6c. Vocabulario 1 - �Reflexivo o No?

Yo me despierto....

I wake up

Yo despierto....

I wake up (someone else)

ella se afeita...

She shaves (her legs)

ella afeita....

She shaves something/someone else.

yo me ba�o...

I take a bath.

yo ba�o...

to bathe (someone/something else)

nosotros nos secamos

we dry off

nosotros secamos

we dry (the clothes)

T� te pones....

you put on (shoes)

T� pones...

you put (the books on the shelf)

Yo me visto

I get dressed

Yo visto...

I dress (the doll)

Ella se cepilla...

she brushes (her hair)

Ella cepilla...

She brushes (someone else's hair)

Ellos se lavan

They wash (their own hair)

Ellos lavan...

They wash (the car)

T� te maquillas...

You put on makeup

T� maquillas...

You put makeup on (someone else)

Yo me pinto...

I paint (my own nails)

Yo pinto...

I paint (something)

Ellos se quitan

They take off (their shoes)

Ellos quitan

they get rid of (the dust)

Yo me acuesto

I go to bed, lie down

Yo acuesto

I put (the baby) to bed.

Ella se calma...

She calm (herself) down

Ella calma...

She calms (someone else) down.

Nosotros nos divertimos...

We have fun, we enjoy ourselves

Nosotros divertimos...

We entertain (someone else)

T� te duermes....

You fall alseep

T� duermes...

You sleep