101 B

The abbreviation OSHA stands for....

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

The letters PPE stand for.....

Personal Protective Equipment

6 articles classified as PPE

gloves, apron, glasses, thyroid collar, rubber boots, face shield

6 situations which OSHA might recommend the use of PPE.

Dentistry: exam gloves, apron, face shield, safety glasses
Kennel, xray, bathing, lifting heavy objects, pouring liquids

Some equipment used in the veterinary clinic may pose a safety risk to you if not used with caution. The _______, for example, can get very hot and you should take care not to burn yourself when working around it. You should always allow it to _____ befor

autoclave, vent

The ______, a device for rotating sample tubes at high speed, is another common piece of equipment in the veterinary clinic. You should always close the lid before _____ it, and never ______ it while the unit is running.

centrifuge, starting, open

If you need to pick up an animal or other weighty object, always bend at the _______.


When lifting or carrying an animal, place one arm under the animal's _____ and the other arm behind its _______.

front legs, back legs

All animals should be kept on a ______ or in a _____ to prevent escapes.

leash, carrier

When assisting a veterinarian with a feline patient, it is important to restrain the _______ and ________.

head, paws

_________ is one of your most important jobs when working in a clinic.


Don't attempt to handle a ______ or ____________ animal without assistance.

fractious, aggressive

Muzzling is safer for the ________, __________________, _________________ and owner.

pet, veterinarian, assistant

Excessive exposure to ____________ can cause ___________ and _________.

radiation, burns, cancer

When using x-rays, you must wear protective equipment including ______ ___________, _______, and __________ collar.

lead apron, gloves, thyroid

There can also be hazards related to ____ of drugs. When counting pills, always use a ________ tray, not your ___________.

handling, counting, hands

Every clinic has MSDS, or __________ ____________ __________ sheets

Material Safety Data

Always thoroughly wash your hands after handling any ____________.


If not working properly, the _________ machine can leak _________ gases into the clinic.

anesthetic, anesthetic

If you are _______ or planning to become __________ in the near future, you should avoid the radiology machine, certain medications and other hazards in the clinic.

pregnant, pregnant