (1952) study, the control groups were:

state hospital patients and insurance clients.

Eysenck (1952) found that:

clients who received no therapy demonstrated better outcomes than those who received any therapy.

For Freud, the MOST important motivator of human behavior is:


The MOST powerful source of human behavior, according to Freud, is

the unconscious

About instincts, Freud believed

that they must be expressed

The following, according to Freud, has no contact with reality


Which of the following structures have NO unconscious aspect?

all have unconscious aspects

Repression results in

symptom formation, binding psychic energy and no symptoms

Which of the following is/are true about defense mechanisms?

they only discharge a little instinctual energy and they lead to extreme behavior

The goal of psychoanalysis is to

reduce repression

Neurotic anxiety is

Fear of libido

David believes that he is possessed by the spirit of a hyper-intelligent alien being. The government has discovered this possession and is out to get him. In Freud's view, David is probably displaying


The role of the analyst is BEST characterized as that of


Susan the analyst looks forward to her 10:00 client on Fridays. She spends a lot of time reading about issues relevant to this client's presentation. Susan is probably experiencing


Traditional psychoanalysis is

mixed in terms of research support

The primary purpose of the training analysis is

to prevent countertransference

Susan is an analyst who is working with her client Chloe and asks Chloe to "free associate" and tell Susan everything that comes into her mind. Chloe does not disclose everything that she is thinking because she does not feel that it is relevant to the se

violated the Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis

Which of the following is true regarding the Id and the Ego?

The goal of the id is to seek pleasure and avoid pain and to satisfy the Id and keep the individual safe.

Hoagland (2007) found that transference interpretation in psychodynamic therapy was:

not critical to improvement and more related to outcome for more dysfunctional clients.

What is the relative importance of cognition in Psychoanalytic theory?

Cognition is important in the processing of unconscious matter.

What is the relative importance of behavior in Psychoanalytic theory?

Much behavior is driven by and related to unconscious motives.

The most important thing the analyst does is

interpret the client's transference

This type of theory focuses on how the early family relationships affect the type of relationships formed outside the family.

Object relations (OR)

Winnicott recognized the importance of ________by the mother when the child is totally dependent.

physical holding

A key belief of object relations theorists is

that we are relationship seeking rather than pleasure seeking as Freud suggested

Klein stood out from the rest of her colleagues because she was more interested in the impulses of the client


Which is true regarding the goal(s) of OR therapy?

It will give the client a coherent sense of self and it will restore healthy object relations

The curative factor in OR is

the relationship in therapy

Using SP theory, if the grandiose-exhibitionistic aspects are strongest, the individual will be:

assertive and ambitious

The need for self-objects is


The end result of SP therapy is

to rebuild the self rather than insight or expansion of the ego's capacities

The core of therapy in the SP model is


Contemporary ego psychologists are interested in the ego's executive and synthesizing function, which include

organizing information, adapting to the environment, and navigating developmental challenges

RP practitioners prefer to meet with the clients more than once a week

to encourage development of the transference relationship

The goal(s) of RP is/are

Give the client new ways of interacting with others and help clients change relationship patterns that are problematic

Neoanalytics were about the only theorists to write extensively about

personality disorders

Neoanalytic approaches to counseling originated in Freud's models but then deviated slightly or significantly. Which theory seems the closest to traditional psychoanalysis?

Ego Psychologist

Which theory seems to deviate most noticeable from traditional psychoanalysis?

Relational Psychoanalysts

Freud and Jung had a major falling out about what?

The role of sexuality in regard to human behavior

Jung's theory of personality is comprised of dimensions that are opposite concepts that balance each other. The dimension that allows people to understand themselves and other is:

Introvert/Extrovert (I/E)

The diagnostic system that has been developed for analysts is __________.

Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual

One particular area of assessment that an object relations therapist might be more likely to explore is _______.

the therapist's reaction to the client

Countertransference comes into play in relational psychology when the therapist

unconsciously actualizes the transference

Some recent supportive research on neoanalytic approaches has found

Relationships between unhealthy narcissism and both overindulgent parenting and failures in parental empathy and warmth.
The ability of students who recalled more loving mothers to relate more intimately with friends
Some positive outcomes for transferenc

For Adler, human behavior is determined by

social interest and striving for perfection

According to Adler, what children see in their parents' relationship will influence their:

views of partnership and the nature of the other sex

John appears very confident, and has been known to tell people about how able he is. Adler would say that John

has an inferiority complex

According to Adler, which of the following is the easiest life task to accomplish?


The masculine protest is

a special case of the drive for power

The MOST basic "diagnosis" in Individual Psychology is

relationship dysfunction

For Adler, the healthy person

has the courage to be imperfect

The most extreme kind of social isolation is seen in


The question" tells the Adlerian counselor

whether the problem is physiological or something about the purpose of symptoms

Resistance in Individual Psychology counseling is

a failure of courage

Laurie doesn't do her homework. According to Adler, her parents should

allow natural consequences

Which of the following is true about outcome research on Individual Psychology counseling?

it can be questioned methodoloogically

Which of the following best describes Alfred Adler's view of human nature?

humans create their own life paths

Jennie tells her Adlerian counselor that she would love be a party girl but she is just too shy. Andy the Adlerian instructs Jennie to spend the next two weeks pretending that she is outgoing and sociable. Andy is using the Individual

acting it out

Alfred Adler believes that psychological dysfunction results from:

lifestyles that enhance the self and are not socially oriented

Sarah believes that she must make straight As in all of her counseling classes. According to Adler, she is making which basic mistake?

distorted goals

Which of the following, according to Individual Psychology, is the most important force in how individuals form their lifestyles?

the creative power of the individual

Early recollections are used to

diagnose and understand lifestyle

Darby, age 12, always wants to stay up late. His father lets Darby stay up as late as he wants, but insists that Darby get up on time and get to school. Darby protests, saying that he is too tired. Father insists, and Darby drags himself out of bed and of

allowing natural consequences

Recent research that is less supportive of IP predictions regarding birth order include which of the following?

middle children are more likely to attempt suicide

Adler believed that one's personality is formed by

age 6

One's level of social interest, according to Adler, is

affected by problems in development

Adler thought that dreams

represent some current problems of the person

Recent research on the IP concept of the need to belong found that the following may occur when belongingness is threatened:

increased attention to social events and processes and negative emotional and behavioral reactions

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Rogers' assertion that life is an active process?

Adults seek out meaning in their lives through participation in social activities

Rogers does not believe in using formal assessments or techniques because:

Assessment and Techniques are viewed as ways of objectifying a client and prevent the client from finding his or her own experience

A counselor who most emphasizes the importance of the counseling relationship is an advocate of which approach?

Person centered therapy

Homer's father believed that the only way to be happy is to have one's poetry published. Homer is now working feverishly to publish his poems in order to feel good about himself. This scenario is an example of:

Conditions of worth

Rogers thought that the Person Centered therapist needed to be aware of her own experience in the therapeutic relationship. This quality is called


According to PC Theory, the healthy individual is all of the following EXCEPT

accepting of societal norms and rules

According to Person Centered theory, the means by which experience is evaluated is

The organismic valuing process

Joan finds that she gets very uncomfortable when others want to hug her. She gets anxious and stiff. According to the Person Centered theory, Joan is experiencing

incongruence between self and experience

Tim comes to the counselor because he is afraid of life. He does not trust others and therefore has difficulty establishing satisfying relationships. His Person Centered therapist, Carl, would hope that as result of counseling, Tim could

Be more in touch with his experience

Patty the Person Centered counselor tells her client Jose that she is feeling uncomfortable with the way he interacts with her. She is demonstrating


The current view regarding attainment of "unconditional positive regard" (Cain, 2010) is that

It is an ideal that will never be attained by any counselor

The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapy, according to Person Centered theorists, include all EXCEPT

Unconditional acceptance of the client's behavior

Achieving good health is a process, not a


In a Person Centered model, growth of the individual depends upon

Accurate perceptions of experience

Little Stella has a friend, Shelly, who tends to punch on Stella when they play together. Lately, Stella has been crying when she sees Shelly and tries to crawl away from her. Stella is demonstrating the operation of the

Organismic valuing process

The most useful skill in the Person Centered counselor's arsenal is


When a person talks a lot about external events, expresses few feelings, and has certainty about themselves, the Person Centered therapist would conclude

They are probably not ready for therapy, change is not likely, he or she is in stage 1 of the therapy process

The MOST important element in Person Centered therapy is:


When a client in Person Centered counseling shows resistance, she is likely reacting to

The therapist's interpretations

Defensiveness is the hallmark of a person traditionally described as


One of the findings in research comparing CT to PC therapy was that

The therapeutic relationship was more positive in CT than in PC counseling

According to Person Centered theory, human aggression is

A natural part of life

According to Person Centered theory, when we start to be aware of experience that is counter to our self concepts, we are first likely to

Subceive them

Strategies to help PC therapy work more effectively with traditional males (Gillion, 2008) include

Educating males at the start of therapy, using language that is characteristic of masculine tendencies, and empathasizing with any difficulties in expressing and experiencing

Which of the following most fundamentally distinguishes existential therapy from the schools of therapy preceding it?

A focus on concrete experience rather than understanding thoughts, feelings and behavior in systematic terms.

All but one of these theorists is associated with the development of existential counseling. Who is not?

Victor Frankl

The role of an existential counselor can best be described as a:

Sage or guide

According to existential theorists, authentic living refers to:

An awareness of, and acceptance for, choices and opportunity available in life

The techniques used by the founders of existential counseling:

Tended to be versatile and based on what they thought would work with the client, Tended to incorporate psychoanalytic ideas, and Did not include techniques that would create distance between the counselor and client

The following key words and themes are all associated with existential psychotherapy with the exception of:


Existential counselors believe that ______ is the primary mechanism of change

The relationship

The most important task of exstistentialism is


According to Frankl (1984), "______ is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire".


For ET theorists, meaning is

Inherent and created

If you were an ET theorist and your client was "being in the physical world", what is the correct term for that state of being?


If you were an ET theorist and your client was "in the inner psychological world", what is the correct term for that state of being?


In ET, the ultimate concern is


Cooper (2008) suggests that because of the emphasis on uniqueness that leads to the challenge of "mainstream" ideas, ET may be particularly suitable for those who

Have been marginalized

When a client is experiencing guilt about possibilities unfulfilled, this is called

Existential guilt

An ET counselor is more interested in the client's ____ experience than his/her ___


Authenticity involves

courage, determination, willingness to face our own anxiety about not being

The most severe type of meaninglessness, according to Maddi (2005) is


Which of the following is NOT a theme seen in contemporary ET approaches:


If you were an ET theorist and your client was "in the final dimension, the spiritual world", what is the correct term for that state of being?


A ET counselor asks her client to mediate on her death, picture her funeral, write her obituary and decide what she would wear. This technique is known as:

Guided fantasy

The _____________ technique used in ET means that the counselor must learn to suspend one's beliefs and biases in favor of fully understanding the client's world.


Schneider and King (2010 identified three phases of the ET process. They include all of the following, EXCEPT

Lack of engagement with one's world

A clear contract should be established as ET counseling begins, including

length of therapy, location, and fees

Perls' first theoretical attempts replaced Freud's sexual drive with what drive?


Assimilation is a central construct of Gestalt Therapy that best describes the:

process of developing a sense of personal identity

Research on the process and outcomes of Emotion-Focused Therapy has found that

positive results in clinical trials, superiority of EFT over CCT for the treatment of depression, better outcomes for clients who resolved unfinished business

According to Gestalt Therapists, self-regulation:

Is an innate tendency that all humans have, promotes harmony between the individual and his/her environment, promotes harmony within the individual

A Gestalt Therapist's awareness of his/her experience of the client during therapy sessions is most like that of a (n):

Interpersonal therapist

Jane is a 30 year old single mother of 2 children who has been in therapy with Theo, who is a well-known Gestalt Therapist. During their sessions, Jane speaks openly about her feelings of not belonging in her school age years with her peers or her family.

Difficulty staying in the here and now

Which of the following statements best describes the Gestalt concept of Unfinished Business?

Unfinished business occurs when biological, psychological and/or interpersonal needs are not met, Unfinished business influences how an individual perceives his/her environment, Unfinished business contributes to psychological dysfunction.

A major characteristic of the therapeutic atmosphere of Gestalt therapy is to:

examine what has happened in the past as it is experienced in the here and now of therapy

Melissa is studying for her counseling theories exam; however she is getting frustrated because she is having a difficult time concentrating. She suddenly realizes that she is having difficulty concentrating because she is very tired from working until mi


Desi is a 35 year old Hispanic male who moved to the US from Mexico approximately 4 years ago. Desi is married to Julie, a 32 year old Caucasian female, who is an assistant professor in the counseling psychology program of a well-known university. Desi an


Desi is a 35 year old Hispanic male who moved to the US from Mexico approximately 4 years ago. Desi is married to Julie, a 32 year old Caucasian female, who is an assistant professor in the counseling psychology program of a well-known university. Desi an

Desi's current level of awareness

Desi is a 35 year old Hispanic male who moved to the US from Mexico approximately 4 years ago. Desi is married to Julie, a 32 year old Caucasian female, who is an assistant professor in the counseling psychology program of a well-known university. Desi an

Few structured techniques and pronounced focus on the phenomenological exploration of the client's experience

Which of the following characteristics of Gestalt therapy contributes to its usefulness with clients from diverse populations?

The lack of attention paid to the development of insight

This concept refers to a complete loss of self in which the individual cannot separate him/herself from the environment


This defense occurs when a client's impulse is blunted or dampened (i.e. a person smiles to soften the expression of his/her anger)


Healthy contact with the environment, according to Gestalt theory, results in:


Tammy is angry because her boyfriend, Shane, has dumped her. She contemplated suicide. According to Gestalt therapy, she is experiencing:


George is your client who is coming to counseling because he is depressed about his father's recent death. He has told you that he has great difficulty dealing with authority figures, and after some discussion, you find out that George did not get along w

Is experiencing unfinished business, has disowned some feelings, is probably operating on the basis of interjected shoulds

George is your client who is coming to counseling because he is depressed about his father's recent death. He has told you that he has great difficulty dealing with authority figures, and after some discussion, you find out that George did not get along w

Creative indifference

George is your client who is coming to counseling because he is depressed about his father's recent death. He has told you that he has great difficulty dealing with authority figures, and after some discussion, you find out that George did not get along w

Proactive countertransference

Gestalt therapists would be unlikely to use which of the following techniques:

Role playing

Maladaptive behavior in Gestalt therapy would NOT be likely to include:

Cognitive distortion

Gestalt Therapists believe that contact:

facilitates the development of a healthy sense of self

Which of the following statements best describes research that has tested the quality of Gestalt Theory?

Gestalt Therapy theory is difficult to test because of constructs that are difficult to operationalize

Joyce and Sills (2010), GT therapists, take a broader approach to dream work. They suggest that clients can benefit from interventions such as

Creating different ending for their dreams

Which of the following statements most accurately describes CT theorists' views of human nature?

Humans strive to adapt to the environment

The most recent version of CT appears to be a combination of which of the following two theories:

Behaviorism and psychoanalysis

When Joan goes to class to take a test, she experiences a vague "bad" feeling. According to Cognitive Therapy, the most immediate cause of this feeling is probably:

Automatic thoughts

The most basic kind of cognitive processing, according to Cognitive Therapy, is driven by the:

Primal modes

The primary focus of Cognitive Therapy is the:

Essential roots of psychological dysfunction

When Jason goes to the grocery store, he experiences strong urges to flee, and feels anxious. Beck would say that:

The threat primal mode is inappropriately activated

CT theorists purport that adaptive functioning is influenced by:

Achievement, healthy interpersonal relationships, adaptive core beliefs that are developed in childhood

According to the Cognitive Model, emotions and behaviors are the result of an individual's:

Perception of a situation

Which of the flowing is NOT a basic need of humans according to CT?


Which of the two following pairs of therapists are most alike in terms of how they approach counseling?

Behavioral and CT

Which of the following is NOT a level of cognitive processing?


The initial roles of the therapist and client in Cognitive Therapy are MOST like:


Collaborative Empiricism refers to the:

Client and therapist working together to investigate the client's presenting problems

In CT, client resistance is seen as stemming from:

Problems in collaboration

Arlene the Cognitive Therapist asks her client Sue to take some baby steps towards reestablishing her relationship with her family. Arlene is using

A graded task assignment

Cognitive restructuring occurs via:

Behavioral techniques used in Cognitive Therapy and cognitive techniques used in Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy has been criticized for which of the following:

Constructs are often difficult to operationalize, there is not enough emphasis on cultural factors that influence the client, there is not enough attention paid to familial influences

Which of the following does not fit with the others?

Shame attacking

Researchers who have studied Cognitive Therapy generally report finding:

Consistent empirical evidence to support the descriptive model of depression

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be included as a goal in the treatment plan of a client who is receiving Cognitive Therapy?

Development of awareness of unconscious motives that are driving behavior

Cognitive structures used to organize information are known as:


Which of the following is an example of a constructive mode according to Cognitive Therapy theory?


Helen arrived for her therapy session and reported to her therapist that she "is a terrible mother" because she forgot to make cookies for her daughter's snack time at school today. Helen's therapist knows from previous sessions that Helen works very hard


During the first phase of a CT counseling session, the therapist might be

Checking the client's mood, getting an upgrade on the client's situation and prioritizing the agenda items

The therapist usually teaches cognitive and behavioral skills during the ________
phase of a CT counseling session?

Second phase

Horrell (2008) found the following in a review of studies of CBT with ethnic minority clients

CBT was effective for these individuals, over a wide range of dysfunction and due to the small amount of studies of counseling interventions, the results are not definitive

When clients receiving CT, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, and pharmacotherapy were studied (Szentagotai et al, 2008), ______________.

All three interventions affected autonomic thought, intermediate and core beliefs, and irrational beliefs

I believe I know what is right for my sister, and tell her very often that she should be more responsible and make better choices. According to Reality Therapy, I am acting on the basis of:

External control theory

Nick is having great difficulty getting over his breakup with Chad, his intimate partner of 2 years. According to Reality Therapy,

Chad was in Nick's quality world

According to Reality Therapy, humans are motivated by

The need to maximize pleasure and minimize pain

Glasser's construct of Total Behavior is MOST similar to the key constructs of which of the following theories:


In Reality therapy, the length of therapy

Depends upon the relationship between therapist and client

The explanation of human motivation as explained by Choice Therapy most sharply contrasts with that of:


Which of the following goals is MOST likely to be included in a client's treatment plan who is receiving Reality Therapy?

The client will make more effective choices and the client will re-establish satisfying relationships in his or her life

Which of the following is NOT a technique that is used by a Reality Therapist?


Reality therapy has received criticism for

lack of attention to the influence of environmental factors

Stephen is in therapy with Bob, and they decide that Stephen should, over the next week, meet one new person every day. When Stephen comes to his next session, he has met only 3 new people. Bob asks what Stephen will do over the next week to meet 7 new pe

Reality therapist

According to Reality Therapy, the reason we get depressed is that:

We are unhappy

Researchers who have investigated the efficacy of Reality Therapy have generally reported that Reality Therapy is

Generally effective

Which of the following is an example of a question that a Reality Therapist is likely to ask a client?

What will happen if you continue doing what you have been doing up until now?

A common criticism of the findings of Reality Therapy outcome research is that the:

findings are not typically published in mainstream journals

According to Reality Therapy theory, personality is

the relative strengths of a person's basic needs

Reality Therapy advocates advise that parents should evaluate their parenting behavior according to whether:

It brings them closer to their kids

Never give up" would be the mantra of the _______ therapist


The key difference between the Cognitive Therapist's and Reality Therapist's idea of the need for power is that Cognitive Therapists assert that _____ and Reality Therapist's assert that ___________

power is a means to an end of survival; humans want power for the sake of having it

The focus of Reality Therapy on personal choice makes it a:

difficult theory to use with clients who are from minority and disadvantaged cultures

Which of the following is a central construct of Reality Therapy?

Basic needs

According to Reality Therapy theory, a counselor who talks about transference is

Avoiding responsibility for the relationship

The philosophy of humans that is adopted by Reality Therapists asserts that humans

are able to make choices to exert more control over their lives

Glasser asserts that human behavior is a function of the

Drive to satisfy basic needs

Which of the following is NOT one of Reality Therapy's basic needs?


Wubbholding (2011a) describes three stages of healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Positive symptoms tend to appear in the ____________ of healthy, or growth progression.

Second stage

_____________ characterizes the first stage of ineffective behavior

Giving up

According to Wubbholding (2011a) positive addiction characterizes the _______ stage of healthy, growth progression.


Reality therapy uses which of the following forms of client assessment?

No assessment or formal diagnosis

Humans are biologically predisposed towards irrational thinking. Which theorist would vehemently endorse this belief?

Albert Ellis

According to REBT, healthy individuals do all of the following EXCEPT


My book gets published and does not do very well in terms of sales. Which of the following is the BEST example of an irrational belief?

I have failed and I can't stand it

The most important result of REBT is for clients to

Behave differently

When Gloria spoke to Carl Rogers about utopia, Albert Ellis would see this as

Irrational thinking

When I get upset with myself for being angry, I am probably experiencing_________

Secondary disturbances

Which of the following statements BEST demonstrates healthy Unconditional Self Acceptance, according to REBT?

I refuse to evaluate myself globally

The A in the REBT approach stands for

Adversity and antecedent event

Self-demandingness, other-demandingness and world-demandingness describe dysfunction in which approach?


Julie believes that she absolutely MUST be the best mother possible. According to REBT, she should instead


The REBT counselor would be LEAST likely to use the following technique:

Extensive problem exploration

Which of the flowing is most important in REBT?


The role of the counselor in REBT is


The best client outcome in REBT involves

Adopting a new life philosophy

When the counselor disputes my idea that people will make fun of me if I dance poorly, she is using

Inelegant REBT

Elegant REBT has the following outcomes EXCEPT

clients get insight into the development of their irrational beliefs

In REBT, resistance is seen as originating in

The client's tendency to be irrational and therapist error

The REBT counselor asks the client, "Does it follow that if you got fired from this job that you will never succeed at keeping one?". The therapist has just used which technique?

Logical disputation

REBT's emphasis on logical thinking, control of emotion, and counselor as teacher can be seen as

Contrary to some cultural values, consistent with the values of some cultures, supporting the traditional value of psychotherapy

Holly is very concerned with her appearance and thinks that if she sets foot out of her house without makeup, people would turn away from her because she is so ugly and that would be awful. Holly's irrational belief is

That it would be awful if people turned away from her

Holly's REBT therapist decides that she should paint her face blue and walk around the mall. Robert the REBT counselor has assigned a

Shame attacking exercise

Ellis and MacLauren (2005) added another form of disputes to REBT that focus on life situations. One example is a so immersed in problems that he loses sight of the bigger issues in existence. This technique is called

Philosophical disputation

Research support for REBT

is unconvincing regarding the validity of REBT predictions about beliefs and emotions, is not clear in terms of whether observed changes in belief are specific to REBT, and shows that recent studies are major improvements over previous ones

Solution Focused Therapy has been criticized for:

its sole focus on symptom relief

Which of the following statements BEST describes the status of research that has been conducted on Solution Focused Therapy

Solution Focused Therapy does not have an underlying theoretical structure

Which of the following is true regarding empirical support for SFT?

the research focuses more on outcome rather than theory testing efforts and there is some support for the effectiveness of SFT

One common criticism of Solution Focused Therapy as a method of working with clients who are from disadvantaged ethnic groups is that SFT places too

little emphasis on broader social factors that might influence the client and much emphasis on the problem

Solution Focused Therapists tend to believe that

There is no one true reality

Donna comes to counseling because she thinks that she has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She has numerous obsessive thoughts. One of these thoughts is that she has left the coffee-maker on in her apartment and that it will start a fire that will burn the

Normalized the problem

Bob asks Donna about times when she does not go back to her apartment. From a Solution Focused perspective, Bob has

Asked the right question

Bob gives a case presentation to a bunch of counseling students. He states that "this client has a great strength in her ability to attend to detail." What mistake has Bob made?

He has done nothing wrong

Bob asks Donna to go home and write some dialog to bring to their next session. He tells her to write a conversation between the detail-oriented Dee and the slob, Dumb. Bob seems a little scattered in his approach; in fact, he is acting more like a _____

Gestalt therapy; top dog-underdog

A Solution Focused Therapist will MOST likely endorse which of the following statements:

A small amount of change instills a sense of hope in the client that more is possible

Jessie sought therapy because he was fired from his last 2 jobs and his wife has threatened to file for divorce unless he attended counseling. During the initial meeting, Jessie told his therapist Greg, that he isn't really sure why needs to come to couns


Jessie sought therapy because he was fired from his last 2 jobs and his wife has threatened to file for divorce unless he attended counseling. During the initial meeting, Jessie told his therapist Greg, that he isn't really sure why needs to come to couns

thoughts about how the two of them could work together to make something different in Jessie's life

Jessie sought therapy because he was fired from his last 2 jobs and his wife has threatened to file for divorce unless he attended counseling. During the initial meeting, Jessie told his therapist Greg, that he isn't really sure why needs to come to couns


Jane is a 42 year old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who

Solution Focused Therapists do not use formal assessments

Jane is a 42 year old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who

look for evidence of Jane's competence and strength

Jane is a 42 year old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who

The Miracle Question

Jane is a 42 year old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who

Mark has become "tangled" in the problem

In Solution Focused Therapy, the counselor is most interested in

The absence of the problem

Solution Focused Therapy is known to focus particularly on

Mechanisms of change

Solution Focused Therapists believe that it is preferable to ____ during the initial session with a client:

Form a solvable complaint and solve the client's presenting problem

Solution focused Therapists consider which of the following therapy session(s) to be most important

The first session

A Miracle Client:

is often encouraged to anticipate difficulties that s/he may encounter in the future

A question that is commonly asked by a Solution Focused Therapist is "when the problem is not present, how are things different?". This question is an example of a _______ question.


A Solution Focused Therapist will MOST often provide the client with ____ following during their first session:

A homework assignment

Solution Focused Therapists tend to view resistance as a:

Construct that is not relevant to Solution Focused Therapy

Seidel and Hedley (2008) found the following regarding SFT

significant change in positive directions on measures

Meta analyses of Solution Focused counseling found:

small effect sizes that favored SFT, variable quality of the studies and mixed results, and statistically significant effect only for internalizing problems

Narrative Therapists see life as a process of_________


The name(s) most associated with Narrative Therapy is/are

Michael White and David Epston

A major influence of the evolution of Narrative Therapy was due to the fact that the founder(s) was/were

not intensively trained in the psychoanalytic tradition

In regard to the concept of power, Narrative Therapists align MOST closely with what other group of therapists?


Narrative Therapists approach clients from a perspective that emphasizes__________ and __________.

Health; strength

One of the founders of Narrative Therapy refers to himself as a

Conversational host

The type of story that brings clients to counseling is called the

Problem-saturated story

These adjectives refer to the qualities of the stories clients tell

Thinness and thickness

A unique outcome is

an event that is not part of the dominant, problem-saturated story and the exception to the problem's rule

Doan (1998) suggested that the two central narratives that are common to all people are:

Love and fear

Which of the following is NOT one of West and Bubenzer's (2002) three problematic narratives?

Being used

Assessment in a Narrative Therapy model is

seen as a continuous process that is focused on understanding client's perspectives on their lives, not likely to use formal means, inconsistent with Narrative Therapy philosophy

In a Narrative Therapy session, whose language is used?

The client's

The Narrative Therapist is seen as a(n)


The major technique used in Narrative Therapy is

Asking questions

When clients are given the opportunity to share their experiences with others, this is called:

Taking it back practice

When a special person or group of people are invited to participate in therapy conversations, this is called:

Outsider Witness practice

A(n) __________ letter can be composed for clients who are reluctant about therapy to acknowledge the client's choice and control in his/her life.


A criticism of Narrative Therapy is that

it is too difficult to read and understand, it loses the family, and it does not include a more defined theoretical structure

The term that refers to culturally-based "truths" is called

Cultural discourse

White's (2007) category of inquiry in externalizing conversation include

negotiating experience-near definition of the problem, justifying the evaluation, evaluating the effects of the problem's activities

The middle or 3rd stage in NT, according to Vromans an Schweitzer (2010) is

Deconstructing dominant stories

________ technique is so important in NT that Madigan (2011) admits using them 99% of the time in therapy


Which of the following is true regarding the empirical validity of NT?

Many of the studies are qualitative

The following can be said regarding issues of individual and cultural diversity in
mindfulness approaches:

DBT was developed for a diagnosis that is applied more often to females than men and ACT and DBT seem to be applicable with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds

Jim is 14 years old and was recently suspended from school for repeated incidents of physical aggression with his peers. Jim's parents brought him to therapy to help him learn better ways of "managing his anger". During the initial interview, Jim's parent

Identified patient

Jim is 14 years old and was recently suspended from school for repeated incidents of physical aggression with his peers. Jim's parents brought him to therapy to help him learn better ways of "managing his anger". During the initial interview, Jim's parent

have the internal resources that they need to be able to work together and function as a healthy family system

Jim is 14 years old and was recently suspended from school for repeated incidents of physical aggression with his peers. Jim's parents brought him to therapy to help him learn better ways of "managing his anger". During the initial interview, Jim's parent

forming a triangle with Jim, leaving Jim's father excluded from the dyad of Jim and Jim's mother

Jim is 14 years old and was recently suspended from school for repeated incidents of physical aggression with his peers. Jim's parents brought him to therapy to help him learn better ways of "managing his anger". During the initial interview, Jim's parent


One of the hallmarks of Virginia Satir's approach to family therapy is the focus on:


Which of the following is NOT one of Satir's faulty communication stances?


The approaches in the chapter on FST are alike in that they all recognize


According to Structural Family therapy, subsystems are

Small groups of family members and individuals

Strategic and Structural Therapy share an interest in which construct?


Jeb presents as rigid and robot-like as he tells you what brings him to counseling. He says that his family complains that he has no feelings and doesn't seem to care about them, only work. At work, Jeb is unhappy because everyone is always begging him fo

exhibiting rigid, repetitive interactive behavior

Jeb presents as rigid and robot-like as he tells you what brings him to counseling. He says that his family complains that he has no feelings and doesn't seem to care about them, only work. At work, Jeb is unhappy because everyone is always begging him fo


Jeb presents as rigid and robot-like as he tells you what brings him to counseling. He says that his family complains that he has no feelings and doesn't seem to care about them, only work. At work, Jeb is unhappy because everyone is always begging him fo


Jeb presents as rigid and robot-like as he tells you what brings him to counseling. He says that his family complains that he has no feelings and doesn't seem to care about them, only work. At work, Jeb is unhappy because everyone is always begging him fo

Engaging in emotional cutoff

Which of the following FSTs would be most interested in an objective (as compared to a subjective) viewpoint on therapy?

Structural and strategic

The pseudo independent posture is the result of

Low differentiation

Janie is the youngest child in a large family. Her relatives all live down the street from Janie but Janie refuses to visit anyone, even for Thanksgiving dinner. According to Bowen, Janie is displaying:

Emotional cutoff

When stress levels rise in a family that is of relatively low differentiation, which of the following is likely to be observed?

Problems in the couple relationship, Dysfunction in a child, and Dysfunction in one of the partners

Which of the following is NOT likely to be characteristic of a Bowenian family therapist?

Joins with the family

Family Systems Theories are often criticized for

the role of the therapist as the "expert" and client as "passive

Which of the following are true regarding the use of detriangling?

one needs to be in continual contact with two other family members around the issue, you can't take sides with either of the other members or defend yourself, it is best practiced when there is some form of emotional upswing in the family

Theorists from which of the following orientations tend to be the harshest critics of Family Systems Theories:

Feminist therapy

Clinicians who are concerned with cultural biases that are inherent with theories such as Family Systems Theories tend to criticize FST for:

the narrow definition of family and the emphasis that is placed on separation from the family

Which of the following theorists would most closely match the philosophy of human nature adopted by Virginia Satir?

Carl Rogers

Minuchin's theory of personality development tends to focus on

the development of the family rather than each individual within the family

Bermudez (2008) noted the following in her research on using the Satir approach:

Problems associated with the Satir maxim that people are doing the best that they can, hispanic families might not be willing to comment on family rules, satir's approach had significant strengths in terms of cultural applicability

Feminist therapists have which difficulty with traditional FS theory?

Neutral stance and concept of circular causality

Case conceptualization (Hayes et al., 2010) in ACT includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

self-diagnosis using standard measures

Mindfulness approaches have origins in


Approaches that represent the "third wave" of behavioral and cognitive therapies
Include _____.

Mindfulness approaches

The construct of ______ in ACT is based on idea that to function most optimally, we
need to be in contact with what is going on around us now, not caught in the past,
future, or our own convoluted thoughts.

Being present

______ refers to learning to perceive thoughts as only thoughts in ACT.

Cognitive defusion

John has a tendency to blindly take events and experiences as basic truths about
himself. He has difficulty with ______, according to ACT?

Self as perspective

The philosophy behind ACT is known as _______.

Functional contextualism

Functional contextualism is distinguished from other approaches by which of the
following values?

it is holistic, the role of context is central in understanding events, and the criterion for truth is pragmatic

ACT is based on the theoretical foundation of ___________.

Relational frame theory

The goal of healthy living is not so much to feel good, but rather to feel good. This is
a basic tenet of ________.

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Mariah came to therapy because she feels she is struck on one version of herself and
is having difficulty growing and experiencing herself in other life contexts. ACT
would say she is experiencing difficulty with ___________.

Conceptualized self

The acronym FEAR in ACT stands for __________.

Fear, evaluation, avoidance, reason giving

Ryan has recently begun to experience difficulties in his marriage. He began
acceptance and commitment therapy to address the problem. The therapist might
use _______ to help him with his relationship issues.

The willingness deal

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) was conceived by _______.

Marsha Linehan

Which of the following is true regarding the philosophy of DBT?

holistic perspective in which context is critical, view that reality is fluid, and view that reality is composed of opposing forces or polarities

Dialectical behavior therapists believe which of the following regarding health and

Dysfunction is related to emotional dysregulation

Dialectical Behavior Therapy focuses particularly on _______________.

Borderline Personality Disorder

The primary goal in DBT is to teach clients to ________.

trust in she self, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and modulate intense emotions

Melissa tends to isolate and is working in DBT therapy on making a greater
connection with the world. She is probably in what stage of therapy?

Stage III

Telephone consultations with clients serve what purpose in DBT?

help teach appropriate ways to ask for help, help clear up misunderstandings that occurred in therapy session, and help clients learn to generalize skills to all situations

Drew is working with one of his impulsive clients to use distraction and thinking of
pros and cons before he lashes out at others. He is also teaching him some
self-soothing skills. These _________ techniques are very important in DBT

Distress tolerance skills

One of the core strategies of dialectical behavior therapy is validation. The other core
strategy is _____________.

Problem solving

Which of the following is true regarding the research on mindfulness approaches?

Both ACT and DBT have solid theoretical systems and good research support.

Feminist therapists tend to draw their ideas about human nature and development from

Existing theories

Feminists therapists are attentive to problems such as

eating disorders, sexual violence, and emotional violence

The foundation underlying Feminist Therapy asserts that:

traditional theories of psychotherapy are inherently biased toward women and members of disempowered groups

Which of the following most accurately describes how Feminist Therapists assert that individuals form a self in relation to others?

Male children are taught to become active and separate from their mother whereas girls are taught to maintain their focus on the relationships they have with others

Feminist Therapy appears to be a useful approach for working with

men and clients who are members of ethnic minority groups

Baird et al., (2007) found that men who identified themselves as feminist therapists

experienced feminist women in personal relationships or in training, were aware of their privileged status as males in U.S. culture, had feelings of professional isolation

Which of the following statements BEST describes Feminist Therapy

Feminist Therapy has a strong philosophy but has few techniques

Feminist Therapists assert that psychological dysfunction results from

Oppression by the dominant culture

Feminist Therapists typically use what type of assessment tools when gathering information

feminist therapists do not use standard assessment methods

Postmodernism is MOST similar to


Feminist Therapists' believe that sex is _______ determined and gender is ______ determined

Biologically; socially

Feminist therapists see dysfunction as resulting primarily from

Social factors

Upon which of the following areas do Feminist Therapists tend to focus in the counseling process

building a sense of empowerment within the client, assertiveness training, relational therapy

Shanelle is seeing Betty F, the feminist therapist because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her.
Betty is likely to

acknowledge the power differential between them

Shanelle is seeing Betty F, the feminist therapist because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her.
Which of the following techniques is Betty LEAST likely to use with Shanelle?

Systematic desensitization

Shanelle is seeing Betty F, the feminist therapist because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her.
Shanelle's treatment plan for therapy will MOST likely include which of the fo

develop a personal sense of power

Shanelle is seeing Betty F, the feminist therapist because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her.
Betty thinks that Shanelle's panic attacks are probably associated with

Society's values around emotionality

According to Feminist Therapists, women get diagnosed as dysfunctional because

stereotypically feminine traits are not valued by society, male traits set the standard for health, society ignores the oppression of women

Cultural feminists are known to focus on _______ whereas socialist feminists are known to focus on _________

difference between males and females; cultural norms of femininity

One of the difficulties of research on the actual practice or outcome of FT is

it's philosophical basis and tendency to be technically eclectic

In Feminist Therapy, the roles of client and counselor are

Egalitarian and expert-expert

Feminist therapists promote:

An egalitarian therapy relationship

Yakushko (2007) found that women in the _________________ cluster reported Significantly lower well-being scores than women falling into the other clusters.

Women with traditional values

Which of the following is true regarding the research by Broverman et al., (1970)?

The qualities of a healthy person most resembled those of a healthy male and Their findings could be almost entirely attributed to characteristics of the method used

Anna has just finished a class in counseling theories and is very excited to select her theory of choice to write her theoretical orientation paper. Which of the following factors should Anna consider when making her decision:

empirical evidence for the theory, Anna's level of comfort with the theory's view of the characteristics of a healthy personality, Anna's beliefs about what motivates people

Which of the following theoretical orientations has the strongest level of empirical support?

Behavioral Therapy

Beth is evaluating Psychoanalytic Theory to determine whether or not it is a "good theory". Beth would be most accurate if she concluded that Psychoanalysis is:

empirically supported and stimulating, but not very practical

Which of the following theoretical orientations does not have an orientation to assessment?

Feminist therapy

Deborah has spent a lot of time thinking about what theoretical orientation is the best fit for her. She is quite aware of her belief that there is not one true reality and instead, people create their own reality as they move through their experiences. G

Solution focused therapy

Donald just finished his introductory class in theories of counseling. As he reflects on what he learned during the course of the semester he realizes that he is acutely aware of his belief that reality is not something that can be created by people as th


Eric now realizes that he believes humans are motivated by unconscious motives that they need to become more aware of in order to change. The following theoretical orientation will not be a very good fit for him.

Family systems

Which of the following theoretical orientations has a strong view about how an individual's personality develop?

Psychoanalytic Therapy

Which of the following theoretical orientations does not have a theory of personality development?

Feminist therapy

The Transtheoretical Approach to Psychotherapy

combines the techniques and establishes pantheoretical assumptions

Which of the following is NOT an element of the Contextual Model that was proposed by Frank & Frank in 1991?

a match between client and counselor background

Processes, stages, and levels are three basic dimensions of change that are associated with which of the following theoretical orientations:

Transtheoretical Therapy

Which of the following are basic processes that are associated with change according to the Transtheoretical approach to therapy?

self-liberation and motional expression

A client who is a visitor in the Solution Focused Therapy is in what stage of change in the Transtheoretical Model


Laura is working with a client from a Person Centered approach and determined that the client is in Stage 3 of the therapy process. Laura's colleague, Matt, who practices therapy from the Transtheoretical approach, consult with Laura on the case and deter


Which theory of counseling has a PESSIMISTIC view of human motivation?


Which theory of counseling has a NEUTRAL view of human motivation?


Which theory of counseling has an OPTIMISTIC view of human motivation

Individual psychology, reality therapy, gestalt

Which theory of counseling has no specific model of human development?


Empirical verification can be found for aspects of

Mindfulness approaches, individual psychology, family systems therapy

Of the following, probably the least evidence for empirical verification is found for

Reality therapy

Gestalt Therapy receives indirect support from the work of Greenberg and colleagues
in ____________.

Emotion-focused psychotherapy

Wampold argued that the most powerful influences in counseling outcome are:

Therapeutic relationship and therapist allegiance