Counseling Theories - Corey, G.

Resistance refers to defenses we develop that prevent us from experiencing the present in full and real ways.


Blacked energy can be considered a form of resistance.


The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is adjustment to society.


Recent trends in Gestalt practice include more emphasis on confrontation, more anonymity of the therapist, and increased reliance on techniques.


Dreams contain existential messages, and each piece of dream work lends to assimilation of disowned aspects of the self.


Gestalt therapy is well-suited for group counseling, especially when there is a here-and-now emphasis within the group.


One of the functions of the therapist is to pay attention to client's body language.


Gestalt techniques are primarily aimed at teaching clients to think rationally.


A major function of the therapist is to make interpretations of clients' behavior so that they can begin to think of their patterns.


Perls contends that the most frequent source of unfinished business is resentment.


The main founder of Gestalt therapy is:

Fritz Perls

Which is NOT true of Gestalt therapy?

The focus is on the "why" of behavior.

Whic of the following is NOT a key concept of Gestalt therapy?

Intellectual understanding of one's problems.

According to the Gestalt view, awareness:

Is by itself therapeutic.

The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is to help clients:

Move from environmental support to self-support.

The impasse is the point in therapy in which clients:

1) Don't have external support available to them
2) Experience a sense of being "stuck"
3) Are challenged to get in contact with their frustrations and accept whatever is.

Gestalt therapy can be best characterized as:

An experiential therapy.

Gestalt therapy encourages clients to:

1) Experience feelings intensely
2) Stay in the there and now
3) Work through the impasse
4) Pay attention to their own verbal messages

The focus of Gestalt therapy is on:

Recognizing one's own projections and refusing to accept helplessness

A contribution of the Gestalt therapy approach is that it:

Deals with the past in a lively way.

The process of distraction, which makes it hard to maintain sustained contact, is:


The process of turning back to ourselves what we would like to do to someone else is:


The tendency to uncritically accept others' beliefs without assimilating or internalizing them is:


The process of blurring awareness of the boundary between self and environment is:


What is/are limitations of Gestalt therapy as it's applied to working with culturally diverse populations?

1) Clients who have been culturally conditioned to be emotionally reserved may not see the value in experientail techniques.
2) Clients may be "put off" by the emphasis on expressing feelings
3) Clients may be looking for specific advice on solving practi

Gestalt Overview

* It works with client's awareness and teaches awareness skills.
* The Gestalt system of therapy is holistic and includes affective, sensory, cognitive, interpersonal, and behavioral components.

Gestalt Therapy's Key Concepts

* Goal - teach awareness and allow formulation of a gestlat.
* Process is the focus (vs. content) - "What's happening at this moment?

Therapist's Goals in Gestalt

* Create experiments for client to assist their self-awareness of WHAT they are doing and HOW they are doing it.

The Now

* Our "power is in the present".
* Nothing exists except the "now". The past is gone and the future has not yet arrived.

Gestalt Resistances

1) Introjection
2) Retroflection
3) Deflection
4) Projection
5) Confluence

Self Awareness

* Instead, ask clients to "experience" their total selves and become whole - a gestalt.
* "Lose your mind, gain your senses