Theory and practice of counseling FINAL

The feelings that a client projects onto the therapist are known as:


Issues of counter transference are best dealt with:

In supervision

Effective counselors are encouraged to culturally-neutral when counseling a multi-cultural group of clients:


In order to be effective, counselors must have a thorough and complete understanding of the cultural backgrounds of all the clients they treat:


A therapist must ethically break confidentiality under which of the following circumstances

- When a client poses an imminent danger to himself/herself or others
- In cases of known child abuse
- In cases of suspected child abuse
ALL the above

Termination of therapy should be discussed:

In the first therapy session and periodically over the course of therapy

In the state of CO, DORA is in place to protect the:


The history drives the:


Did you have a good weekend?" is an example of:

Closed question

Voluntary clients should be considered to be in ________ until proven otherwise


The concept of superiority/inferiority is prominent in which theory:


Memories of the actual events clients recall from their childhood are known as:

Early recollections

The theory with the goal of making change personality and character structure; and resolving unconscious conflicts within self is:


Asking a depressed client if he/she is thinking about hurting or killing himself/herself is:

A necessary question for counselors to ask under these conditions

The treatment plan drives the:

Process recordings

Sigmund Freud is associated with the _____ stages of development


Social interest and birth order are important concepts in which theory:


The individual who studied attachment and is known for his/her work with baby monkeys is:

Harry Harlow

The theory with the goal of helping clients find meaning and addresses issues of freedom and responsibility is:


The theory with the goal of increasing social interest and changing self-defeating behaviors is:


______ is most likely to view anxiety as a normal part of the human condition:


According to existential theory, ____ provides the motivation for us to live our lives fully and take advantage of each opportunity to do something meaningful:


The individual associated with the psychosocial stages of development is:

Erik Erikson

According to the text, the most distinctive Adlerian procedure that is central to all phases of counseling and therapy is:


The capacity for self-awareness is a key part in:

Existential theory

Systematic Desensitization was developed by ______ to treat ______

Joseph Wolpe, Anxiety and Panic

Th individual credited with creating operant conditioning is

B.F Skinner

________ is a cue in the environment that increases the likelihood that a particular behavior is likely to occur:


________ is a cue in the environment that decreases the likelihood that a particular behavior is likely to occur.


EMDR was developed by _______ to treat __________

Francine Shapiro, Trauma

Little Johnny's mother wants to eliminate Johnny's cursing behavior. A behavior therapist devised a behavioral treatment program in which the mother "washes Johnny's mouth out with soap" immediately after every occurrence of a swear word. In this example,

Positive punishment

When used in systematic desensitization, the term SUDS stands for:

Subjective Units of Distress Scale

A list of fear-producing situations arranged in order from those that cause the least fear to those that cause the most fear is called a (n)

Fear hierarchy

A client is seeking treatment for panic attacks. The behavior therapist treating the client begins by teaching him/her controlled breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation responses that are incompatible with panic. Another name for this proce

Counter conditioning

After years of being unable to fly due to a fear of flying, a client begins working with a behavior therapist to overcome their fear of flying. After several sessions in the office, the client and therapist actually board a small aircraft and fly around t

In-vivo exposure

Punishment and reinforcement are terms associated with

Operant conditioning

Conditioning beyond the ____ order is generally not effective:


In a famous experiment, Pavlov repeatedly paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of meat powder to a dog and found that the dog eventually salivated to the sound of the bell only with no meat powder being presented.
In this example, when the d

1) Condition stimulus (CS)
2) First-order conditioning

The individual credited with creating reality therapy is:

William Glasser

Little Johnny's mother wants to eliminate Johnny's cursing behavior. A behavior therapist devised a behavioral treatment program in which the mother takes away one hour of Johnny's computer game time immediately after every occurrence of a swear word. In

Negative punishment

Cognitive therapy was developed by _____ to treat ______

Aaron Beck, Depression

For homework. a cognitive therapist has a client who is shy and unable to speak in public wear a clown's nose and a bright red lipstick onto a public bus and sing "Happy Birthday" in a loud voice. In this example the therapist is using a form of:

Shame-attacking excercise

Which is NOT a key concept of reality therapy:

Unconscious motivation

In reality therapy, when a client fails to carry out their plans, the therapist will:

Challenge the client to accept the reasonable consequences of their behavior

Which intervention would a feminist therapist consider the most essential:

Social action

Feminist theory is an approach that is applicable to which group of clients:

Males or Females

Feminist therapists help _______ to understand how oppressive societal beliefs and practices influence them in negative ways:

Women, members of the LGBT community and persons of color

Because feminist therapy is erroneously viewed by many as a theory conducted by women for women:

Feminist therapy can be conducted by male or female therapists who are willing to redefine masculinity and femininity according to other than traditional values and actively support women's efforts to create a just society.

At the heart of feminist strategies is the goal empowering clients and, for this reason feminist therapists:

Strive for an egalitarian relationship in therapy in which power is shared equally between the therapist and the client

In the video Tough Guise, Jackson Katz defines a/an ________ as a strong response by the dominant culture to activities that do not align with the values of the dominant culture:


According to Jackson Katz, _______ is the biggest problem facing society:

Violent masculinity

One of the traditional theories supported by feminst theory is heterosexist, which supports viewing heterosexual orientation as the norm and devalues lesbian, gay male, and bisexual orientations.


Which theory would encourage clients to see themselves as "depressing' rather than being depressed:

Reality therapy

Donald Meichenbaum is associated with:

Cognitive therapy

Behavior being extinguished will likely:

Initially increase sharply but then decrease over time

Choice theory is closely associated with:

Reality therapy

Extinction is a behavioral principle that can be applied to:

Both classical and operant conditioning

According to cognitive therapists, what is important is not the way the real world exists, but rather the way we perceive the world to exist.


EMDR was created to treat:

Post-traumatic stress disorder