Theories in Marriage and Family Therapy

How does structural therapy address the problems in a family?

By charting the relationship between family members and between subsets of family.

What does the therapy do?

Tries to disrupt dysfunctional relationships within the family?

What does structural therapy focus on?

family organization and boundaries and the ways in which these structures govern interactional patterns.

Structural therapist attempt to

unbalance the family.

Structural therapist also

reframe the problem

Solution Focused believe that

the attempted solution would often perpetuate the problem, rather than solving it

Solution focused also believed who is the expert?

he client is the expert

Who believed if it is not broken, do not ?x it

Solution Focused

Examples of solution focused questions:

How did you do that?, How did you decide to do that?, How did you manage to do that?

What does Solution Focused focus on?

Finding solutions rather than understanding the problem.

Social Constructivist Family Therapy

Based on the concept that reality is an intersubjective pheonmenon that is constructed in conversation.

MRI group focused on


Solution Focused Family Therapy encourages

clients to increase behaviors that work well and notice situations in which the problem does not occur

Constructivist Family Therapy is based

on postmodern philosoph

Conjoint Marital Therapy was developed by

Virginia Satir

Conjoint Marital Therapy is when

both both partners are seen together by one or two therapists.

Conjoint Martial Therapy is designed for couples

without children

Conjoint Martial Therapy works well

when one or both partner have a psychiatric disorder or dx such as alcoholism, gambling, extramarital affair

Collaborative Couples Therapy theory

Dan Wiles

Concurrent Family Therapy is when

therapist works with both spouses at different times

Constructivist Family Therapy

based on postmodern philosophy which emphasizes the concept that a person's knowledge of the world is based on his/her perception and internal construction of the truth and the belief that reality can never really be known.

Cognitive Behavioral therapy believes

Symptoms are learned responses that are caused by dysfunctional reinforcement

Cognitive Behavioral therapy is usually

time limited and symptom focused

Cognitive Behavioral believe

that all behavior is learned