Intro to Psych Test 4 Study Guide

Charles Spearman, one of the developers of this technique, believed that a factor called g, or
___________ _________________, runs through the more specific aspects of intelligence.

general intelligence

Melvin is limited in mental ability but has an exceptional ability to play complex music on the
piano after hearing it only once. He has been diagnosed as having _________ ______________

savant syndrome

Gerardeen has superb social skills, manages conflicts well, and has great empathy for her friends
and coworkers. Researchers would probably say that Gerardeen possesses a high degree of
___________ ________________.

emotional intelligence

The French psychologist who devised a test to predict the success of children in school was
_________. Predictions were made by comparing children's chronological ages with their _mental_
ages, which were determined by the test.


Benito was born in 1937. In 1947, he scored 130 on an intelligence test. Benito's mental age
when he took the test was ____


If asked to guess the intelligence score of a stranger, your best guess would be _____, because it
is the average IQ score.


One requirement of a good test is the process of defining meaningful scores by comparison with
the performance of a pretested group, which is called ___________________


When scores on a test are compiled, they generally result in a bell-shaped pattern, or __________ _________

normal curve

If a test yields consistent results, it is said to be __________


The degree to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to is referred to as the test's


The accumulation of stored information that comes with education and experience is called
__________ _______________, which tends to __________ with age.

crystallized intelligence; increase

The ability to reason abstractly is referred to as _________ intelligence, which tends to
______________ with age.

fluid; decrease

Sixty-five year-old Jordan cannot reason as well as he could when he was younger. Most likely,
Jordan's ________ intelligence has declined.


If you wanted to develop a test of musical aptitude in North American children, which would be
the appropriate standardization group?
a. Children all over the world
b. North American children
c. Children of musical parents
d. Children with known musical a


Jack takes the same test of mechanical reasoning on several different days and gets virtually
identical scores. This suggests that the test has high _____________


You would not use a test of hearing ability as an intelligence test because it would lack


The intelligence scores of identical twins reared together are _______ similar than those of
fraternal twins.


Studies of adopted children and their adoptive and biological families demonstrate that with age,
genetic influences on intelligence become _________ apparent. Thus, children's intelligence scores
are more like those of their _____________ parents.

more; biological

On an infant intelligence test that looks at the infants' preferences for looking at unfamiliar
stimuli, Black infants score ________________ White infants.

the same as

When women and members of ethnic minorities are led to expect that they won't do well on a
test, a _____________ _________ may result, and their scores may actually be lower.

stereotype threat

A 6 year-old child has a mental age of 9. Using the original formula, the child's IQ would be
a. 96.
b. 100.
c. 125.
d. 150.


Which of the following is NOT true?
a. In math computation, the average girl typically equals or surpasses the average boy.
b. The gender gap in math test scores is increasing.
c. Women are better than men at detecting emotions.
d. Males score higher than


Standardization refers to the process of
a. Determining the portion of test-score variation that can be assigned to genes.
b. Defining meaningful scores relative to a representative pretested group.
c. Determining the consistency of test scores obtained b


The existence of _____ reinforces the generally accepted notion that intelligence is a
multidimensional quality.
a. Adaptive skills
b. Stereotype threat
c. General intelligence
d. Savant syndrome


The bell-shaped pattern of intelligence scores in the general population is called a
a. g distribution.
b. standardization curve.
c. Intelligence quotient.
d. Normal curve


The test created by Alfred Binet was designed specifically to
a. Measure inborn intelligence in adults.
b. Measure inborn intelligence in children.
c. Predict school performance in children.
d. Identify children who are mentally slow and would be institut


A person's general ability to think abstractly is called _____ intelligence. This ability generally
_____ with age.
a. Fluid; increases
b. Fluid; decreases
c. Crystallized; decreases
d. Crystallized; increases


The concept of a g factor implies that intelligence
a. Is a single overall ability.
b. Is several specific abilities.
c. Cannot be defined.
d. Cannot be measured.


Originally, IQ was defined as
a. Mental age divided by chronological age and multiplied by 100.
b. Chronological age divided by mental age and multiplied by 100.
c. Mental age subtracted from chronological age and multiplied by 100.
d. Chronological age s


A person's accumulation of stored information, called _____ intelligence, generally _____ with
a. Fluid; decreases
b. Fluid; increases
c. Crystallized; decreases
d. Crystallized; increases


Psychologists who study the importance of considering perceptual principles in the design of
machines, appliances, and work settings are called _________ _________ _______________

Human Factors Psychologists

The greatest predictor of on-the-job performance for all but less-skilled jobs is:
a. Age.
b. General mental ability.
c. Motivation.
d. Stated intentions


Which of the following was not identified as a contributing factor in the interviewer illusion?
a. The fact that interviews reveal applicants' intentions but not necessarily their habitual
b. The tendency of interviewers to think that interview


For as long as she has been the plant manager, Juanita has welcomed input from employees and
has delegated authority. Bill, in managing his department, takes a more authoritarian, iron-fisted
approach. Juanita's style is one of _____ leadership, whereas B


Which of the following do NOT belong as a subfield of I/O psychology?
a. Personnel Psychology
b. Applied Behavioral Analysis
c. Organizational Psychology
d. Ergonomics


Cecily is interviewing several job applicants and wants to develop a question to best predict their
future job performance. Which of the following questions should she use?
a. "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
b. "Why do think we should pick you for


Thanks to __________, TiVo has solved the TV recording problem caused by the complexity of
a. Personnel psychologists
b. Human factors psychologists
c. Organizational psychologists
d. Social psychologists


Maggie works for a company that uses ratings of individuals' performance from the employees
themselves, managers, colleagues, and customers. This type of assessment is called:
a. 360-degree feedback.
b. Multifactorial evaluation.
c. Analytical performance


Which of the following individuals would be categorized as experiencing flow?
a. Sheila, who, despite viewing her work as merely a job, performs her work
b. Larry, who sees his work as an artist as a calling
c. Arnie, who views his present


As a business manager, Julie often calls her employees' attention to their occasional mistakes
while withholding praise for their many accomplishments. Julie fails to take full advantage of a
basic principle of
a. 360-degree feedback.
b. Operant condition


Matching people with existing jobs is to ________ psychology as modifying jobs and supervision
is to ________ psychology.
a. Human factors; organizational
b. Organizational; human factors
c. Personnel; organizational
d. Organizational; personnel


Which of the following is generally the poorest predictor of job performance?
a. Aptitude tests
b. Job knowledge tests
c. Simulated job performance tests
d. Evaluations from informal interviews


Managers who set standards and keep a group focused on its goals are said to excel in
a. Task leadership
b. 360-degree feedback
c. A democratic management style
d. Human factors psychology


Professor Vargas' students did very poorly on the last exam. The tendency to make the
fundamental attribution error might lead her to conclude that the class did poorly because
a. The test was unfair.
b. Students didn't have enough time to complete the te


The term that refers to the tendency to adjust one's behavior to coincide with an assumed group
standard is ______________.


The psychologist who first studied the effects of group pressure on conformity is _______.


The classic social psychology studies of obedience were conducted by ___________. When ordered
by the experimenter to electrically shock the "learner," the majority of participants (the
"teachers") in these studies _____________

Milgram; complied

Jose is the one student member on the board of trustees. At the board's first meeting, Jose wants
to disagree with the others on several issues but in each case decides to say nothing. Studies on
conformity suggest all except one of the following are fact


Conformity increased under which of the following conditions in Asch's studies of conformity?
a. The group had three or more people.
b. The group had high status.
c. Individuals were made to feel insecure.
d. All of these situations increased conformity.


Participants in Asch's line-judgment study gave the same answers as the rest of the group, even
when they knew the answers were wrong. This behavior is referred to as
a. Social facilitation.
b. Overjustification.
c. Scapegoating.
d. Conformity.


Based on findings from Milgram's obedience studies, participants would be less likely to follow
the experimenter's orders when
a. They hear the "learner" cry out in pain.
b. They merely administer the test while someone else delivers the shocks.
c. The "l


When male students in an experiment were told that a woman to whom they would be speaking
had been instructed to act in a friendly or unfriendly way, most of them subsequently attributed
her behavior to
a. The situation.
b. The situation and her personal


Which of the following conclusions did Milgram reach as a result of his studies of obedience?
a. Even ordinary people, without any particular hostility, can become agents in a
destructive process.
b. Most people are able, under the proper circumstances, t