Sports Med 1 Chapter 2 Study Guide

A storage facility should be at least how many feet?


What are the elecments of a hydrotherapy area?

- Floor should slope towards drain
- Outlets should be places 5 ft above ground
- Cords and wires kept off floor
- 2-3 whirlpools
- Shelving and storage space


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

What are expendable supplies?

Items that cannot be reused - tape, masage lotion, bandanges

The primary purpose of a pre-participation health exam is to?

identify whether an athlete is at risk before they participate

When ordering expensive supplies it is important to have vendors quote prices before making a decision. This is known as what?

competitive bidding

What is the most expedient method of making a maturity assessment

secondary sexual characteristic assessment

The most crucial stage in maturity is what stage? Why

3rd increased speed of bone growth

The purpose of having personal information card on each athlete is to record what

family and insurance info

SOAP is an acronym for what

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

What is the part of the pre-participation exam that includes the assessment of height, weight, and body composition called?

Physical Examination

Who can preform a Snellen test


What is the cause of most indirect sports sports related death


The athletic trainers office should be at least how many feet


An unplanned event capable of resulting in loss of time and property damage is known as


What is an example of a non consumable capital equipment

ice machine, table, therapeutic modalities

What conditions indicate a possible medical disqualification from a collision/contact sports


What does touching ones toes with straight knees test

hamstring flexability

During an orthopedic assessment, shrugging the shoulders tests what

upper trapezius muscle

The law that protects he privacy of student educational records and in some instances medical records is known as what


What are the components of an individuals medical history

Past and existing medical conditions - update yearly - collect insurance

What are the parts of the assessment of general health insurance

-Exercise and weight control
-Lifestyle habits that pose a threat to wellness
-Skin care
- Sanitation
- Avoiding diseases

The componets of a pre participation exam include: a medical history, physical examination, maturity assessment, cardio screening, orthopedic screening, wellness screening


The athlete who has lost one of a paired organ should have no sport participation restrictions


The athletic trainer may release medical information to only the coach, team physician, and players teammates


For security purposes, athletic training students at the high school should not be given keys to the athletic training room


When considering who is served by an athletic training facility, it is important to consult school liability insurance to determine who may be treated


An injury database of medical records should be accessible to all student athletic trainers so they can update records on a regular basis


An extrinsic factor refers to the type of activity performed, amount of exposure to injury, environment and equipment


An annual report serves to analyze the number of supplies used and how many to order for the following year


Everyone should have access to the athletic trainers office to allow for necessary availability of medical records


It is important to have defined rules to maintain cleanliness and order in the athletic training room


Because of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a physician cannot legally disqualify athletes from competition


With computer age, record keeping software system programs are making completing paperwork for the athletic trainer more efficient


The highest incidence of indirect sports death is caused by cardiovascular abnormalities


NCAA Division 1 athletes may sign a waiver to avoid participating in mandatory sickle cell trait testing


A patient file management system should not have ecurity features that control acess


Discuss the componets and the importance of the pre participation exam

medical history, physical exam, orthopedic screening, wellness screening

Describe how the computer can be a useful tool in the athletic training room

teaching software, patient records, budget and schedule

Describe the types of record keeping that are necessary for effcient training room operation

Medical records, injury reports, insurance info, injury eval, progress notes, equipment inventory, annual reports