Psychology chapters 1-3

A random sample of a large group of people is one which

self reported behavior or attitude

The behavior of genetics perspectives would be most directly concerned with assessing the relative influence of

Nature and nurture

The first psychological laboratory was established by

Wilhelm Wundt

Which specialist would most likely to prescribe a drug for treatment of a psychological disorder


The first woman to reeve her PH.Din psychology and later wrote an influential book "The animal mind

Margret Floy Washburn

Who would have been most likely to ignore mental process and to define psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior

John Watson and B.F skinner

Which psychological perspective is most likely to examine how group membership influences individual attitude and behaviors?

Social-cultural perspective

As people prepare for their test they often believe that they understand the course material better than they actually do.

Judgemental over confidence

B.F Skinner was a prominent American


William Wundt was both

Philosopher and physiologist

What is psychology's biggest and most persistent issue?


A prominent psychology text was published in 1890. Who was the author?

William James

In the early twentieth century who redefined psychology as " the science of observable behavior

B.F Skinner, John Watson

The perspective in psychology that focuses on how behavior and thought differ from situation to situation and from culture to culture is the

social cultural perspective

A psychologist using the behavioral perspective would be most likely to study

behaviors in different situation

Hindsight bias refers to our tendency to

believe after an outcome that one would have foreseen it

This psychologist study the links between our biology and our behavior

biological psychologist

This is the oldest and most inner part of the brain


This part of the brain stem that controls the heart beat and breathing is the


The lower brain structure that governs the arousal is the

Reticular Formation

The part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movements



Change and adopt as a result of an experience

split brain

damage corpus callasum

What is the difference between Brocas area and Wernickes area?

Broca production of language and wernickes production of comprehension


disorder that results from damage portions responsible for the brain

Dual processing

The principle that information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscious and unconscious tracks.


our awareness of ourselves and our environment

inattentional blindness

failure to see visible objects when our attention is occupied elsewhere

change blindness

failing to notice changes in the environment

Selective attention

The focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus

Durring stage one light sleep a person is most likely to experience

Sudden muscle contraction

Our body temperature tends to rise and fall in sync with a biological clock

Ciradian Rhythm

in interpreting dreams Freaud was most interested in

ltent content and hidden meaning

The tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation

REM rebound

most experts agree that hypnosis can be effectively used to

relieve pain

continues use of a psychoactive drug produces tolerance; this usually means that the user will

need to take larger doses to get the desired effect

Depressants include alcohol barbiturates and


nicotine and cocaine stimulate neural activity speed up body functions and

no appetite and energy and self confidence rises

Log term effect of ecstasy can

cause permanent damage to mood memory and immune system

Near death experience are strikingly similar to the hallucinations evoked by
