Counseling test 4 ch 11-13

Sandra is a reality therapist who is meeting her client Paul, who struggles with career indecision, for the 1st time. How might she begin her work with Paul?

by asking Paul what he wants from therapy

Reality therapy is best described as...

a short-term therapy that stresses doing

WDEP stands for..

wants, doing, self-evaluation, planning

Which of the following is not a component of total behavior?
a) feeling
b) acting
c) physiology
d) thinking
e) wanting

e) wanting

The function of the reality therapist is...

to confront clients about specific irrational thoughts and ideas and to teach them to think rationally

Wubboding believes all of the following encourages the client's behavior except...
a) facilitative self-disclosure
b) appropriate use of humor
c) warmth
d) allowing the client to focus on symptoms

d) allowing the client to focus on symptoms

In reality therapy, the counseling environment is...

characterized by a therapeutic climate that establishes the foundation for implementing procedures

Which method(s) is (are) often used in reality therapy?
a) exploring a client's quality world
b) the use of questioning
c) behavior-oriented methods
d) designing an action plan
e) all of these

e) all of these

Which of the following procedures would a reality therapist be least likely to employ?
a) engaging in homework to change behaviors
b) skillful questioning
c) making action plans
d) reliving an early childhood event
e) encouraging clients to look at what t

a) engaging in homework to change behaviors

Which of the following is not a function of the reality therapist?
a) setting limits in the therapeutic setting
b) getting clients to be specific about how they will make desired changes
c) focusing on areas in the client's life that need improvement so t

c) focusing on areas in the client's life that need improvement so that he or she can achieve a "success identity

All of the following are true about planning and commitment in reality therapy, except...
a) clients make a commitment to carry out their plans
b) a great deal of time is spent on this step of reality therapy
c) commitment puts the responsibility for chan

b) a great deal of time is spent on this step of reality therapy

Reality therapy is based on which of the following orientations to understanding human behavior?
a) psychoanalytic
b) radical behaviorism
c) existential-phenomenological
d) deterministic
e) person-centered theory

c) existential-phenomenological

Reality therapists are likely to deal with all of the following except for....
a) asking clients to recall, report, and share dreams
b) a client's relationships with significant others
c) what a client is currently doing
d) assisting clients in developing

a) asking clients to recall, report, and share dreams

A reality therapist will primarily focus on...

present behavior

When reality therapists explore a client's past, they tend to focus on...

past successes

In reality therapy, when a client fails to carry out their plans, the therapist will...

challenge the client to accept the reasonable consequence of his or her behavior

Which of the following is (are) a contribution of reality therapy?
a) it provides a structure for both clients and therapist to evaluate the degree and the nature of changes
b) it provides insight into the causes of one's problems
c) most of its concepts

a) it provides a structure for both clients and therapist to evaluate the degree and the nature of changes

Reality therapy rests on the central idea that...

we choose our behavior and are responsible for what we do, think, and feel

Glasser would agree with all of the following except...
a) we strive to change the world outside ourselves to match our internal pictures of what we want
b) we do not have to be the victim of our past
c) we are most likely to change if we are threatened o

c) we are most likely to change if we are threatened by punishment

A limitation of this approach as it applies to multicultural counseling is...

oppressed clients may have little choice over their circumstances

All of the following are procedures that are commonly used in reality therapy except...
a) exploring wants, needs, and perceptions
b) exploring early recollections
c) planning and commitment
d) skillful questioning
e) focusing on current behavior

b) exploring early recollections

All of the following are key characteristics of contemporary reality therapy except for...
a) clients are helped to get connected or reconnected with the people they have chosen to put in their quality world
b) therapy is kept in the present
c) there is a

c) there is a focus on talking about symptoms that bring a client into therapy

In working with Japanese clients, a reality therapist might do which of the following when asking clients to make plans and commit to them?
a) the therapist would refer to their clients if they refused to commit to a plan
b) the therapist would push clien

c) the therapist might be likely to accept "I'll try" as a firm commitment

From the perspective of feminist therapy, the socialization of women inevitably affects their...
a) identity and development
b) goals and aspirations
c) self-concept
d) emotional well-being
e) all of these

e) all of these

What do the 4 feminist philosophies (liberal, cultural, radical, and socialist feminism) have in common?

the same methods of bringing about societal change

Stephanie, who believes strongly in feminist principles, is working in an agency that requires therapists to diagnose their clients using the DSM. Stephanie is likely to consider which of the following questions?
a) if my client is diagnosed with a person

b) who benefits from using this label? how might this label contribute to disempowering the person to whom it was assigned

Which of the feminist principles views the therapist as simply another source of information, rather than as the expert in the therapy process?

the counseling relationship is egalitarian

Which principle recognizes the importance of working against oppression and discrimination on the basis of race, class, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, and disability?

All types of oppression are recognized

Which feminist principle implies that what has been typically viewed as individual clients' personal problems are really socially and politically caused?

the person is political

All of the following are goals of feminist therapy except for...
a) confronting forms of institutional oppression
b) striving for gender equality
c) freeing clients of gender role socialization
d) helping clients embrace their personal power
e) resolving

e) resolving intrapsychic conflicts from early childhood

Which of the following themes would clients in feminist therapy be least likely to explore?
a) power and control
b) critically evaluating social dictates and expectations
c) transference reactions toward their therapist
d) external forces influencing beha

c) transference reactions toward their therapist

After having a bad therapeutic experience with a mental health professional who pathologized her anxiety over financial issues, Lillian decided to consult with a feminist therapist. How is her new therapist likely to view her anxiety symptoms?

as a sign of distress rather than psychopathology

Of the following, which intervention would a feminist therapist probably consider most essential?
a) challenging irrational beliefs
b) social action
c) interpretation of resistance
d) conducting a lifestyle analysis
e) making use of the empty-chair techni

b) social action

All of the following are reasons many feminist therapists do not use diagnostic labels, or use them reluctantly, except that...
a) diagnostic labels encourage adjustment to the norms of the status quo
b) diagnostic labels reflect the inappropriate applica

d) diagnostic labels focus on the social factors that cause dysfunctional behavior

The preferred alternative to traditional diagnosis and assessment of feminist therapists is...

gender role analysis

Which of the following interventions involves a shift from "blaming the victim" to consideration of social factors in the environment that contribute to a client's problem?
a) relabeling
b) paradoxical intention
c) reframing
d) gender role analysis

c) reframing

All of the following strategies are unique to feminist therapy except for...
a) cognitive restructuring
b) being an advocate in challenging conventionaly attitudes about roles for women
c) encouraging clients to take social action
d) power analysis and in

a) cognitive restructuring

Of the following, which is not an assumption shared by the cognitive behavioral and feminist therapy approaches?
a) providing info to clients about how the therapy process works
b) viewing the therapeutic relationship as collaborative
c) helping clients t

e) assuming that the therapeutic relationship alone is necessary and sufficient to bring about change

Who is most noted for her contributions to the development of feminist therapy?

Laura Brown

A feminist therapist is most likely to become an advocate for change in the social structure by arguing for...
a) the right to an education
b) the right to self-determination
c) the freedom to pursue a career outside the home
d) equality in power in relat

e) all of these

Of the following, which is one of the major contributions that feminists have made to the field of counseling?
a) paving the way for gender-sensitive practice
b) assisting clients to increase awareness of here and now experiencing
c) a focus on exploring

a) paving the way for gender-sensitive practice

Which of these statements is not true about lesbian feminism?
a) Lesbian feminists share commonalities with many aspects of radical feminism
b) in recent years, lesbian feminism has been enriched through interaction with queer theory
c) some individuals i

d) queer theory and lesbian theory are identical

The constructs of feminist theory, in contrast to traditional theories, include all of the following except for which characteristic?
a) interactionist perspective
b) intrapsychic orientation
c) flexible-multicultural
d) life-span orientation
e) gender-fa

b) intrapsychic orientation

The relational-cultural theory emphasizes the vital role...

that relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women

The feminist perspectives on the development of personality...
a) recognize the inextricable connection between internal and external worlds
b) encompass the diversity and complexity of women's lives
c) attend to the ways in which diversity influences sel

e) all of these

Which of the following principles of feminist psychology is most aimed at advancing a transformation in society?
a) all types of oppression are recognized
b) commitment to social change
c) a focus on strengths and a reformulated definition of psychologica

b) commitment to social change

During the past 20 years....have found classic feminist theories wanting and have offered new theoretical perspectives focused on issues of diversity, the complexity of sexism, and the centrality of social context in understanding gender issues.

postmodern feminists

A limit of the feminist approach from a diversity perspective is....

the tendency to impose upon a client personal values that may not be consisten with the client's individual framework

Which of the following is not considered one of the six core principles of feminist theory?
a) an intrapsychic orientation
b) the person is political
c) recognition of all types of oppression
d) an egalitarian therapeutic relationship
e) commitment to soc

a) an intrapsychic orientation

Feminist therapists reject...

the adrocenic view

From the perspective of feminist therapy, the socialization of women inevitably affects their...
a) identity development
b) goals and aspirations
c) self-concept
d) emotional well-being
e) all of these

e) all of these

Feminist therapists, regardless of their philosophical orientation, believe all of the following except that...
a) human development and interaction are similar across races, culture, and nations
b) the client-therapist relationship should be an egalitari

a) human development and interaction are similar across races, culture, and nations

Which of the feminists principles views the therapist as simply another source of info, rather than as the expert in the therapy process?

the counseling relationship is egalitarian

Which feminist principle recognizes the importance of working against oppression and discrimination on the basis of race, class, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, and disablity?

All types of oppression are recognized

Although feminist therapy shares many of the premises of person-centered therapy, feminist therapy does not agree with the notion that...

resolving intrapsychic conflicts from early childhood

Of the following, which is not an assumption shared by the cognitive behavioral and feminist therapy approaches?
a) providing info to clients about how the therapy process works
b) viewing the therapeutic relationship as collaborative
c) helping clients t

e) assuming that the therapeutic relationship alone is necessary and sufficient to bring about change

The feminist approach to group counseling involves all of the following except..
a) empowerment
b) providing members a place to reflect on their role in society
c) support for the experience of being a woman
d) political involvement
e) an oppurtunity to e

e) an oppurtunity to experience and analyze multiple transferences

A solution-oriented therapist might ask her client, a complulsive shopper, what question?

If a miracle happened and your shopping compulsion was solved overnight, how would you know it was solved, and what would be different?

Donna feels certain that no one will ever want to hire her because she has a timid personality. Her solution-oriented therapist would be most inclined to...

ask Donna to examine another side of the story she is presenting about herself and think of times when she was accepted by others

In the view of the postmodern therapist, the most essential element of therapy is,,,

the collaborative therapeutic relationship

All of the following are techniques used in solution-focused therapy except for...
a) formula 1st session task
b) the miracle question
c) exception questions
d) using the reflecting team
e) scaling questions

d) using the reflection team

In the solution-oriented approach, which is not considered one of the three basic parts to the structure of summary feedback?
a) expressing concern
b) suggesting a task
c) a bridge
d) compliments

a) expressing concern

Which of the following is false as it applies to the practice of solution-focused brief therapy?
a) clients want to change, have the capacity to change, and are doing their best to make change happen
b) using techniques in therapy is a way of discounting

b) using techniques in therapy is a way of discounting a client's capacity to find his or her own way

The role of the leader in solution-based therapy groups is not...

to provide clients with simple solutions to their problems

Which of these solution-focused therapy techniques involves asking clients to describe times in their lives when they were able to describe times in their lives when they were able to solve their problems or when their problem was less severe?
a) formula

b) exception questions

Solution-focused brief therapy has parallels with....., which concentrates on what is right and what is working for people rather than dwelling on deficits, weaknesses, and problems.

positve psychology

Narrative therapists pay attention to "sparkling events". These are...

events that contradict problem-saturated narratives

A limitation of the postmodern approaches is...

inexperienced therapists may over rely on techniques and appear mechanistic

Which is not a major contribution of the postmodern approaches?
a) the non-pathologizing stance
b) research on the approaches is considered empirically generalizable
c) the optimistic orientation
d) the course of treatment is quite short compared to other

b) research on the approaches is considered empirically generalizable

The founder(s) of narrative therapy is (are)...

Michael White and David Epston