chemical and waste management

acute exposure

High levels of exposure over a short period.

chemical inventory

A list of every product used in the office that contains chemicals.

chronic exposure

Repeated exposures, generally to lower levels, over a long time.

contaminated waste

Items such as gloves and patient napkins that may contain the potentially infectious body fluids of patients.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Federal regulatory agency responsibile for protecting and restoring the environment and public health through environmental laws.

Hazard Communication Standard

Recently revised Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard regarding employees' "right to know" about hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

hazardous waste

Waste that poses a risk to humans or to the environment.

infectious waste

Waste that is capable of transmitting an infectious disease.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Form that provides printed information regarding the hazards of materials that contain chemicals.

regulated waste

Infectious waste that requires special handling, neutralization, and disposal.