The Crucible Act 1 and Act 2 - Movie

Why does Abigail slap Betty in Act 1?

She is angry when Betty reminds Abigail that she drank blood to punish Elizabeth.

What does Abigail threaten to do to the girls if they admit to more than dancing?

She will kill them.

Who is the Putnams' servant?

Mercy Lewis

How many of Mrs. Putnam's children have died?


Where does this play take place?

Salem, Massachusetts

Who asks Rebecca Nurse to treat his daughter?

Mr. Putnam

Giles Corey feels Parris is too concerned with wealth. What does he offer as an example?

Parris asked for the deed to his own house.

Who suggests that everyone put their faith in God and the doctor?

Rebecca Nurse

Mercy Lewis thinks Ruth is improving in Act 1 because she woke to do something. What was it?

She sneezed.

Why does John Proctor threaten to whip Abigail?

Abigail is speaking against his wife.

What was Tituba doing while the other girls where dancing in the forest?

Waving her hands over the fire.

How does John Proctor describe Parris' sermons?

As "hellfire and bloody damnation" sermons.

What does Tituba "admit" the devil told her to do?

Kill Parris.

Which character announces he/she doesn't believe in witches?

Giles Corey.

What two things does Tituba say the devil claimed he would give her if she did what he asked?

Her freedom and a way back to Barbados.

What does Giles Corey's wife do with books after she reads them?

Hides them.

What kind of expertise does Hale have?

He is an expert in the demonic arts.

When Susan leaves the Parris household she is asked a favor. What is it?

She is asked not to mention the supernatural.

Why is Mrs. Putnam suspicious of Sarah Good?

Sarah was the midwife of three of her children.

Mr. Putnam and John Proctor argue over the firewood. Who does it most likely belong to?

John Proctor.

What was lying on the ground in the forest?

A dress.

What is Mary afraid will happen to her and her friends if they are found guilty of witchcraft?

They will be hanged.

What is the purpose of exposition in the play?

Provides the setting, background on the situation, and information about characters' backgrounds, motives, and personalities.

Who claims Tituba has knowledge of conjuration?

Mrs. Putnam.

When Mrs. Putnam tells Hale about her dead children, what does Hale do?

He consults his books to see if there are supernatural reasons.

Abigail adds a name to Tituba's list of people working with the devil. What is that name?

Bridget Bishop.

Why doesn't Parris want to consider Witchcraft as an explanation for Betty's illness?

He is concerned about his reputation in Salem.

Who wrote The Crucible?

Arthur Miller

What political concerns does The Crucible reflect from America in the 1950s?

McCarthyism and Red Scare

Giles Corey presents evidence to Danforth that people are accusing others in search for what?

To secure more land

Mary Warren is terrified to testify because...

Abigail is sure to go after her next

What does Elizabeth suggest John might be doing that could be misinterpreted?
