Counseling Theories and Practice - Final

The main goal of behavior therapy is?

Eliminating maladaptive learning and providing for more effective learning

What is the function of the behavior therapist?

-to provide modeling for the client
-to provide a collaborative therapeutic environment
-to assess specific behavior problems
-to provide reinforcement for clients

Which anxiety reduction technique involves creating a hierarchy of the client's fearful experiences?

Systematic desensitization

Behavior therapists look at the current environmental events that maintain problems behaviors and help clients produce behavior change by changing environmental events, through a process called?

Functional assessment

Behavior therapy is sites for?

-individual therapy
-group therapy
-institutions and clinics
-classroom learning situations

Phil has been in behavior therapy to address his fear of heights. The treatment will not be considered complete until?

Phil transfers what he learns in therapy to his everyday life and takes actual steps to confront his fear

In terms of ethics accountability, behavior therapy?

Provides a basis for responsible practice

Multimodal therapy is a therapeutic approach that is grounded on?

Social learning theory

Haley has difficulty turning down dates and consistently allows women to take advantage of her. A behavioral intervention that may help Haley establish appropriate boundaries with others and speak up for herself is?

Assertion training

A limitation of behavior therapy is?

None of these

During the second wave of behavior therapy, therapists?

-continued to emphasize empirically supported treatments
-increased their focus on the role of emotion in behavior change
-adopted a stronger biological perspective
-applied behavior therapy principles to prevention of disease and illness

Wolpe's systematic desensitization is based on the principles of?

Classical conditioning

The situation in which behaviors are influenced by the consequences that follow them is?

Operant conditioning

Skinner's view of shaping behavior is based on the principle of?

Operant conditioning

In conducting a behavioral assessment, the client's functioning is taken into account in which areas?

-emotional dimensions
-cognitive dimensions
-behavioral dimensions
-interpersonal dimensions

What would be the most accurate way of describing mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) to a friend of colleague?

-MBSR consists of the notion that much of our distress and suffering results from continually wanting things to be different from how they actually are
-MBSR aims to assist people in learning how to live more fully in the present rather than ruminating ab

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) integrates techniques from?

Mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavior therapy

Self-management strategies include?

-stimulus control

The premise of the exposure-based therapies in the anxiety is reduced through?

Pairing a fear of stimulus with a competing, calming response

In vivo flooding consists of?

Intense and prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety-producing stimuli

The founder of rational emotive behavior therapy is?

Albert Ellis

The correct components of the A-B-C theory of personality is?

Activating event, I believe, consequence

REBT views emotional disturbances as the result of?

Irrational thinking and behaving

REBT contends that people?

Do not need to be accepted and loved

The main therapeutical function of REBT is?

None of these

The main function of the rational emotive behavior therapist is to?

Challenge clients to reevaluate their ideas and philosophy of life

The role of the client in rational emotive behavior therapy is like that of a?

Student or learner

A feature of REBT that distinguishes it from other cognitive behavioral therapies is?

It's systematic exposition of the rational believes that results in emotional and behavioral disturbance

Which of the following is the correct order of the three phases of Meichenbaum's stress-inoculation program?


An REBT therapist would contend that anxiety stems from?

The internal repetition irrational sentences

In REBT, what method is taught to clients to help them challenge irrational beliefs?

Disputational method

Which of the following is true about the relationship between a client and a rational emotive behavior therapist?

It is characterized by full acceptance and tolerance

Which of the following REBT techniques helps a client gradually learn to deal with anxiety and challenge basic irrational thinking?

Cognitive homework

According to REBT, it is important to change the way one uses language because?

- Imprecise language is one of the causes of distorted thinking processes
- Language shapes thinking and behavior
-Language shapes feelings

One of the main ways that Beck's cognitive therapy differs from Ellis's REBT is that infects approach, more so than Ellis's approach?

The quality of the therapeutic relationship is basic to the therapy process

In Meichenbaum's cognitive behavior modification, what is given primary importance?

Inner speech

One strength of cognitive behavioral therapy group counseling is that?

Emphasis is placed on symptom prevention

Becks cognitive therapy has been most widely applied to the treatment of?


The cognitive distortion of making conclusions without supporting and relevant evidence is?

Arbitrary inferences

The tendency for individuals truly external events to themselves, even when there is no basis for making this connection, is known as?


Reality therapy is categorized as?

A form of cognitive behavior therapy

WDEP stands for?

Wants, doing, self-evaluation, planning

A reality therapist would most likely respond to a client's complaint of melancholy, sad mood by saying?

Sounds like you're depressing

Wubboding believes all of the following encourages the client's involvement in therapy except for?

Allowing the client to focus on symptoms

In reality therapy, the counseling environment is?

Characterized by therapeutic limit that establishes the foundation for implementing procedures

Which method is or are often used in reality therapy?

- Behavior-oriented methods
- The use of questioning
- Explore the client's quality world
- Designing an action plan

Which of the following is not a function of the reality therapist?

Focusing on areas in the client's life that need improvement so that he or she can achieve a "success identity

Reality therapy is based on which of the following orientations to understanding human behavior?


What do reality therapists believe about the use of questions?

Relevant questions hope to gain insights and arrive at plans and solutions

A reality therapist will primarily focus on?

Present behavior

When the reality therapist explored the clients past, they tend to focus on?

Past successes

In reality therapy, the purpose of developing an action plan is?

To arrange for successful experience

In reality therapy, when a client feels to carry out their plans, the therapist will?

Challenge the client to except the reasonable consequences of his or her behavior

Reality therapy rest of the central idea that?

We choose our behavior and are responsible for what we do, think, and feel

The core of reality therapy consists of?

Teaching clients to take effective control of their own lives

A limitation of this approach as it applies to multicultural counseling is?

Oh pressed clients may have little choice over their circumstances

All of the following our procedures that are commonly used in therapy except?

Exploring early recollections

Which of the following procedures would a reality therapist be least likely to employ?

Asking a client to emotionally reexperience a childhood experience

In a reality therapy group, the leader?

May encounter resistance from members when providing suggestions for how clients can best get what they want

In working with the Japanese clients, a reality therapist might do which of the following asking clients to make plans and commit to them?

The therapist might be likely to except "I'll try" as a firm commitment.

Which of the following feminist principles recognizes the importance of working against oppression and discrimination on the basis of race, class, culture, religious belief, sexual orientation, age, and disability?

All types of depression are recognized

Which of the following feminist principles implies that what has been typically viewed as individual clients personal problems are really socially and politically caused?

The person is political

Although feminist therapy shares many of the premises of person centered therapy, feminist therapy does not agree with the notion that?

The therapeutic relationship is, in and of itself, sufficient to produce change

Of the following, which intervention would a feminist therapist probably consider most essential?

Social action

The preferred alternative to traditional diagnosis an assessment of feminist therapist is?

Gender role analysis

Which of the following interventions involve the shift from "balance the victim" to consideration of social factors in the environment that contribute to a clients problem?


All of the following strategies are you need to feminist therapy except for?

Cognitive restructuring

Of the following, which is not an assumption shared by the cognitive behavioral and feminist therapy approaches?

Assuming that the therapeutic relationship alone is necessary and sufficient to bring about change

Who is most noted for her contributions to the development of feminist therapy?

Laura Brown

A feminist therapist is likely to become an advocate for change in the social structure by arguing for?

- The right to self-determination
- The freedom to pursue a career out of the home
- The right to an education
- Equality in power in relationships

Of the following, which is one of the major contributions that feminists have made to the field of counseling?

Paving the way for gender-sensitive practice

The constructs of feminist theory, in contrast to traditional theories, include all of the following except for which characteristic?

Intrapsychic orientation

The relational-cultural theory emphasizes the vital role?

That relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women

The feminist perspectives on the development of personality?

- Encompass the diversely and complexity of women's lives
- Attend to the ways in which diversity influences of structures
- Recognize the inextricable connection between internal and external world
- Acknowledge the political and social oppression of wom

Which of the following principles of feminist psychology is most in advancing the transformation in society?

Commitment to social change

A limit of the feminist approach from the diversity perspective is?

The tendency to impose upon a client personal values that may not be consistent with the clients cultural framework

A solution - oriented therapist might ask the client, a compulsive shopper, which of the following questions?

If a miracle happens and you're shopping compulsion was soft overnight, how would you know it was soft, and what would be different?

Donna feel certain that no one will ever want to hire her because she has a timid personality. Her solution - oriented therapist would be most inclined to?

Ask Donna take them in another side of the story she is presenting about yourself and think of times when she was excepted by others

All of the following are techniques used in solution, focused therapy except for?

Using the reflecting team

All are true of solution-focused brief therapists except that they?

Focus on the clients early childhood experiences

Narrative therapy has been found to be particularly effective with diverse client population for all of the following reasons except?

It teaches diverse clients to replace their narratives with ones that conform more closely to the ideals and values of mainstream culture

Which of the following solution - focused therapy techniques involved asking client described times in their lives when they were able to solve their problem or when their problem was less severe?

Exception questions

From a social constructionist perspective, change begins with?

Deconstructing the power of cultural narratives

Of the following, what is an interest but social constructionist tend to share?

Generating new meaning in the lives of individuals

The techniques of externalization and developing unique events are associated primarily with?

The narrative approach

Narrative therapist. Such into "sparkly events". These are?

Events that contradict problem-saturated narratives

The creation of the self, what dominated the modernist search for human essence and truth?

Is being replaced by postmodernists with the concept of socially storied lives

The founders of solution - focused brief therapy are?

Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer

Who was the first person of the modern era to do family therapy?


Alfred Adler was the first to notice that the development of children with and family constellations was heavily influenced by?

Birth order

Postmodern thought has contributed to family therapy by?

Promoting the therapists view of clients as the experts on their own lives

The concept of triangulation is most associated with?

Murray Bowen

What is the technique and family therapy that casts a new light on a problem and provides a different interpretation for problematic situation?


A major contribution of Bowen's theory is the notion of?

Differentiation of the self

The systems perspective implies?

Individuals are best understood through the context of their role in their family

A tool for collecting and organizing key relationships any three - generational extended family is a?


Which of the following rules and functions would be least interesting to structural family therapist?

Giving voice to the therapists only impulses and fantasies

Which approach to family therapy contends that one's current family problems will significantly change into a relationship patterns in one's family of origin are understood and directly challenged?

Bowenian family therapy

The techniques of joining, accommodating, unbalancing, tracking, and boundary making are most likely to be part of which approach to family therapy?

Structural family therapy

Roger and his wife are experiencing tension in the relationship because he believes she is far too lenient with their children when they misbehave. This forces him to play the role of "bad cop" as a parent, which makes him angry. A family therapist workin

Help to modify the family's transactional rules and develop more appropriate boundaries

Chin Hei is a Korean immigrant who is been separated from her family and friends for over a year since she came to the US with her husband. She spends her days taking care of their two young children while he goes to work, and feels increasingly depressed

Would be very interested in how her depression affects others in the family and how it influences family process

Which approach assumes that our family can guess to be understood what it is analyzed from at least a three - generational perspective?

Bowenian family therapy

A couple directs the focus of their energy toward a problematic son has a way to avoid facing or dealing with their own conflicts. This is an example of?


In working with the triangulated relationship, Bowen would be inclined to place primary emphasis on?

Maintaining a stance of neutrality

The opposite of a differentiated self is experienced as?

Emotional reactivity

To prevent his parents from leaving the house, Miguel throws temper tantrums. His parents have given in to his demands and never go out to dinner or to movies anymore. A structural/strategic therapist working with Miguel and his parents will most likely?

Have them participate in an enactment during the therapy session

Which approach would be most interested in the appropriateness of hierarchical structure in the family?

Structural family therapy

Which of the following approaches contends that the nature of the human condition includes self-awareness, freedom of choice, responsibility, and the anxiety basic elements?

Existential therapy

Which of the following approaches to therapy focuses on the unique style of life we create early age?

Adlerian therapy

Which of the following approach is based on the premise that there are multiple realities and multiple truths?

Postmodern approaches

Which of the following orientations avoids exploring problems, and instead, focus is on creating solutions in the present and the future?

Solution - focused therapy

Which statement most closely reflects the philosophy of feminist therapy?

Constructs of firmness therapy including gender fair, flexible, interactionist, and lifespan oriented

Person - centered therapy put faith in the clients?

Capacity for self direction

One of the goals of rational emotive behavior therapy is to?

Assist client in acquiring and more tolerant and rational view of life

One of the major goals of reality therapy involves?

Challenging clients to evaluate what they're doing

According to the traditional psychoanalytic therapy, the therapist?

Remains anonymous

Which of the following approaches encourages therapists to accurately grasp the clients "being in the world"?

Existential therapy

In which of the following approaches to therapy does the therapist become active and directive, functioning as a trainer for the client?

Behavior therapy

One of the techniques used by behavior therapist in dealing with the clients anxiety is?

Systematic desensitization

In feminist therapy, the following techniques is/are used to help clients recognize the impact of gender - role socialization?

Consciousness - raising

Narrative therapy can be applied to?

- Eating disorders
- Depression
- Relationship concerns

Which of the following therapies as most recommended for the treatment of phobic disorders?

Behavior therapy

Which of the following approaches to therapy is based on the ABC theory of personality?

Rational emotive behavior therapy

A limitation of psychoanalytic therapy is that?

- It requires lengthy training for therapists
- It is expensive for clients
- The model stresses biological and instinctual factors to the neglect of social, cultural, and interpersonal and
- Many clients lack the degree of ego strength needed for regress

A limitation of reality therapy is that it?

Discounts the therapeutic value of dreams

A limitation of person centered therapy is that?

The possible danger of the therapist remaining passive and inactive

Historically, counselors have been?

- Resistant to developing an integrated model of psychotherapy
- At war regarding the issues of the "best" methods of treatment
- Quick to discount contributions of a competing theoretical model