NCE Study of Theories

the client's intellectual, emotional, and environmental resources.

A counselor who follows an eclectic approach to counseling primarily bases the choice of utilized techniques upon


Client: "I just can't see myself working in a hospital, being around sick kids all day." Counselor: "You just don't like kids." The counselor in this example has made which of the following types of reflection error?


The counseling technique used by the counselor to explain to a client the logical inconsistencies in the client's statements is known as


In the context of the Reality Therapy approach to counseling, the counselor strives to achieve a counseling relationship in which the counselor assumes a(n) role in decision-making relative to the client.

The consultee correctly interprets the symptoms identified. b. The consultee trusts that the consultant has provided accurate diagnostic information. c. The consultee is willing to implement the suggestions made by the consultant.

In Schein's "Doctor-Patient" model of consultation, which of the following conditions must be met for the consultation process to be effective?

use active-listening skills until the client is better able to describe the problem.

A client comes to a counselor complaining of "being generally unhappy." However, the client is unable to clarify further the nature of the unhappiness other than through vague allusions to being not interested in anything. At this point in the process, th


Client: "Most of the time things are fine, but I hate it when my parents fight. It makes me want to run away from home." Counselor: "Is it possible that you both love and hate your parents?" The counselor's response is an example of the counseling skill k

Mental health consultation is a supplement to other problem-solving mechanisms within an organization.

A basic assumption underlying effective use of Caplan's Mental Health Consultation model.

a client's cognitions are "hypotheses to be tested," not absolute facts of truths. b. clients should perform "personal experiments" to determine if cognitions and beliefs are consistent with objective reality. c. "restructuring of cognitions" is an import

Ellis' Rational Emotive Therapy and Meichenbaum's Cognitive Behavior Modification approaches to counseling are similar in that both hold that

an awareness of client behavioral stimuli and reinforcements.

Counselors who follow a behavioral counseling orientation know that primary emphasis in it is the development of

a different race from the counselor

Clients and counselors sit closer together, presumable reflecting being psychologically closer, when they are similar in terms of factors such as age, social status, and general appearance (e.g., style of clothing worn). However, research in proxemics als


In the context of the counselor's use of active listening skills, the following is an example of which type of reflection error? Client: "I just can't see myself sitting at a desk job all day." Counselor: "You want to do outdoor work.


Men (used here to mean all people) are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them." This quote, attributable to Epictetus, most closely describes the counseling theory developed by

paradoxical intention.

The counseling technique in which the counselor intensifies the client's emotional state in order to help the client understand the irrationality of the emotional reaction is known as

reaction formation.

A counselor was working with a client who had recently experienced a divorce, become unemployed, and had to move to a considerably smaller residence. In talking with the counselor about these matters, the client often joked about his situation and seemed

success in areas of life in which they do not feel successful.

A primary goal of counselors who follow an Adlerian counseling orientation is to help clients achieve


Defining a client's psychopathology as failure to make meaningful choices in life and failure to accentuate the positive aspects of life is consistent with the ___________ orientation to counseling.

doing a deed that leads to accomplishment. b. experiencing a positive, intrinsic value, c. processing through suffering back to happiness.

According to Frankl, true meaning in life can be discovered through all of the following

what happens in the here-and-now.

Counselors who follow a Gestalt orientation closely know that it has a primary emphasis on


which counseling orientations is the counselor most likely to take an active role in redirecting the clients cognitions

behavioral disputation.

When a counselor following Ellis' orientation to counseling asks a client to behave in a way that is opposite to the way the client would like to behave in a situation, the counselor is using a technique known as .

are measurable and observable.

A distinguishing characteristic of Behavioral approaches to counseling is strong emphasis on establishment of counseling goals that

a process of successive approximation. b. confrontation of the anxiety producing stimulus.

In the context of a Behavioral counseling orientation, reduction of a client's anxiety is most likely achieved through

accept responsibility for personal behavior.

A counselor following the Reality Therapy approach to counseling would be primarily interested in helping the client to


In the context of family counseling, the term __________ is used to describe the level of emotional bonding among the members of a family.

develops new ways of functioning in response to emerging needs and patterns of interaction among group members.

Although group effectiveness is difficult to define and is related to the purposes and leadership of the group, some general principles have been agreed upon. For example, group processes generally are most effective when the group


A counseling group member stated, "I feel so much better knowing that many of you have had similar problems. I guess we're all in the same boat!" This member's statement is an example of a group process phenomenon known as

that have not assumed responsibility for their own functioning.

In some counseling groups, the members feel dependent upon the group counselor (leader) for direction and movement and are passive in other ways as well, and the group counselor is easily fatigued and irritated because of the responsibility to "make every

The members' previous experience in groups.

Which of the following is the LEAST important consideration that a group leader should employ in the selection of potentially appropriate strategies to be used in the group?


The members of a group seemed to be rebelling against the group counselor's leadership, "fighting" with one another to establish dominance in the group, confronting the group counselor as well as one another, and generally being in a state of conflict. Ba


Counselors know that groups are formed for different purposes. For example, in some groups, the primary goal is to yield some specified outcome, or "product," while in others, the primary goal is to focus on the "process" of interaction within the group.


In the context of group counseling, members who are high in conformity also tend to be high in


Counselors refer to the study of "person-to-person relationships" within a group situation as

Helping individuals achieve integration. b. Helping group members "grow up." c. Helping individuals accept anxiety as part of life.

Goals of Gestalt counseling groups.

systematic desensitization

A specific group counseling technique for re-inforcing desirable behaviors by pairing them with incompatible behaviors and incorporating principles of relaxation is


Diagnosis is most clearly a counselor's task in which of the following types of group counseling?


Within the context of group counseling, the intentional application of theories of group interaction is known as group

laissez faire

When a group counseling leader is minimally involved and allows the group members to determine the nature and course of the group, the group leader is using the __________ style of group leadership.


Often a group progresses effectively towards its goals primarily due to the personal and professional respect the members have for the group leader. Leaders enjoying this situation would be most effective using which of the following group leadership styl

instillation of hope

When a group leader attempts to help members of a group realize the potential of the group to be beneficial to each group member, the group leader is trying to facilitate ______________ among group members.

imitative behavior.

When a group leader attempts to demonstrate appropriate behaviors relative to the purposes of the group, the group leader is hoping that group members will change through

working through conflicts, attempts at group domination, confrontations, and resistance.

The "transition" or "control" stage of group process is focused primarily upon group members

reality checker.

A group member who consistently brings the group to the present and focuses on relating environmental influences in group members' lives to current group activities and direction is known as the

Economy of approach, Effectiveness, Interpersonal power.

Which of the following is an advantage of group counseling as compared to individual counseling?

informed consent.

A group leader who informs potential participants of the goals and methods to be used in the group, group leader qualifications, group schedule, member expectations, and limits of confidentiality is engaging in a process known as

task functions.

A group leader who is concerned about the group staying focused, accomplishing goals, and achieving effective closure is thinking about group


A group leader attends to how issues are addressed or avoided, levels of member participation, and modes of interaction among group members primarily in order to understand the group's

attachment of meaning

When a group counseling leader helps group members understand the relationship between emotions and cognitions, the group leader is fulfilling the group leader's _____________ function.


Groups whose primary purpose is to allow group members to gain new information and develop new skills are ______________ groups.

ecological assessment

Used as a prelude to group counseling, _______________ involves consideration of the cultural, demographic, economic, social, health, and psychological needs of group members and how they are likely to relate to the group's purposes and goals.