Insurance midterm

Common Mode Failure

a failure of a single event causes multiple failures in a system.

3 forms of a Loss

Financial, Physical, Material


compensate for loss, damage, or injury; reimburse; repay


The insured is restored to his or her approximate financial position prior to the occurrence of the loss


Request by insureds to pay for losses

insurance policy

a written contract between the insured and an insurance company that promises to pay for all or part of a loss

Reduce, avoid, ignore, transfer...



The probability and magnitude of loss, disaster, or other undesirable event

How does yung 0rri calculate risk



the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively

How is management used in insurance

to minimize, monitor or control the probability and/ or impact of unfortunate events

Comprehensive and collision coverage

covers theft, vandalism, hailstorms, stereos, damage to vehicle regardless of fault


Where one insurance company pursues claims against another insurance company

uninsured/ Under-insured

coverage covers medical payments property damage.. amounts vary by states


sources of danger that result in loss (fire, storm, flood, theft, trees, vandalism.)

Home owners policies will

list exclusions to coverages... Earthquakes, floods

Renters Insurance

Protects you against loss of personal property, liability for a visitor's personal injury, and liability for negligent destruction of the rented premises.

Four Basic parts of the typical Homeowners Policy (not including liability)

detached structures
loss of use

Moral Hazard

When the act of insuring an event increases the likelihood that the event will happen bcs they act more R3cklezz

Risk Mitigation

to moderate or lesson risk in someway

3 ways to mitigate risk

Avoid, reduce, transfer

Workers Compensation

A form of insurance paid by the employer providing cash benefits to workers injured or disabled in the course of employment. (not all states require to carry this)


Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a government agency in the Department of Labor to maintain a safe and healthy work environment

health care insurance

when a company or the government covers all or part of the cost of health care that a family needs.

What do health care plans involve

Premiums, deductibles, copayments

Three basic types of Health care coverage

Free for service plan (FFS), Health maintenance Organization(H(o)MO,Jwalt)
Preferred Provider Orginization (PPO)

Free for service plan

share the cost of medical service w/ insurer (20/80)

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Alternative means of health care in which people or their employers are charged a set amount and the HMO provides health care and covers hospital costs.

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

combines FFS and HMO plans where physicians and providers are listed in the PPo network, and plan members can visit any provider in network by paying a small copayment


the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives (2008 finance crisis)


The ability of an applicant to meet an insurer's underwriting requirements. Based on- Health, lifestyle, age

Automobile Insurance

Provides payments for both liability and property insurance on a vehicle

Factors to calculate risk and premiums

type of vehicle
driving record
claims history

Property damage

the insured is at fault, covers damage to other vehicle + sometimes incidental property

Bodily injury

Insured is at fault, covers people in the other vehicle + sometimes the insurance vehicle


this is the amount the patient is expected to pay before the insurance plan will begin paying


the replacement cost to repair structure

detached structures

Garages, fences usually covered at 10 percent


Covered at 50 - 70 percent

homeowners policy #s

Ho1- basic form (fire policy)
HO2- broad form (homeowners policy)
H03- exclusions coverage
H04 - renters policy
HO6- Condominium Policy
HO7- Manufactured/ mobile home
H08- Modified Coverage (historic housing)


Federal Emergency Management Agency

Measure Intangibility?

Fermi solution: Method that helped estimate uncertain quantity and a basis for where uncertainty about a quantity originated

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

A federal program established to provide assistance to elderly persons and persons with disabilities

Elimination Period

a clause in a disability insurance policy that specifies how soon after the disability the policy will begin to pay benefits

Total Disability

A condition which does not allow a person to perform the duties of any occupation for payment as a result of injury or sickness.

Own-occupation Protection

extra coverage in a disability policy for those who have a highly specialized and highly paid job, such as a brain surgeon

Residual Disability

coverage that protects you when you are able to work part time but not full time

Presumptive Disability

When an individual experiences:
- loss of use of any two limbs;
- total and permanent blindness; and
- loss of speech and hearing.

Loss of income policy

For businesses to retain key employees, keep salaries

Business Personal Property

Includes machinery/equipment, inventory (finished goods, goods in process, raw materials), improvements & betterments; leased personal property, debris removal; property of others, valuable papers & records

Dealers blanket policy coverage

insurance for business w/ a large inventory of expensive items, such as a classic car dealership