Person-Centered Counseling

What is the goal of person-centered counseling?


Person-centered counselors view what as the primary vehicle of change?

The counseling relationship

Self-actualization can be defined as...

Living an authentic and meaningful life

Rob, a client, is describing an intense emotional experience and reports feeling very angry but smiles while telling the story. As a person-centered counselor, which intervention would you use to address discrepancies in Rob's presentation: Clarifying, re


The concept of unconditional positive regard is when...

The counselor focuses on the client's basic human worth

True or False: person-centered counseling is a process focused approach.


True or False: person-centered counseling develops treatments plans to directly address the presenting problems a client reports.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three summarized conditions of person-centered counseling:
A. Creating meaning in life
B. Congruence or genuiness of the counselor
C. Accurate Empathy
D. Unconditional positive regard

A. Creating meaning in life (is NOT one of the three summarized conditions)

Measuring empathy within five levels.
Level One: No empathy
Level Two: Some empathy is communicated
Level Three: Basic empathy
Level Four: Deepened empathy
Level Five: Significantly deepened empathy
At what level of empathy is required for reflecting the

Level Four: Deepened empathy
-Reflects back client emotion at slightly deeper level, providing enhanced understanding to further the client's exploration of internal process
(this question based on the notes online)

What do Person-centered counselors NOT do?
a. they don't use reassuring clich�s
b. they don't give advice
c. they don't request an explanation
d. they don't agree or disagree with the client, nor give approval nor disapproval to the client
e. A and B
f. A

e. all of the above.

What is immediacy?

The condition in which the client and the counselor are able to discuss the client's immediate emotional state

Concreteness and specificity refers to...

Questions in which the counselor and statements that help clients to clarify what is vaguely expressed

Process questions are

Questions or comments that direct client's focus toward their inner process rather than on content

Initial Phase counseling tasks

1. Develop working counseling relationship
2. Assess individual, systemic, and broader cultural dynamics
a. Express emotions in the present moment
b. assess for ability to experience self as an unfolding process, accept proactive responsibility for proble

Initial Phase client goals

1. Decreasing "should" and "oughts"
a. Help client identify, own, and accept their emotions
b. Help client develop a proactive and competent sense of self in relation to the crisis

Working phase counseling tasks

1. monitor quality of the working alliance
a. assess for client's ability to express self genuinely and constructively disagree with counselor

Work phase client goals

1. Increase ability to recognize and constructively express emotions to reduce symptoms
a. Empathetically reflect unacknowledged feelings that are difficult for the client to express
b. Assist client in experiencing emotions in the present moment using im

Closing phase counseling tasks

1. develop aftercare plan and maintain gains
a. process questions to help client identify how to best manage potential future challenges; terminate only after client has developed ability to reflect on self without assistance

Closing phase client goals

1. increase ability to experience self as an unfolding, evolving, and complex process without holding on to personal constructs to reduce potential for relapse in symptoms
a. unconditional positive regard
b. process questions with immediacy to facilitate