
Psychoanalytic (who)

Freud, Erickson, Jung

Psychoanalytic theory

reconstruct the personality rather then solve immediate problems; focus on the past and analyze aspects of the unconscious that are manifested in present behavior

stages of psychosexual development

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

neurotic personality development

incomplete resolution of one of the stages of psychosexual development

free association

{psychoanalytic} permitting the client to say whatever comes to mind in order to reveal the unconscious


pSYCHOANALYTIC} the process of analyzing the material that the cleint reveals from the unconscious

dream analysis

{psychoanalytic} sharing the cleints dreams and then free association to parts and symbols in the dream

contributions to freuds theory

1st theory, framework for exploring a persons hx, resolving resistance to therapy

analysis & interpretation resistance or transference

{psychoanalytic} therapist interprets to the client the significance of resistance or transference

limitations freuds theory

prolonged training, lengthy perios of therapy, importance of action is not realized, not measurable, does not take into account, social, cultural, and interpersonal variables, cannot be used in crisis counseling

who developed the 8 stages of life in his psychosocial theory



pleasure principle



super ego

morals perfection


therapist reaction toward the interferances with objectivity, usually a result of a need of the therapist

personality disorder

ind. fails to adequately dev in the separation-indivudation phase, instibility, irritability, self-destruction, impulsive anger, extreme mood shifts.


client attributes to others the qualities that are unacceptable in his/her personality


clt is angry and takes it out on the clr

adlerian therapy

psychosocial =learn about attitude toward life-main goal is confronting basic mistakes and assumption the clt holds and attempting to redirect them

lifestyle assessment

main tool of the adlerian theory, questionairre about the clt's family, memories, freams, and self-concepts, explores birth oprder and interaction

therapist role in adlerian therapy

a guide, responsibility is placed on the cleint a contract may be completed

contribution of adler's therapy

started other humanistic theories, influential on the cognitive-behavioral theories, family therapies and mental health and those culturally diverse.

limitations of adler's theory

inability to validate concepts, oversimplication of complex human functioning

avoiding trap

{adlerian} avoiding reinforcing destructive clt behavior

life style

{adlerian} the way in which one copes with life

founder of rational-emotive therapy


Cognitive-behavioral therapists

CLTS explore reasons for their behavior and seek to understand the ramifications of such behavior

key concept of RET

even though emotional malfunction is rooted in childhood and continues to reinforce themselves in irrational and illogical thinking

the approach that serves for the basis for RET


ABhelp clts to recognize and discard self-defeating thinking and correct C

Actual event, belief system, consequesnces

goal of becks approach

help clts to recognize and discard self-defeating thinking and correct erronenous beliefs.

CBT is used for

depression, anxiety, and phobic behavior

limitations of CBT

reason for irrational beliefs is not explored, Clt of low intelligence might not understand dialogue, clr could impose personal views, emotional issues are not explored

existential therapy

relationship oriented, experiential and philosophical, focuses on freedom, isolation, death, and meaninglessness

assumption of existential therapy

we are free and therefore responsible for our actions and the results of those actions and choices, authors of our lives not the vicims of circumstances

goals of existential therapy

help clt become aware they are free to expand this awareness to increase options on the basis of their freedom to choose other options, accept responsibility of those choices to recognize the factors that hinder their freedom to choose, and become all the

existential therapist

frankly, yalom may

limitations of existential therapy

lack of systematic concepts are difficult to conprehend, no scientific research, lower functioning clts, those in crisis, and others may not benefit

founder of person centered therapy

carl rogers

assumption of person centered`

ind have internal resources to work toward wholeness and self actualization and can move forward constructively on their own

goal of person centered

create an atmosphere of safety and trust enabling the clt