Chapter 6 Terms


the initial stage of learning something

aversive conditioning

conditioning involving an unpleasant or harmful unconditioned stimulus or reinforcer

avoidance learning

an organism acquires a response that prevents some aversive stimulation from occurring

behavior modification

a systematic approach to changing behavior through the application of the principles of conditioning

behavioral contract

a written agreement outlining a promise to adhere to the contingencies of a behavior modification program


The view that psychology (1) should be an objective science and (2) emphasizes observabable behavior (not mental processes) that can be objectively measured. Emerged from the pioneering work of Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and B.F. Skinner.


used to establish a specific sequence of behaviors by initially positively reinforcing each behavior in a desired sequence, then later rewarding only the completed sequence

classical conditioning

a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus. Also called Pavlovian conditioning

cognitive map

a mental representation of the layout of one's environment

conditioned response

a learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous conditioning

conditioned stimulus

a previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response


learning associations between events that occur in an organism's environment (if this, then that; first this, then that; if not this, the not that)

continuous reinforcement

occurs when every instance of a designated response is reinforced

cumulative recorder

creates a graphic record of responding and reinforcement in a Skinner box as a function of time

discriminative stimuli

cues that influence operant behavior by indicating the probable consequences (reinforcement or nonreinforcement) of a response


to draw forth


to send forth

escape learning

an organism acquires a response that decreases or ends some aversive stimulation

evaluative conditioning

efforts to transfer the emotion attached to a US to a new CS


the gradual weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response tendency

fixed-interval schedule

the reinforcer is given for the first response that occurs after a fixed interval has elapsed

fixed-ratio schedule

the reinforcer is given after a fixed number of nonreinforced responses


an organism's decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it

higher-order conditioning

a conditioned stimulus functions as if it were an unconditioned stimulus

intermittent reinforcement

occurs when a designated response is reinforced only some of the time

latent learning

learning that is not apparent from behavior when it first occurs; it becomes apparent when there is a reson todemonstrate it.

learned helplessness

the feeling of futility and passive resignation that results from the inability to avoid repeated aversive events


any relatively durable change in behavior or knowledge that is due to experience

negative punishment

taking away a stimulus that weakens a response and makes it less likely to recur

negative reinforcement

occurs when a response is strengthened because it is followed by the removal of an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus

observational learning

occurs when an organism's responding is influenced by the observation followed by imitation of others, who are called models

Skinner box

a small enclosure in which an animal can make a specific response that is recorded while the consequences of the response are systematically controlled

operant conditioning

a form of learning in which responses come to be controlled by their consequences


irrational fears of specific objects or situations

positive punishment

adding an aversive stimulus that weakens a response and makes it less likely to recur

positive reinforcement

occurs when a response is strengthened because it is followed by the presentation of a rewarding stimulus


species-specific predispositions to be conditioned in certain ways and not others

primary reinforcers

events that are inherently reinforcing because they satisfy biological needs


occurs when an event following a response weakens the tendency to make that response; a process in which behavior is followed by an aversive consequence that decreases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated


occurs when an event following a response increases an organism's tendency to make that response; a favorable outcome that strengthens a response tendency

reinforcement contingencies

the circumstances or rules that determine whether responses lead to the presentation of reinforcers

renewal effect

if a response is extinguished in a different environment than it was acquired, the extinguished response will reappear if the animal is returned to the original environment where acquisition took place

resistance to extinction

occurs when an organism continues to make a response after delivery of the reinforcer has been terminated

schedule of reinforcement

determines which occurrences of a specific response result in the presentation of a reinforcer

secondary reinforcers

events that acquire reinforcing qualities by being associated with primary reinforcers


the reinforcement of closer and closer approximations of a desired response

spontaneous recovery

the reappearance of an extinguished response after a period of nonexposure to the conditioned stimulus

stimulus discrimination

occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus does not respond in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus

stimulus generalization

occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus responds in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus

Thorndike's law

if a response in the presence of a stimulus leads to satisfying effects, the association between the stimulus and the response is strengthened


in classical conditioning, any presentation of a stimulus or pair of stimuli

unconditioned response

an unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning

unconditioned stimulus

a stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning

variable-interval schedule

the reinforcer is given for the first response after a variable time interval has elapsed

variable-ratio schedule

the reinforcer is given after a variable number of non-reinforced responses