Preventing Infection

Before leaving the room

When do you remove your gown when your in a patient room

In a body part

Where is a local infection


If something is wet is is considered to be:


A microbe that is harmful or can cause an infection is a :

Health care associated or Nosocomial infection

An infection acquired after being admitted to a facility


If you have protection against getting a disease you have :

Coughing sneezing and talking

Droplets are produced by:

Being free of all pathogens and non-pathogens

Sterile means :

Systemic infection

An infection involving the whole body is a :


Being free of disease producing microbes :

Goggles and then gloves

What do you remove before you remove your gown when in a patients room

Clean Technique

Medical asepsis is also known as :


Contact precautions always require the use of :


Disinfection destroys:

Source or pathogen

Infection starts with : (chain of infection)

Multidrug resistant organisms

A microbe that resists an antibiotic is:

normal flora

Microbes that live and grow in a certain area are:

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Who initiated the Blood Borne Pathogen Standard:

Reduce the number of organisms present

The purpose of cleaning is to

The front and the sleeves

What part of the gowns would be contaminated


What is the last part of PPE that is removed:

Machine that sterilizes items

What is an autoclave


When putting on PPE/ What goes on first

Good skin care

What infection control procedure would protect the persons portals of entrys:


The easiest and most important way to prevent infection