English 12 midterm

indirect characterization

The character is revealed through their personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others
ex: Her lighthouse smile beckoned across the crowd.

direct characterization

Author directly describes character
ex: She was a cheery always upbeat person

social commentary

writing that offers insight into society, its values, and its customs
ex: books- to kill a mockingbird

Suffix- able

capable of being
ex: climbable means capable of being climbed
ex: adorable means worthy of being adored

heroic couplet

rhymed pair of lines written in iambic pentameter, each line consist of 10 syllables


the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
ex: His carpenters apron always bulged
with old nails, a claw hammer
looped at his side
and extension cords coiled around his feet.

iambic pentameter

10 syllables per line, alternate between stressed and unstressed

primary source

offers an eyewitness or contemporary view of an event. They include a wide variety of text types such as diaries, speeches, official records and chronicles

secondary source

interprets and analyzes primary sources
ex: textbooks, encyclopedias, histories, and commentaries

Objective account

neutrality or even handness, writer reports facts but does not take a position or express an opinion.

Prefix -sub

ex: subtract


unexplained reference to another work, person, or event; connects familiar and unfamiliar ideas ( call something to mind without actually saying it)
ex: Dont act like scrooge
ex: He studies all the time, hes a regular einstein


expansion of an idea through repetition or elaboration; adds depth and detail
ex: All Ethan asked for was A CHANCE, A CHANCE to prove his hard work, A CHANCE to overcome the hardship of his youth.


the placing together of widely varied ideas or images; creates a complexity of meaning
ex: lemmings.....leaves....men


contradiction between what appears to be true and what is true

closed couplets

grammatical structure are completed within 2 lines