Chap. 1 Psych Terms


scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Critical Thinking

process of objectively evaluating, comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing information.

Nature-Nurture Controversy

ongoing dispute over the relative contributions of nature (hereditary) and nurture (environment)

Psychoanalytical/Psychodynamic Perspective

focuses on unconscious processes and unresolved past conflicts.

Behavioral Perspective

emphasizes objective, observable environmental influences on overt behavior.

Humanistic Perspective

emphasizes free-will, self-actualization, and human nature as naturally positive and growth-seeking.

Positive Psychology

scientific study of optimal human functioning, emphasizing positive emotions, traits, and institutions.

Cognitive Perspective

focuses on thinking, perceiving, and information processing.

Neuroscience/Biopsychology Perspective

emphasizes genetics and other biological processes in the brain and other parts of the nervous system.

Evolutionary Perspective

focuses on natural selection, adaptation, and evolution of behavior and mental processes.


emphasizes social interaction and cultural determinants of behavior and mental processes.

Biopsychosocial Model

unifying theme of modern psychology that incorporates biological, psychological, and social processes.

Basic Research

research conducted to advance scientific knowledge

Applied Research

research designed to solve practical problems.


statistical procedure for combining and analyzing data from many studies.


specific, testable prediction about how one factor, or variable, is related to another.

Operation Definition

precise description of how the variables in a study will be observed and measured.


interrelated set of concepts that explain a body of data.

Informed Consent

participant's agreement to take part in a study after being told what to expect.


informing participants after the research about the purpose of the study, the nature of the anticipated results, and any deceptions used.


carefully controlled scientific procedure that involves manipulation of variables to determine cause and effect.

Experimenter Bias

occurs when researcher influences research results in the expected direction.


we assume behaviors typical in our culture are typical in all cultures.

Sample Bias

systematic differences among the groups being studied. occurs when research participants are not representative of the larger population.

Double-Blind Study

procedure in which both the researcher and the participants are unaware (blind) of who is in the experimental or control group.


inactive substance or fake treatment used as a control technique, usually in drug research, or given by a medical practitioner to a patient.

Random Assignment

using chance methods to assign participants to experimental or control conditions, thus minimizing the possibility of biases or preexisting differences in the groups.

Participant Bias

occurs when experimental conditions influence the participants behavior or mental processes.

Descriptive Research

research methods that observe and record behavior and mental processes without producing casual explanations.

Naturalistic Observation

observation and recording behavior and mental processes in the participant's natural state or habitat.


research technique that questions a large sample of people to asses their behaviors and attitudes.

Case Study

in-depth study of a single research participant.

Correlational Research

researcher observes or measures (without directly manipulating) two or more naturally occurring variables to find the relationship between them.

Biological Research

scientific studies of the brain and other parts of the nervous system.