Ch 5 Infection control milady


one-celled microscopic organisms

Bacterial spores

Bacteria capable of producing a protective coating that allows them to withstand very harsh environments, and shed the coating when conditions become more favorable.

binary fission

The division of bacteria cells into two new cells called daughter cells.

Chelating soaps

Also known as chelating detergents; detergents that break down stubborn films and remove the residue of pedicure products such as scrubs, salts, and masks.


Round shaped bacteria that appear singly or in groups


Spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia.


Slender hair like extensions used by bacilli and spirilla for locomotion. Also known as cilia

Folliculitis barbae

Synonym tinea barbae. Also known as barbers itch, inflammation of the hair follicles caused by a bacterial infection from ingrown hairs. The cause is typically from ingrown hairs due to shaving or other epilation methods.


Capable of destroying fungi


Singular: bacillus. Short, rod-shaped bacteria. They are the most common bacteria and produce diseases such as tetanus (lockjaw), typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphtheria.

Local infection

An infection, such as a pimple or abscess, that is confined to a particular part of the body and appears as a lesion containing pus.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Replaced by Safety Data Sheets; information compiled by the manufacture about product safety, including the names of hazardous ingredients, safe handling and use procedures, precautions to reduce the risk of accidental harm or overexposure, and flammabili

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

A type of infectious bacteria that is highly resistant to conventional treatments such as antibiotics.



Mycrobacterium Fortuitum

A microscopic germ that normally exists in tap water in small numbers.


Bacteria that are not harmful

occupational disease

Illness resulting from conditions associated with employment, such as prolonged and repeated overexposure to certain products or ingredients.


An organism that lives on or in a host and causes harm to the host

pathogenic disease

disease produced by disease-causing bacteria, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus (pus-forming bacteria), or viruses

Phenolic disinfectants

Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants. They are a form of formaldehyde, have a very high pH, and can damage the skin and eyes.

Quaternary ammonium compounds

Type of disinfectant solution safe for all uses in the salon; commonly called quats.

Safety Data Sheet

Abbreviated SDS; required by law for all products sold. SDSs include safety information about products compiled by the manufacturer, including hazardous ingredients, safe use and handling procedures, proper disposal guidelines, precautions to reduce the r


contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite

Sodium hypochlorite

Common household bleach; an effective disinfectant for the salon.


spiral shaped bacteria


Pus-forming bacteria that grow in clusters like a bunch of grapes. They cause abscesses, pustules, and boils.

Standard Precautions

procedures, such as performing hand hygiene and wearing gloves, that are used with all patients and are designed to prevent the spread of infection


Pus-forming bacteria arranged in curved lines resembling a string of beads. They cause infections such as strep throat and blood poisoning.

systemic infection

an infection throughout the body

tinea barbae

Also known as barber's itch; a superficial fungal infection that commonly affects the skin. It is primarily limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck or around the scalp.

tinea capitis

fungal infection of the scalp

Tenia pedis

athlete's foot


Various poisonous substances produced by some microorganisms (bacteria and viruses).


An infectious disease that may affect almost all tissues of the body, especially the lungs


Capable of destroying viruses


A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in cells of biological organisms.

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

a disease in which the immune system is weakened


Environmental Protection Agency


Occupational Safety and Health Administration