PSY-274 Chapter 10 & 12 Test


Children show preferences for gender-typed toys by 15-36 months of age.


Development of prosocial behavior is linked to the development of empathy and perspective taking.


Children who are physically punished are more likely to behave aggressively.


Erikson referred to the early childhood years as the stage of initiative v. guilt.


Evolutionary theorists believe that psychological sex differences are natural and have been formed in response to challenges humans have faced over time.

through possible genetic factors.

?Research indicates that parental warmth can come from parental beliefs about how to best rear their children, from parents' tendencies to imitate the behavior of their own parents, and

?impose few rules and do not supervise closely.

?Generally speaking, permissive parents

?an inductive technique.

?Two-year-old Matt reaches over and pulls his mother's hair. She responds by saying, "Don't do that. It hurt Mommy!" This type of response qualifies as

inductive techniques

?Prosocial behaviors such as helping and sharing can be promoted by

spare the rod, spoil the child

?Which of the following phrases would a power-assertive parent agree with the most?

Involve her to another activity.

Celia is playing at the sand table. Each time one of her friends makes a sand castle, she knocks it down. As a preschool teacher, which of the following would likely be the best way to alter Celia's behavior?

involve her in doing something else.

The best way to get a preschooler to stop doing something may be to

low; high

According to Baumrind (1989), permissive-indulgent parents are ____ on the dimension of restrictiveness and control and ____ on the dimension of warmth and responsiveness.

Children should be reasoned with.

As a parent, Thomas is high on control and high on warmth. Which of the following phrases would Thomas most likely agree with?

are behaving badly in an attempt to get attention.*

Parents prefer induction over power-assertive techniques when they believe that children

may spend more time with each other than with their parents.

In the early years, siblings

be role models for their younger siblings.

Older siblings tend to

An older child having toilet accidents, even after having been potty trained

Which of the following represents regression on the part of a child when a sibling is born?

A later-born child

Which of the following children is likely to have the poorest self-concept?

parents impose tougher restrictions on first-born children.

In comparison to later-born children,

Social skills

What is probably the most important thing children learn from peer interactions?

cognitive; social

Whereas Piaget examined the ____ aspects of play, Parten focused on the ____ aspects of play.

may foster social and cognitive development.

Dramatic play

a formal game

Bridgette and Ben have created a basketball game in which whoever gets three baskets first wins. There are rules such as how far you have to be from the basket and how much time is allowed before the game is over. According to Piaget, this type of play is

solitary; onlooker

According to Parten, ____ play comes before ____ play.

A decrease in aggression

Empathy is related to which of the following?

instrumental; hostile

Aggression in preschoolers is ____ whereas by age 6 or 7, aggression becomes____.

becomes more coercive over time.

Patterson's model of aggression (2005) indicates that when parents use coercion, children become defiant. This pattern of interaction

the more exposed we are to a stimulus, the less sensitive we become to it.

Habituation means

gender identity alone can lead to "gender-appropriate" behavior.

According to gender-schema theory,

?7 - 12.

Most children are in the stage of concrete operations from ages?


Sibel is able to add 4 plus 2 and get 6. She can also subtract 2 from 6 and get 4. This characteristic of thinking is referred to as

Reversible thinking

The ability to understand that a ball of clay has the same amount of clay when it is flattened reflects which cognitive processes?


Jos� understands that if A is heavier than B, and B is heavier than C, then A is also heavier than C. This demonstrates

The ability to place sticks in order according to size

Which of the following illustrates seriation?

class inclusion.

Karla is shown pictures of three daisies and four roses. She is asked whether there are more roses or flowers. She correctly answers, 'flowers." Being able to focus on classes and subclasses simultaneously is an example of

Solve if A plus B equals 5, what is A?

According to Piaget, which of the following would a concrete operational child be unable to do?

A hands-on, interactive approach

Which teaching technique would Piaget most likely endorse?

reflects the values of the social and cultural setting in which the child is raised.

Both Piaget and Kohlberg believed that children's moral reasoning undergoes the same cognitive developmental pattern around the world and

Moral realism

Justin puts his school supplies away in his desk. When asked why, he replies, "Because my teacher told me to." He believes that right and wrong are absolutes and that behavior is correct when it conforms to rules. According to Piaget, what stage of moral

Immanent justice

Five- and 6-year-old children tend to believe that if they lie or steal, they will be found out and punished for their acts. According to Piaget, what is this called?

scraping her knee is punishment for the lie she told.

Jennifer lied to her father when she said she didn't pull the dog's tail. Afterward, she falls on the sidewalk and scrapes her knee. If Jennifer is in the stage of moral realism, she will likely believe that


Tina broke one toy on purpose. Dillon broke five toys by accident. According to 5-year-old Blake, who is in the stage of moral realism, which child should be punished most?

autonomous morality.

From the ages of 9 to 11, children come to realize that authority figures are not always right, that rules can be changed, and that some situations may require breaking the rules. According to Piaget, this stage of morality is called


Believing that Heinz should not steal the drug because stealing is wrong and Heinz will get caught and go to jail is representative of which type of moral thinking?


Believing that Heinz should steal the drug because his wife's life is more important than the law is an example of which type of moral reasoning?


Natalie believes that Heinz should steal the drug because "that is what a good husband would do." According to Kohlberg, this is an example of which level of moral development?

focus on elements of a problem and find solutions.

Selective attention refers to the ability to


Which type of memory can be referred to as trace memory?


Which memory process lasts for up to 30 seconds without rehearsal?

7 plus or minus 2

How many chunks of information can a typical adult keep in short-term memory at one time?

cannot simultaneously hold many pieces of information in memory.

Research suggests that children fail at many Piagetian tasks because they

may be retained for a lifetime.

Information in long-term memory

There is no known limit.

How much information can be stored in long-term memory?


Retrieval of information from memory without a cue is called

their cognitive ability.

Children's memory is a good overall indicator of

is called metacognition.

A child's awareness of his or her own cognitive abilities, as shown by intentional use of strategies when solving problems,


Which of the following is an advanced memory strategy?

general intelligence or "g.

If you believe that people who excel in one area have the capacity to excel in other areas, then you agree with Spearman's concept of


Spearman accounted for individual abilities by suggesting another type of intelligence he called


Which theorist developed factor analysis in order to study intelligence?

primary mental abilities.

Thurstone (1938) suggested that there are several specific factors of intelligence, which he called


Carl has survived on the street because he has been able to adapt to the demands of street life. Carl is probably high in ____ intelligence.


What is the average IQ score?


Children with Down syndrome are likely to fall within the intellectual disability range. The cause of their intellectual disability is

examine ideas that other people accept at face value.

Creative children share a number of qualities. For example, they

Stereotype vulnerability

____ is said to occur when African-American and Latino-American children worry about their performance on intelligence tests. This worry causes anxiety, which distracts them from the test questions and negatively affects their test scores.

Phonetic method

Sarah is being taught to read using a method that requires her to associate written letters and letter combinations with the sounds they indicate. Which teaching method of reading does this represent?