Week 2

If a table only has one attribute that uniquely identified a row, then the candidate key and the primary key will be the same thing.


A relation/table will always have the same number of tuples as it has of attributes.


If we have the following scenario: A woman has an OHIP number, a first name and a last name and an addresses. She gives birth to a child who has a birth certificate number and a first name. How many columns will the WOMAN table have?


If we had the many to many relationship CUSTOMER BOOKS HOTELROOM and the relationship BOOKS had the attributes: DATE, PRICE and NUMOFGUESTS, how many attributes would the BOOKS table have?


If we had the many to many relationship CUSTOMER BOOKS HOTELROOM and the relationship BOOKS had the attributes: DATE, PRICE and NUMOFGUESTS, what would be the key for the table BOOKS?

CustomerID and HotelRoomNumber

If i have an entity with 5 attributes and 3 of those 5 attributes are multivalued attributes, when i convert this to a relational database, I will end up with _____ tables.


If we have a Prof table with attributes ProfID, FirstName, LastName, OfficeNumber and a Course table with attributes CourseNum, CourseName and Term. A Prof teaches many Courses but a Course can only be taught by one Prof. This scenario would map to how ma


If we have a Prof table with attributes ProfID, FirstName, LastName, OfficeNumber and a Course table with attributes CourseNum, CourseName and Term. We have a weak entity Section where section has attributes: SectionNum (weak key), ClassTime and Ro