Clinic Dental Hygiene Review Questions

All of the following are properties of a good disinfectant EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Kills ALL microorganisms

One of the disadvantages of steam sterilization is that it:

corrodes carbon-steal instruments

All of the following are examples of bio-hazard waste EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

a moist facial mask

A patient, age 55, has a pulse rate of 52. This pulse is considered:

below normal.

Blood pressure measures the force exerted by the blood circulating against the aterial walls during relaxation and contraction. The systolic pressure involves the ventricles relaxing to fill with blood returned by circulation.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

Referring to Angle's classification for occlusion for the permanent dentition, a Class II, division II denotes a:

retrognathic profile, with one or more anterior teeth inclined lingually

Clinically, the dentist finds evidence of decay on the cervical 1/3 of the facial of tooth #8. The G.V. Black Classification of this decay is:


The initial stage of plaque begins with:

acquired pellicle

Which of the following calculus-detecting explorers is best to use between tooth #s 4 and 5?


There is a 4 mm pocket measurement on the direct facial of #20. In addition, there is 2 mm recession on the direct facial. What is the total clinical attachment loss?


The dental hygienist is planning to use an ultrasonic scaler on his/her patient. What motion and which sides are active in the Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaler?

elliptical with all sides active

The dental hygienist has just removed the instrument cassette from the autoclave. The indicator tape on the wrapping has turned brown. one can be assured of which of the following?

The instruments have been heat processed.

Once instrumentation has been completed on the mesial of tooth # 18 with a universal curette, the dental hygienist re-positions the instrument to the distal of tooth # 19. To accomplish correct adaptation of the instrument the dental hygienist should use

same end of the instrument, but the opposite cutting edge

Which of the following arteries should be palpated when taking the pulse of a conscious adult patient?


Through which of the following ways do ultrasonic scalers work?


Which of the following indicates a rapid pulse rate?


Which of the following stains is not caused by poor oral hygiene or smoking?

bluish-green and yellow-brown

A 14-yr old patient presents to the office with swollen, bleeding gingiva. Which of the following would you recommend?

Soft tooth brush

A patient presents with misaligned mandibular anterior teeth. Which of the following auxiliary aids would be BEST to recommend for home use to use to clean these teeth?

End-tuft brush

Using ASA Classification, a patient who has well-controlled, noninsulin-dependent diabetes would be classified as ASA:


The dental hygienist notes a Class IV furcation on tooth #3. Which of the following Gracey curettes should be used to instrument the mesial surface of the distal buccal root?


On an adult patient, the blood pressure cuff is placed over which artery?


There are four classifications of furcations. With Class III furcation, there is severe bone loss with recession and the Nabers probe can pass between the roots.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

Which agency monitors the fluoride content in community water supply?


Which predominant bacteria are responsible for the initiation of caries?

Streptococcus mutans

The smooth surface of a tooth benefits MOST from fluoride because bacteria accumulate more readily on these surfaces than on other tooth surfaces.

The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT.

What is the first measure that should be taken when a child ingests a toxic amount of topical fluoride?

Induce vomitting

What kind of stain can stannous fluoride cause?


How long can acute fluoride toxicity last?

Up to 24 hours

From the following list, select the items associated with Chlorhexidine.

Decreases supragingival plaque formation, stains teeth, suppresses Streptococcus mutans, and causes dysgeusia (altered taste)

What is the best method of fluoride application for caries prevention?

Low concentration, high frequency

What is the safely tolerated dose of topical fluoride?

One-fourth the certainly lethal dose.

The cause of mottled enamel is excess:

consumption of systemic fluoride between the ages of 6 yrs and 14 yrs

From the following list, select the contraindications for use associated with air polishing.

Composite restorations, active periodontal conditions, patient with COPD, patient with hypertension

An intraoral photo shows white sports on the coronal 1/3 of the anterior teeth. What is the MOST likely cause of the white spots?


The bacteria found in deep carious lesions are:

Lactobacilli species and Streptococcus mutans

Which tooth surface would benefit LEAST from a fluoride rinse?


Signs and symptoms of acute fluoride toxicity include all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


Which of the following topical fluoride delivery systems is BEST for an individual with rampant caries?


Self-applied fluoride rinses are:

are effective in caries prevention and control.

The two main substances removed from enamel in the demineralization process are:

calcium and phosphorus

The daily use of self-applied topical fluoride:

is recommended for patients with xerostomia.

Fluorosis may be observed in teeth exposed to drinking water beginning at how many ppm?


The Cooper's live in the country and have well water which tested at <0.3 ppm of fluoride. How much fluoride should be supplemented for their 5 yr old daughter who has one occlusal restoration?

.50 mg/day

The preferred type of professional topical fluoride application for a patient with composite veneer bonding of teeth #s 8 and 9 would be:

2% sodium fluoride

A 4 yr old child who lives in a non-fluoridated are has rampant decay. All of the following home-care regimens could be used, with parental supervision EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

fluoride mouth rinse

When ingested, most of fluoride i absorbed through the:

stomach and small intestine

Adverse fluoride reactions, such as nausea and vomiting, can be minimized during professional application if the dental hygienist:

uses the appropriate amount of fluoride agent and salivary control

What is the best source of information for a dental hygienist to refer to in order to learn care information about a specific product used for patient care in the dental office?

Material safety data sheet

Which of the following is an example of a high-level disinfectant?


Which method of sterilization is most appropriate for heat-sensitive items?

Ethylene oxide

Which spore testing is used with a steam autoclave?

Bacillus stearothermophilus

Which of the following is able to be sterilized with dry heat sterilization?

Metal instruments

A patient presents with a blood pressure reading of 140/92. What would this be classified?

Mild hypertension

What is the protocol for care for a patient who has a diastolic reading of 98?

Consult physician prior to initiating treatment

Biological testing monitors which of the following?

Sterility of instruments

An industrial worker presents to the dental office with a bluish to bluish - green stain on the teeth. The inhalation of which type of metallic dust from occupational exposure caused this stain?


What is the normal progression of bacterial development on the teeth?

Pellicle formation, plaque adhesion, bacterial colonization

From which of the following is calculus most easily removed?


Which of the following is the cause of dentinal hypersensitivity?

Movement of fluid within the dentinal tubules

Which fluoride regime is best to minimize dental caries?

Low concentration, high frequency

What is the goal of periodontal debridement?

Produce a root surface that is biologically compatible with the surrounding tissues.

A patient returns for a 4 week re-evaluation appointment exhibiting bleeding in select areas. What is the best treatment for this appointment?

Periodontal debridement in the affected areas.

What is the best definition of a scaling stroke?

A firm pull stroke with proper lateral pressure in the area of the deposit.

Which of the following is the cause of black line stain?

Cause is unknown

How does calculus contribute to periodontal disease?

Provides a rough surface irritating the gingival tissues.

Which of the following are characteristics of an ideal disinfectant?

Odorless, Fast acting, and broad spectrum activity

Which cutting edge is used to debride the mesiofacial of #30 during instrumentation with the universal curet?

The opposite cutting edge on the same working end as used for the distal

What must occur in order to gain proper adaptation during instrumentation?

The instrument must be rolled between the finger and thumb.

What working stroke is being used when the face of the blade is perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth during instrumentation?


When would a fomite be created?

During dental charting when the hygienist touches the keyboard with contaminated gloves.

Which medical conditions contraindicate use of the air polisher and/or the ultrasonic scaler?

Asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema

In what percentage is professional strength, in-office sodium fluoride?


The horizontal overlap of the maxillary and mandibular incisors is a(n)


All of the following are added to the water for community water fluoridation, EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Acidulated phosphate fluoride

What organization is responsible for oversight of MSDS to also include compliance with Bloodbourne Pathogen Standard in the dental office setting?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Which of the following are not contraindicated for use of the air polisher?

Diabetes, thyroid disorder, and cardiac pacemaker

What type of acid do Streptococcus mutans primarily produce?


At what angle should the blade be at when inserting a curet into the sulcus?

0 degrees

What is the landmark to initiate the root planing stroke?

Coronal edge of the junctional epithelium

All of the following create heat during polishing except one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?

Slow speed

Fluoride is rapidly absorbed in the:

stomach and small intestine