Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy 10th ed. Gerald Corey: Chapter 9

Social learning approach/social cognitive therapy

Theory: behavior best understood by taking into consideration social conditions under which learning occurs
-the environmental events on behavior are mainly determined by cognitive processes governing how environmental influences are perceived by an indiv

Social skills training

deals with an individuals's ability to interact effectively with others in various social situations
helps clients achieve and develop social skills interpersonal competence
ex; anger management training ,

Systematic desensitization

exposing the client to anxiety arousing situations to bring the client to point where stimulus no longer brings a response
exposure therapy
treating phobias
3 Step-Process
1. relaxation training
2. development of a graduated anxiety hierarchy-ranking anxi

Behavior Therapy Technique

-cognitive therapy
-social skills training
-relaxation training



A-B-C Model

Behavior is influenced by antecedents and followed by consequences
Antecedents- Behavior-Consequences


Receiving present experience without judgment/preference, rather curiosity/gentleness and striving for full awareness of present moment.

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Mindfulness program encourages clients to accept unpleasant situations rather than attempt to change unpleasant situations

Anger Management Training

Social skills program for people who have aggressive behavior

Antecedent events

Events that cue or elicit certain behaviors

Applied Behavioral analysis

Behavior modification; seeks to understand causes of behavior, changing antecedents and consequences

Assessment Interview

Questioning that enables therapist to identify antecedent and consequent events that influence/ are a part of the individuals behavior pattern


Personality can be understood by assessing seven areas of functioning :
B: Behavior
A: Affective responses
S: Sensations
I: Images
C: Cognitiona
I: interpersonal relationships
D: Drugs/ biological functions

Behavior Modification

Therapeutic approach that deals with analyzing and modifying Behavior

Behavior rehearsal

Technique consisting of trying out in new behaviors within therapy that are to be used in everyday situations.

Behavior therapy

Application of diverse techniques supported by empirical evidence to change behavior
-focus on direct observable bx,
-current determinants of bx,
-learning experiences that promote change
Four Areas of Development
1. classical conditioning
2. Operant cond

Behavioral analysis

Identifying maintaining conditions by systematically gathering information about situational antecedents, the dimensions of the problem behavior, and the consequences of the problem

Behavioral assessment interview

the therapist's task is to identify the particular antecedent and consequence events that influence, or are functionally related to, an individual's behavior

Classical conditioning

refers to what happens prior to learning that creates a response through pairing
Neutral stimulus paired with response. Stimulus eventually can elicit response. Dinner bell example

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Blend of cognitive and behavioral methods.
CBT operates on the assumption that what people believe influences how they act and feel

Cognitive behavioral coping skills therapy

Procedures aimed at teaching clients specific skills to deal effectively with problematic situations.

Cognitive processes

Internal events such as thoughts beliefs perceptions and self statements


Events that take place as a result of specific behavior being formed, executed
-events that maintain a behavior in some way, either by increasing or decreasing it

Contingency contracting

Written agreement between client and someone that specifies relationship between performing target behaviors and their consequences

Dialetical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Blend of behavioral and psychoanalytic designed to treat borderline personality disorder/ chronically suicidal individuals
four modules-
interpersonal effectiveness-learn how to say no
emotional regulation-identifying obstacles to changing em

Evidence-bases treatments

Therapeutic interventions that have empirical evidence support

Exposure therapies

through imagination or Live exposure
Treatment for fears and other negative emotional responses by exposing person to the stimuli they are afraid of
one time of exposure therapy is desensitization


Refers to withholding reinforcement from a previously reinforced response. The result is a decrease in frequency of of the behavior in future
-parents stop reinforcing tantrums

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

a form of exposure theray
based on involving imaginal flooding, cognitive restructuring, and the use of rhythmic eye movements and other stimulation to treat traumatic stress disorders and fearful memories
EMDR- is an integrative psychotherapeutic approac


Exposure to anxious stimuli for a prolonged period of time. Clients are prevented from engaging in maladaptive response
In vivo flooding--consists of intense or prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety-producing stimuli
Imaginal flooding-client's imaginat

Functional assesment

Evaluating and diagnosing antecedents and consequences associated with the occurrence of behavior.

Interpersonal effectiveness

Learning to ask for what one needs, being able to say no. While maintaining self respect and relationships with others

In vivo exposure

involves client exposure to the actual anxiety-evoking events rather than simply imagining these situations. Live exposure ex: touch the bulldog or go inside the elevators


Intense and prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety-producing stimuli
can be in vivo or imagined


clients train themselves to intentionally focus on their present experience with acceptance
learn to live in the moment to moment
teaches individuals to be aware of an accept the world as it is and to respond to each moment effectively

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

Integration of of the principles and skills of mindfulness to treat depression
teaches cognitive behavioral skills to clients
primary aim is to change clients awareness of and relation to their negative thoughts

Mindfulness based stress reduction

Program applies mindfulness techniques to coping with stress and promoting physical, mental health.
helping to teach people to live in the present rather than ruminating about the past or being overly concerned about the future


Learning thru observation, imitation

Negative punishment

Reinforcing stimulus removed following the behavior to decrease frequency of a target behavior: deducting money from workers

Multimodal therapy

comprehensive, systematic, holistic approach to behavior therapy multitude of treatment strategies be used in bringing about change
grounded in social cognitive learning theory
encourages technical eclecticism -applies diverse behavioral technique from a

Negative reinforcement

avoidance of aversive stimuli
Removing negative stimulus following when desired behavior occurs. ex: ex one wakes up before the annoying sound of alarm

Operant conditioning

Negative, positive reinforcement
type of learning in which behaviors are influenced by the consequences that follow them

Positive Reinforcement

Individual receives praise, attention, money or food for consequence of behavior (rewarding)

Positive punishment

Averse stimulus added after behavior to decrease frequency of behavior

Progressive muscle relaxation

Stress coping mechanism focused on both muscle and mental relaxation


aversive control, decrease targeted behavior


increase target behavior

Self compassion

Being understanding toward ourselves, anti self defeating thoughts

Self directed behavior

People can change own behavior and be agent of change

Self efficacy

Individuals belief that they can master a situation, bring about desired change

Self management

teaching clients coping skills
teaching clients how to
select realistic goals,
how to translate those goals into target behavior,
way to self-monitor
how to created an action plan for change, and
evaluate their actions


Collection of strategies based on idea that change can happen by teaching coping skills

Self monitoring

Observing ones behavior patterns, social interactions

Social effectiveness training

Multifaceted treatment program designed to reduce social anxiety, improve interpersonal skills, and increase range of enjoyable social activities.