The Crucible Act 3 Review for quiz

Why do Giles and Francis want to see Danforth?

They want to prove that their wives are good women.

What does Mary confess to Danforth?

The girls are pretending and lying about seeing people with the Devil.

What is Parris' argument against Proctor?

Parris says that Proctor is trying to overthrow the court.

What did the paper that 91 people signed say?

That the wives of Proctor, Nurse, and Giles are good women with upstanding reputations.

Why did Danforth grant Elizabeth extra time?

Elizabeth has said that she is pregnant in court.

What quote did Proctor use to help Mary remain brave?

Do that which is good, and no harm will come to thee.

What does Hale realize as Proctor and his friend's present evidence to Danforth?

Hale begins to realize that the people who had been accused could be innocent.

Of what does Giles accuse Putnam?

Giles accuses Putnam of killing his neighbors for their land.

Hathorne thinks of a test for Mary. What is it?

Hathorne asks Mary to faint, as she fainted in the courtroom numerous times.

What do the girls do to Mary?

The girls pretend that her spirit is coming to get them; they mock her like little children to make her look like the fool.

When asked why Abigail was released from her service, what did Elizabeth respond?

Elizabeth said that she was dissatisfied of Abigail. When she was sick, she thought John fancied Abigail, but that John was NOT a lecher/cheater.

What happens to Proctor?

John Proctor is put into jail for contempt of the court and suspicious activities.

Why does Giles say that he "broke charity"" with is wife?

He told others she was reading strange books so he didn't trust her, which caused her to be accused.

In what sense does the Corey's situation reflect on John and Elizabeth proctor?

Both men feel guilty about betrayal.

How has Rev. Hale changed since we last saw him?

He's on the side of the doubted and sees the past all the girls lies.

Why is Mary warren's testimony critical for Hale, Proctor, Nurse, and Corey?

She knows the truth on what they did in the forest.

Why does Proctor not drop the charges against the court when he hears that his wife is pregnant and will be spared for at least a year?

Because the wives of his friends are still being charged; he wants everyone to be freed.

Why does Proctor say that his wife must be pregnant if she has said so?

Elizabeth has never lied in her life.

On what dramatic note does Act III end?

Proctor and Giles are put to jail. Hale leaves the courtrooms and quits. Mary Warren starts accusing Proctor.

What finally causes Mary Warren to agree with Abigail?

Mary becomes frightened and realizes that Danforth believes the girls over her.