Counseling Chapts 4-5

All of the following are concepts developed by Carl Jung except
a. the shadow
b.normal infantile autism
c. animus and anima
d. collective unconscious
e. archetypes

b. normal infantile autism

Which one of Erikson's preschool-age phase responds to which Freudian phase?

c. phallic

Children who do not experience the opportunity to differentiate self from others may later develop a

narcissistic personality disorder

Analytic therapy is oriented toward

achieving insight

The psychosocial perspective is compatible with the

psychosexual view point

In object-relations theory there is an emphasis on early development as decisive factor influencing

later development

What is a characteristic of the newer analytic thinking?

People are classified as complaint, aggressive or detached types

Object-relations theorists focus on _____, _____, ______and ______.


Countertransference refers to

irrational reactions therapists have toward their clients

Maintaing the analytic framework" refers to

-Whole range of procedural factors in the treatment process
-Analyst's relative anonymity
-Agreement on the payment of fees
-Regularity and consistency of meetings

In psychoanalytic therapy(as opposed to classical analysis), what procedure is least likely to be used?

the client lying on the couch

The contemporary trends in pscyhoanalytic theory are reflected in ________, _______, and the relational model.

object-relations theory
the self pyschology model
the relational model

The contemporary psychoanalytic approaches place emphasis on the _____, _____ and ______, and _______.

role of transference and countertransference
importance of early childhood experienes

Ego-defense mechanisms

intrapsychic processes that operate unconsciously to protect the person from threatening and, therefore, anxiety-producing thoughts, feelings, impulses


The Demanding Child
Ruled by pleasure principle

The Ego

The Traffic Cop
Ruled by reality principle

The Superego

The Judge
Ruled by the moral principle


What's on the surface
ex: logic, reality


What lies deep, below the surface
ex: drives, instincts

3 types of anxiety:

1. Reality Anxiety
2. Neurotic Anxiety
3. Moral Anxiety


-Feeling of dread resulting from repressed feelings, memories and desires
-Develops out of conflict among the id, ego and superego to control psychic energy

The Unconscious

- Slips of the tongue
-Posthypnotic suggestions
-Material dervied from free-association
-Material derived from projective techniques
-Symbolic content of psychotic symptoms
NOTE: consciousness is only a thin slice of the total mind


Anything that works against progress of therapy and prevents the production of unconscious material


Therapist points out, explains, and teaches the meanings of whatever is revealed

Analysis of Resistance

- Helps the client to see that canceling appointments, fleeing from therapy prematurely are ways of defending against anxiety
-These acts interfere with the ability to accept changes which could lead to a more satisfying life

Dream Analysis

Therapist uses the "royal road to the unconscious" to bring unconscious" to bring unconscious material to light
1. Latent Content
2. Manifest Content

Latent Content

our hidden, symbolic, and unconscious motives, wishes, and fears

Manifest Content

dream as it appears to the dreamer

Group Work:

-Provides a rich framework for working through transference feelings
-Feelings resembling those members have experienced toward significant people in their past may emerge
-Group members may come to represent symbolic fugres from a client's past

According to Adler, childhood experiences

in themselves are not as crucial as our attitude towards these experiences

______ is part of the basic counseling process.


What is not true about Adlerian therapy?

the approach is gronded on the medical model

______ is best defined as understanding translated into action.


Adlerian therapy is flexible, but it can be tailored to work with ______.

culturally diverse clients

Adlerian therapy is well suited to a _____ or _____ .

limited approach

The concept of fictional finalism refers to

an imagined central goal that guides a person's behavior

What is the correct sequence of human experiencing from an Adlerian perspective?

First we think
then we feel
then we act

What is not one of the four phases of Adlerian therapeutic process

teaching the client the process of free association

Adlerians value early recollections as an important clue to the understanding of

the individual's lifestyle

Oral Stage

First year
Related to later mistrust and rejection issues


Ages 1-3
Related to later personal power issues


Ages 3-6
Related to later sexual


Ages 6-12
A time of socialization


Ages 12-60
Sexual energies are invested in life

Limitations of Classical Analysis

-May not be appropriate for all cultures or socioeconomic groups
-Deterministic focus does not emphasize current maladaptive behaviors
-Minimizes role of the environment
-Requires subjective interpretation
-Relies heavily on client fantasy
-Lengthy treatm

The Adlerian point of view toward the role of insight in therapy is best stated in this way:

To be of value, insight must be translated into a constructive action program

Phenomenological orientation pays attention to the

way in which individuals perceive their world.

How would the Adlerian therapist view the personal problems of clients?

as the end result of a process of discouragement

Adlerians could best be described as using which techniques?

They fit a variety of techniques to the needs of the client

Adlerian Therapy is:

1. Holistic
2. Social
3. Teleological
4. Phenomenological

Adler does not stress

biological and instinctual drives

Adler linked the recognition of inferority feelings with striving for perfection or mastery. This notion is best captured by the saying

inferiority and the quest for mastery are two sides of the same coin

Adler's Individual Psychology

-Social interest is stressed
-Birth order and sibiling relationships
-Therapy as teaching, informing and encouraging
- Basic mistakes in the client's private logic

In Individual Psychology, the therapeutic relationship is

collaborative partnership

The Phenomenological Approach

-Adlerians attempt to view the world from the client's subjective frame of reference
- How life is in reality is less important than how the individual believes life to be
-It is not the childhood experiences that are crucial- it is our present interpreta

Lifestyle is how we move toward our life goals:

Private Logic"
Values, life plan, perceptions of self and others
Unifies all of our behaviors to provide consistency
Makes all our actions "fit together

A life movement that organizes the client's reality, giving meaning to life

Fictional Finalism or Guiding self ideal

Psychiatric symptoms are _____ at achieving our lifestyle

failed attempts

Adlerian therapy

helps clients to effectively navigate lifestyle tasks

Social Interest

-Adler's most significant and distinctive concept
- Refers to an individual's attitude toward and awareness of being part of the human community
-Embodies a community feeling and emphasizes the client's positive feelings toward others in the world


most powerful method available for changing a person's beliefs

Phase 1: Establishing the Proper Therapeutic Relationship

-Supportive, collaborative, educational, encouraging process
-Person-to-person contact with the client precedes identification of the problem
-Help client build awareness of his or her strengths

Phase 2: Exploring the Individual Psychological Dynamics

-Lifestyle assessment
-Subjective interview
-Objective interview
-Family constellation
-Early recollections
-Basic Mistakes

Phase 3: Encouraging Self-Understanding/Insight Interpret the findings of assessment

-Interpret the findings of the assessment
- Hidden goals and purposes of behavior are made conscious
-Therapist offers interpretations to help clients gain insight into their lifestyle

Phase 4: Reorientation and Re-education

Action- oriented
Useful vs.unhelpful