Psych 230 Chapter 2


cell body

input zone

the part of a neuron that receives information, from other neurons or from specialized sensory structures. Usually corresponds to the cell's dendrites

integration zone

the part of the neuron that initiates nerve electrical activity. Usually corresponds to the neuron's axon hillock

conduction zone

the part of the neuron over which the nerve's electrical signal may be actively propagated. Usually corresponds to the cell's axon

output zone

the part of a neuron, usually corresponding to the axon terminals, at which the cell sends information to another cell

golgi stain

a histological stain that fills a small proportion of neurons with a dark, silver-based precipitate

nissl stain

a histological stain that outlines all cell bodies because the dyes are attracted to RNA, which encircles the nucleus


a histological technique that shows the distribution of radioactive chemicals in tissues


labeling a structure's antibodies with a dye or radioactive element then exposing slices of brain to antibodies

in situ hybridization

a method for detecting particular RNA transcripts in tissue sections by providing a nucleotide probe that is complementary to, and will therefore hybridize with, the transcript of interest

immediate early genes

a class of genes that show rapid but transient increases in experession in cells that have become activated


an immediate early gene commonly used to identify activated neurons

multipolar neurons

have many dendrites and a single axon, and they are the most common type of neuron

bipolar neurons

have a single dendrite at one end of the cell and a single axon at the other end. This type of neuron is especially common in sensory systems, such as vision

unipolar neurons

have a single extension usually thought of as an axon, that branches in two directions after leaving the cell body. On end is the input zone with branches like dendrites; the other, the output zone


a star-shape glial cell with numerous processes (extensions) that run in all directions

microglial cells

extremely small glial cells that remove cellular debris from injured or dead cells

node of Ranvier

a gap between successive segments of the myelin sheath where the axon membrane is exposed

multiple sclerosis

literally "man scars" a disorder characterized by widespread degeneration of myelin


a type of glial cell that forms myelin in the central nervous system

schwann cell

the glial cell that forms myelin in the peripheral nervous system


the swelling of tissue, especially in the brain, in response to injury


the elaborate branching of the dendrites of some neurons

cauda equina

the caudal-most spinal nerves, which extend beyond the spinal cord proper to exit the spinal column

peripheral nervous system

the portion of the nervous system that includes all the nerves and neurons outside the brain and spinal cord

central nervous system

the portion of the nervous system that includes the brain and the spinal cord

cranial nerve

a nerve that is connected directly to the brain

spinal nerve

aka somatic nerve, a nerve that emerges from the spinal cord

autonomic nervous system

the part of the peripheral nervous system that supplies neural connections to glands and to smooth muscles of internal glands

CN 1


CN 2


CN 3, 4, 6

oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, (moves eyes)

CN 5

trigeminal, face, sinuses, teeth

CN 7

facial, tongue, soft palate

CN 8

vestibulocochlear, inner ear

CN 9

glossopharyngeal, taste and other mouth sensations

CN 10

vagus, information from internal organs

CN 11

spinal accessory, neck muscles

CN 12

hypoglossal, tongue muscles


referring to the topmost 8 segments of the spinal cord, in the neck region


referring to the 12 spinal segments below the cervical (neck) portion of the spinal cord, corresponding to the chest


referring to the 5 spinal segments that make up the upper part of the lower back


referring to the 5 spinal segments that make up the lower part of the lower back


referring to the lowest spinal vertebra (AKA tailbone)

autonomic ganglia

collections of nerve cell bodies, belonging to the autonomic division of the peripheral nervous system, that are found in various locations and innervate the major organs


Referring to neurons in the autonomic nervous system that run from the central nervous system to the autonomic ganglia


Referring to neurons in the autonomic nervous system that run from the autonomic ganglia to various targets in the body

sympathetic nervous system

a component of the autonomic nervous system that arises from the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord

sympathetic chain

a chain of ganglia that runs along each side of the spinal column; part of the sympathetic nervous system

parasympathetic nervous system

a component of the autonomic nervous system that arises from both the cranial nerves and the sacral spinal cord


AKA noradrenaline. A neurotransmitter produced and released by sympathetic postganglionic neurons to accelerate organ activity. Also produced in the brainstem and found in projections throughout the brain


a neurotransmitter produced and released by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons, by motoneurons, and by neurons throughout the brain

enteric nervous system

an extensive meshlike system of neurons that governs the functioning of the gut

cerebral hemispheres

the right and left halves of the forebrain


a ridged or raised portion of a convoluted brain surface


a furrow of a convoluted brain surface

frontal lobe

the most anterior portion of the cerebral cortex

parietal lobes

Large regions of cortex lying between the frontal and occipital lobes of each cerebral hemisphere

temporal lobes

Large lateral cortical regions of each cerebral hemisphere, continuous with the parietal lobes posteriorly, and separated from the frontal lobe by the Sylvian fissure

occipital lobes

Large regions of cortex covering much of the posterior part of each cerebral hemisphere

sylvian fissure

A deep fissure that demarcates the temporal lobe

central sulcus

A fissure that divides the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe

cerebral cortex

The outer covering of the cerebral hemispheres, which consists largely of nerve cell bodies and their branches

postcentral gyrus

The strip of parietal cortex, just behind the central sulcus, that receives somatosensory information from the entire body

precentral gyrus

the strip of frontal cortex, just in front of the central sulcus, that is crucial for motor control

corpus callosum

the main band of axons that connects the two cerebral hemispheres

white matter

a shiny layer underneath the cortex that consists largely of axons with white myelin sheaths

gray matter

Areas of the brain that are dominated by cell bodies and are devoid of myelin

neural tube

an embryonic structure with subdivisions that correspond to the future forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain


also called prosencephalon. The frontal division of the neural tube, containing the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus


also called mesencephalon. The middle division of the brain


also called rhombencephalon. The rear division of the brain, which, in the mature vertebrate, contains the cerebellum, pons, and medulla


the frontal subdivision of the forebrain that includes the cerebral hemispheres when fully developed


the posterior part of the forebrain, including the thalamus and hypothalamus


a subdivision of the hindbrain that includes the cerebellum and the pons


a structure located at the back of the brain, dorsal to the pons, that is involved in the central regulation of movement


a portion of the metencephalon; part of the brainstem connecting midbrain to medulla


the posterior part of the hindbrain, continuous with the spinal cord


the regions of the brain that consists of the midbrain, pons, and the medulla


Here, a collection of neuronal cell bodies within the central nervous system


a bundle of axons found within the central nervous system

basal ganglia

a group of forebrain nuclei, including caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, and putamen, found deep within the cerebral hemipsheres

caudate nucleus

one of the basal ganglia; it has a long extension or tail


one of the basal ganglia, p one

globus pallidus

one of the basal ganglia, gp

substania negra

a brainstem structure in humans that is related to the basal ganglia and is named for its dark pigmentation

limbic system

a loosely defined, widespread group of brain nuclei that innervate each other to form a network


a group of nuclei in the medial anterior part of the temporal lobe


a medial temporal lobe structure that is important for learning and memory


a fiber tract that extends from the hippocampus to the mammilary body

cingulate gyrus

a cortical portion of the limbic system, found in the frontal and parietal midline

olfactory bulb

an anterior projection of the brain that terminates in the upper nasal passages and, through small openings in the skull, provides receptors for smell

mammilary body

one of a pair of nuclei at the base of the brain


the brain regions that surround the third ventricle


part of the diencephalon, lying ventral to the thalamus

superior colliculi

paired gray matter structures of the dorsal midbrain that receive visual information and are involved in direction of visual gaze and visual attention to intended stimuli

inferior colliculi

paired gray matter structures of the dorsal midbrain that receive auditory information


the dorsal portion of the midbrain, including the inferior and superior colliculi

red nucleus

a brainstem structure related to motor control

reticular formation

an extensive region of the brainstem that is involved in arousal

purkinje cell

a type of large nerve cell in the cerebellar cortex

granule cell

a type of small nerve cell

parallel fiber

one of the axons of the granule cells that form the outermost layer of the cerebellar cortex


cerebral cortex that is made up of 6 distinct layers


brain tissue with 3 layers or unlayered organization

pyramidal cell

a type of large nerve cell that has a roughly pyramid-shaped cell body; found in the cerebral cortex

apical dendrite

the dendrite that extends from a pyramidal cell to the outermost surface of the cortex

basal dendrite

one of several dendrites on a pyramidal cell that extend horizontally from the cell body

cortical column

one of the vertical columns that constitute the basic organization of the neocortex


the 3 protective sheets of tissue-dura matter, pia matter, and arachnoid-that surround the brain and spinal cord

dura matter

the outermost of the 3 meninges that surround the brain and spinal cord

pia matter

the innermost of the 3 meninges that surround the brain and spinal cord


the thin covering of the brain that lies between the dura matter and the pia matter


the fluid that fills the cerebral ventricles


an acute inflammation of the meninges, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection

ventricular system

a system of fluid-filled cavities inside the brain

lateral ventricle

a complexly shaped lateral portion of the ventricular system within each hemisphere of the brain

choroid plexus

a highly vascular portion of the lining of the ventricles that secretes CSF

third ventricle

the midline ventricle that conducts CSF from the lateral ventricles to the fourth ventricle

fourth ventricle

the passageway within the pons that receives CSF from the third ventricle and releases it to surround the brain and spinal cord

carotid arteries

the major arteries that ascend the left and right sides of the neck to the brain, supplying blood to the anterior and middle cerebral arteries

anterior cerebral arteries

two large arteries, arising from the carotids, that provide blood to the anterior poles and medial surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres

middle cerebral arteries

two large arteries, arising from the carotids, that provide blood to most of the lateral surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres

posterior cerebral arteries

two large arteries, arising from the basilar artery, that provide blood to posterior aspects of the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, and brainstem

vertebral arteries

arteries that ascend the vertebrae, enter the base of the skull, and join together to form the basilar artery

basilar artery

an artery, formed by the fusion of the vertebral arteries, that supplies blood to the brainstem and to the posterior cerebral arteries

circle of willis

a structure at the base of the brain that is formed by the joining of the carotid and basilar arteries

blood-brain barrier

the mechanisms that make the movement of substances from blood vessels into brain cells more difficult than exchanges in other body organs, thus affording the brain greater protection from exposure to some substances found in the blood


a brain-imaging technique in which a specialized x-ray image of the head is taken shortly after the cerebral blood vessels have been filled with a radiopaque dye by means of a catheter


a noninvasive technique for examining brain structure in humans through computer analysis of x-ray absorption at several positions around the head


a noninvasive technique that uses magnetic energy to generate images that reveal some structural details in the living brain


a technique for examining brain function by combining tomography with injections of radioactive substances used by the brain


magnetic resonance imaging that detects changes in blood flow and therefore identifies regions of the brain that are particularly active during a given task

optical imaging

a method for visualizing brain activity in which near-infrared light is passed through the scalp and skull


localized, noninvasive stimulation of cortical neurons through the application of strong magnetic fields


a passive and noninvasive functional brain-imaging technique that measures the tiny magnetic fields produced by active neurons, in order to identify regions of the brain that are particularly active during a given task