Psychology Chapter 5,10,11,12


Decreased response to unchanging or repeated stimuli


Involuntary reactions

Object Permeance

learning that things still exist even if you don't directly perceive them


Failure to understand that people don't know what you know

Theory of Mind

ability to take another person's perspective


individual's behavioral and emotional response style


emotional bond between a child and its caregivers


understanding that a given quantity stays the same even if appearance changes


stable, consistent, and repeatable over time


measures what it predicts to measure

Predictive Validity

Predicts what it claims to predict

Content Validity

Measures all aspects of a particular phenomenon

Stereotype Threat

anxiety that performance on a test will confirm a negative stereotype to the group they belong to

Basal Metabolic Weight

amount of energy our body burns at rest

James-Lange Theory

Physiological arousal happens before emotion

Cannon-Bard Theory

physiological changes and emotion happen at the same time

Two-Factor Theory

Most valid- physiological arousal causes a cognitive interpretation of the arousal which causes an emotion

Adaptation Level Phenomenon

Judging new events in relation to what we have previously experienced

Mirror and Rouge Test

self-awareness and being distinct from others

Relative Deprivation

being deprived of something to which you feel entitled to

Inis Beag

hated nudity


sex is a recreational activity

Sambia of New Guinea

boys participate in homosexual activities

Fa'afafine of Samoa

biological males take on female gender roles

Transferred Excitation

The physiological arousal from one event spills over into the next event

What are the stages of Piaget's Development Theory?

Sensirometer, Preoperational, Formal Operational, Concrete Operational

What are the types of parenting style?

Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, Neglectful

What are the temperament classifications for babies?

Easy babies, Difficult babies, Slow to warm up babies

What are the types of attachment styles?

Secure, Insecure, Insecure Ambivalent

Intrinsic Motivation

enjoyment "creativity

Extrinsic Motivation

reward, approval

How does the brain continue to mature in adolescence?

Pruning occurs where unused neurons and synapses are removed. Frontal lobes are still maturing

What are the theories of motivation?

Instinct, Drive Reduction, Arousal, and Incentive

What is the curse of knowledge?

Better informed people find it difficult to think about problems for less informed people

Facial Feedback Phenomenon

changes in facial expressions produce changes in emotion

Behavioral Feedback Phenomenon

changes in behavior produce changes in emotion