Abnormal Psych Chp. 12

Talking excessively is considered an element of which part of ADHD?


Children with ADHD have a deficit in ________, which are cognitive abilities to formulate a goal, plan the actions to achieve the goal, and maintain the plan in memory in order to execute it.

executive functioning

Because boys with ADHD __________ than girls do, they are more likely to receive treatment.

Have more severe symptoms

________ is an indication of the neurodevelopmental basis of autistic disorder during the first few years of life.

Accelerated head and brain growth

Behavior patterns of autism spectrum disorder include all of the following EXCEPT

ability to start but not end a conversation.

________ uses shaping and positive reinforcement to improve the social, communicative, and behavioral skills of children with autistic disorder by intensively training and rewarding specific behaviors.

Applied behavior analysis

In the 1950s and 1960s, psychosocial theories proposed that ________ were responsible for the development of autistic disorder.

refrigerator mothers

Encopresis is the repeated elimination of feces into inappropriate places by someone over the age of


About _____ of children with encopresis have chronic constipation.

80 percent

Enuresis runs in families, but despite many years of study it is not clear whether children with the condition have _______ than other children.

weakers bladders

In addition to intellectual disability, ________ is associated with birth defects, abnormal facial features and problems with growth, vision, hearing, memory and behavior.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Profound mental retardation describes intellectual functioning represented by IQ levels

below 20-25.

________ is a genetic disorder in which the body cannot break down a specific amino acid.


Among those with mild intellectual disability, more boys than girls have the diagnosis, primarily due to differences in _________ abilities.


The most commonly inherited cause of mental retardation is ________, which occurs when a DNA series makes too many copies of itself and "turns off" a gene on the X chromosome.

fragile X syndrome

Girls with conduct disorder engage in ________, which includes peer alienation, ostracism, manipulating social networks, and character defamation.

relational aggression

Both conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder are more common among children from

the worst inner-city neighborhoods.

By the age of 14, Ronald had a legal record which included fire-setting, shoplifting and animal abuse. Ronald's behaviors are symptomatic of

conduct disorder.

Throughout childhood and early adolescence, Sandy consistently exhibited out-of-control temper tantrums and willful disobedience to all authority figures, behaviors that are characteristic of

oppositional defiant disorder.

While the behaviors that are part of ________ are inappropriate at any age, some behaviors that are part of ________ must be considered within a developmental context.

conduct disorder: ODD

While ________ disorder can be identified as early as the preschool years, ________ disorder is often not apparent until third or fourth grade.

reading; written expression

Over time, the differences in reading achievement scores between normal children and those with dyslexia

Remain constant

Between ________ of school children suffer from a learning disorder, most commonly ________.

5 and 10%; reading disorder

Nine-year-old Duncan has difficulty recognizing and articulating sounds. Duncan likely has a condition known as ________ disorder.


In her English assignments, Nicole has trouble organizing coherent written paragraphs and makes frequent spelling and punctuation errors, but does excellent in presenting material orally. Nicole most likely has


Five-year-old Gabe never cried as an infant; however, he now lacks social interest, will not engage in imitative games with his mother and is extremely sensitive to touch and sound. Gabe is most likely


Behavior patterns of autism spectrum disorder include all of the following EXCEPT

ability to start but not end a conversation.

For children with autism spectrum disorder, when mildly ________ procedures are combined with positive approaches, self-injurious behaviors can be reduced.


One key feature of autism spectrum disorder is ________, including the inability to make eye contact and recognize facial expressions, and a lack of interest in human interaction.

deficits in social interaction

A child who has never been able to achieve urinary continence would be diagnosed with

primary enuresis.

According to the DSM-5, the behaviors of conduct disorder fall into three different categories. Which of the following is not one of the three?

self-injurious behavior

Children with ________ have no trouble presenting material orally but struggle with putting those same ideas into written form.


What is the likelihood that a 42-year-old mother will give birth to an infant diagnosed with Down syndrome?

1 out of 70

For about 25% of people with intellectual disability, the cause is
