Psychology, Section 1


The ___ wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation.


When a child is hungry, the ____ wants food, and therefore the child cries.


When the child needs to be changed, the id _____.


When the child is uncomfortable, in pain, too hot, too cold, or just wants attention, the ____ speaks up until his or her needs are met.


The id doesn't care about __________, about the needs of anyone else, only its own satisfaction.


If you think about it, babies are not real ____________ of their parents' wishes.


They have no care for ______, whether their parents are sleeping, relaxing, eating dinner, or bathing.


When the ____ wants something, nothing else is important.


Within the next three years, as the child interacts more and more with the world, the _________ part of the personality begins to develop.


Freud called this part the _____.


The ego is based on the ________ principle.


The _____ understands that other people have needs and desires and that sometimes being impulsive or selfish can hurt us in the long run.


It's the ego's job to meet the needs of the ____, while taking into consideration the reality of the situation.


By the age of five, or the end of the phallic stage of development, the __________ develops.


The Superego is the ________ part of us and develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers.


Many equate the superego with the ___________ as it dictates our belief of right and wrong.


In a healthy person, according to Freud, the _____ is the strongest so that it can satisfy the needs of the id, not upset the superego, and still take into consideration the reality of every situation.


Not an easy job by any means, but if the ___ gets too strong, impulses and self gratification take over the person's life.


If the __________ becomes too strong, the person would be driven by rigid morals, would be judgmental and unbending in his or her interactions with the world.


Defense Mechanisms:
__________- arguing against an anxiety provoking stimuli by stating it doesn't exist denying that your physician's diagnosis of cancer is correct and seeking a second option

Reaction formation

________ _________- taking the opposite belief because the true belief causes anxiety having a bias against a particular race or culture and then embracing that race or culture to the extreme


_____________- supplying a logical or rational reason as opposed to the real reason stating that you were fired because you didn't kiss up to the boss, when the real reason was your poor performance.


__________- placing unacceptable impulses in yourself onto someone else, when losing an argument, you state "You're just stupid.


____________- acting out unacceptable impulses in a socially acceptable way, sublimating your aggressive impulses toward a career as a boxer; becoming a surgeon because of your desire to cut; lifting weights to release 'pent up' energy.


___________- returning to a previous stage of development sitting in a corner and crying after hearing bad news; throwing a temper tantrum when you don't get your way.


__________- taking out impulses on a less threatening target; slamming a door instead of hitting a person, yelling at your spouse after an argument with your boss.


__________- pulling into the unconscious forgetting sexual abuse from your childhood due to the trauma and anxiety.

Sigmund Freud

_______ _____ (1856- 1939) is probably the most well known theorist when it comes to the development of personality.


Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development are, like other stage theories, completed in a predetermined sequence and can result in either successful completion or a healthy personality or can result in failure, leading to an unhealthy personality.


This theory is probably the best known as well as the most ___________; as Freud believed that we develop through stages based upon particular erogenous zone.


During each stage, an unsuccessful completion means that a child becomes ___________ on that particular erogenous zone and either over- or under-indulges once he he or she becomes an adult.

smoke, over eat

This type of personality may have a stronger tendency to ________, drink alcohol, _____ ____, or bite his or her nails.


Personality wise, these individuals may become overly __________ upon others, gullible, and perpetual followers.


On the other hand, they may also fight these urges and develop pessimism and ____________ toward others.

Oral Stage

________ ______ (Birth to 18 months). During the ______ ______, the child is focused on oral pleasures (sucking). Too much or too little gratification can result in an Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is evidenced by a preoccupation with oral activ

Anal Stage

_______ ______ (18 months to three years). The child's focus of pleasure in this stage is eliminating and retaining feces. Through society's pressure, mainly via parents, the child has to learn to control anal stimulation.


In terms of personality, after effects of an anal fixation during this stage can result in an obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control (anal retentive). On the opposite end of the spectrum, they may become messy and disorganized (anal ________)

Phallic Stage

________ ______ (ages three to six). The pleasure zone switches to the genitals. Freud believed that during this stage boys develop unconscious sexual desires for their mother. Because of this, he becomes rivals with his father and sees him as competition


During this time, boys also develop a fear that their ________ will punish them for these feelings, such as by castrating them.

Oedipus Complex

This group of feelings is known as ________ ________ (after the Greek Mythology figure who accidentally killed his father and married his mother).


Later it was added that girls go through a similar situation, developing unconscious sexual attraction to their _________.

Electra Complex

Although Freud strongly disagreed with this, it has been termed the _________ _______ by more recent psychoanalysts.


According to Freud, out of fear of castration and due to the strong competition of his father; boys eventually decided to _________ with him rather than fight him.


By identifying with his father, the boy develops masculine characteristics and identifies himself as a male, and __________ his sexual feelings toward his mother.


A ___________ at this stage could result in sexual deviancies (both overindulging and avoidance) and weak or confused sexual identity according to psychoanalysts.

Latency Stage

_________ ______ (age six to puberty). It's during this stage that sexual urges remain repressed and children interact and play mostly with the same sex peers.

Genital Stage

________ ______ (puberty on). The final stage of pyschosexual development begins at the start of puberty when sexual urges are once again awakened.


Through lessons learned during the previous stages, adolescents direct their sexual urges onto opposite sex peers; with the primary focus of pleasure is the ________.


The main disagreement Carl Jung had with Freud was his belief that there was more to the __________ than Freud theorized.


______ believed that there were fears, behaviors, and thoughts that children and adults exhibit that are remarkably similar across time and culture.

collective unconscious

He believed that this was more than coincidence and represented what he called the __________ ________.


HIs newly formed school of thought, __________ ________, theorized about how this collective unconscious influences personality.


He argued that it was made up of what he termed ____________ which are primordial images inherited from our ancestors.


Another archetype is called the _________ which is basically the unconscious negative or dark side of our personality.


The shadow, like all other archetypes, is passed down through _________ and given different names depending on time and culture.


In Judeo-Christian writings, according to Jung, the shadow archetype is called the ______.


According to Adler's theory, each of us is born into the world with a sense of ___________.


We start as a weak and helpless child and strive to overcome these deficiencies by becoming __________ to those around us.

striving for superiority

He called this struggle a __________ ____ _________, and like Freud's Eros and Thanatos, he saw this as the driving force behind all human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

gender differences

In many ways, Karen Horney was well ahead of her time and although she died before the feminist movement took hold, she was perhaps the the theorist who changed the way psychology looked at ________ __________.

womb envy

She countered Freud's concept of penis envy with what she called ______ _____, or man's envy of woman's ability to bear children.


She argued that men compensate for this ability by striving for ____________ and success in other realms.


She also ________ with Freud's belief that males and females were born with inherent differences in their personality.

societal; cultural

Rather than citing biological differences, she argued for a __________ and _________ explanation.


In her view, men and women were _______ outside of the cultural restrictions often placed on being female.

gender equality

These views, while not well accepted at the time, were used years after her death to help promote ________ ________.

neurotic personality

Horney was also known for her study of _________ ____________.


She defined __________ as a maladaptive and counterproductive way of dealing with relationships.


These people are unhappy and desperately seek out __________ in order to feel good about themselves.