Psy 310 Sec M01

To gain knowledge without being consciously aware of where the knowledge was gained exemplifies gaining knowledge via ____________.


To gain knowledge from repeated ideas and to cling stubbornly to them despite evidence to the contrary exemplifies gaining knowledge via __________.


A _________ is a prediction regarding the outcome of a study that often involves a prediction regarding the relationship between two variables in a study.


A person who questions the validity, authenticity, or truth of something purporting to be factual is a _________.


__________ are questions that are potentially answerable by means of currently available research techniques.

Empirically solvable problems

__________ involves making claims that appear to be scientific but that actually violate the criteria of science.


The three goals of science are ________. _________ and ________.

Description, prediction, explanation

_________ research involves the study of psychological issues that have practical significance and potential solutions.


A ________ is an in-depth study of one or more individuals.

Case Study

All of the people about whom a study is meant to generalize are the __________.


The ________ method is a method in which the degree of relationship between at least two variables is assessed.


A characteristic inherent in the subjects that can not be changed is known as a ________ variable.

Subject (participant)

The variable in a study that is manipulated is the ______ variable.


The ______ group is the group of subjects that serves as the baseline in a study. They do not receive any level of the independent variable.


A belief that is based on subjective feelings is to gaining knowledge via ________ and stubbornly clinging to knowledge gained from repeated ideas is to gaining knowledge via _______.
a. authority;superstition
b. superstition; intuition
c. tenacity; intui

D. Superstition; tenacity

Tom did really well on his psychology exam last week, and he believes that it is because he used his lucky pen. He has now decided that he must use this pen for every exam that he writes because he believes that it will make him lucky. This belief is base

A. Superstition

A prediction regarding the outcome of a study is a (an) ________ and an organized system of assumptions and principles that attempts to explain certain phenomena and how they are related is a (an) ________.
a. theory; hypothesis
b. hypothesis;theory
c. in

B. hypothesis; theory

_______ involves making claims that appear to be scientific but that actually violate the criteria of science.
a. The principle of falsifiability
b. systemic empiricism
c. Being a skeptic
d. Pseudoxcience

D. Pseudoscience.

The study of psychological issues to seek knowledge for its own sake is to ______ and the study of psychological issues that have practical significance and potential solutions is to _______.
a. basic; applied
b. applied; basic
c. naturalistic; laboratory

A. basic; applied

Ray was interested in the mating behavior of squirrels so the went into the field to observe them. Ray is using the _____ method of research.
a. case study
b. laboratory observational
c. naturalistic observational
d. correlational

C. naturalistic observation

Negative correlation is to ______ and positive correlation is to _______.
a. increasing or decreasing together; moving in opposite directions
b. moving in opposite directions; increasing or decreasing together.
c. independent variable; dependent variable.

B. moving in opposite directions; increasing or decreasing together.

Which of the following is a participants (subject) variable?
a. amount of time given to study a list of words.
b. fraternity membership
c. the number of words in a memory test
d. all of the above

B. fraternity membership

If a researcher assigns subjects to groups based on, for example, their GPA, the researcher would be employing:
a. a manipulated independent variable
b. random assignment.
c. a participant variable.
d. a manipulated dependent variable.

C. a participant variable.

In an experimental study of the effects of time spent studying on grades, time spent studying would be the:
a. control group
b. independent variable.
c. experimental group
d. dependent variable.

B. independent variable.

Baseline is to treatment as _______ is to _______.
a. independent variable; dependent variable
b. dependent variable; independent variable
c. experimental group; control group
d. control group; experimental group.

D. control group; experimental group.

In a study of the effects of alcohol on driving performance, driving performance would be the:
a. control group.
b. independent variable.
c. experimental group.
d. dependent variable.

D. dependent variable.

A definition of a variable in terms of the activities a researcher used to measure or manipulate it is an _______.

1. Operational definition

_____ is a property of measurement in which the ordering of numbers reflects the ordering of the variable.

2. Magnitude

A (n) ______ scale is a scale in which objects of individuals are broken into categories that have no numerical properties.

3. Nominal

A (n) ______ scale is a scale in which the units of measurements between the numbers on the scale are all equal in size.

4. interval

Questionnaires or interviews that measure how people report that they act, think, or feel are _______.

5. self-report measures

_____ occurs when participants act unnaturally because they know they are being observed.

6. Reactivity

When reliability is assessed by determining the degree of relationship between scores on the same test, administered on two different occasions, _____ is being used.

7. Test-retest reliability

_______ produces a reliability coefficient that assesses the agreement of observations made by two or more raters or judges.

8. Interrater reliability

________ assesses the extent to which a measuring instrument covers a representative sample of the domain of behaviors to be measured.

9. content validity

The degree to which a measuring instrument accurately measures a theoretic construct or trait that t is designed to measure is assessed by ________.

10. construct validity

Gender is to the _____ property of measurement and time is to the _______ property of measurement.
a. magnitude; identity
b. equal unit size; magnitude
c. absolute zero; equal unit size
d. identity; absolute zero

D. identity; absolute zero

Arranging a group of individuals from heaviest to lightest represents the _______ property of measurement.
a. identity
b. magnitude
c. equal unite size
d. absolute zero

B. magnitude

The letter grade on the test is to the _____ scale of measurement and height is to the ______ scale of measurement.
a. ordinal; ratio
b. ordinal; nominal
c. nominal; interval
d. interval; ratio

A. ordinal; ratio

Weight is to the ______ scale of measurement and political affiliation is to the ______ scale of measurement.
a. ratio; ordinal
b. ratio; nominal
c. interval;nominal
d. ordinal;ratio

B. ratio; nominal

Measuring in whole units is to ________ and measuring in whole units and/or fractional amounts is to ______.
a. discrete variable; continuous variable
b. continuous variable; discrete variable
c. nominal scale; ordinal scale
d. both a and c.

A. discrete variable; continuous variable

An individual's potential to do something is to _______ and an individuals' competence in an area is to _______.
a. tests; self-report measures
b. aptitude tests; achievement tests
c. achievement tests; aptitude tests
d. self-report measures; behavioral m

B. aptitude tests; achievement tests

Sue decided to have subjects in her study of the relationship between amount of time spent studying and grades keep a journal of how much time they spent studying each day. The type of measurement that Sue is employing is known as a(n):
a. behavioral self

A. behavioral self-report measure

Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the variables with the weakest degree of relationship?
a. -.99
b. -.49
c. +.83
d. +.01

D. +.01

Which of the following is true?
a. Test-retest reliability is determined by assessing the degree of relationship between scores on one half of a test with scores on the other half of the test.
b. Split-half reliability is determined by assessing the degre

C. Alternate-forms reliability is determined by assessing the degree of relationship between scores on two different, equivalent tests.

If observers disagree 20 times out of 80, then the interrater reliability is:
a. 40%
b. 75%
c. 25%
d. Not able to be determined.

B. 75%

Which of the following is not a type of validity?
a. criterion validity
b. content validity
c. face validity
d. alternate-forms validity

B. content validity

Which of teh collowing is true:
a. construct validity is the extent to which a measuring instrument covers a representative sample of the domain of behaviors to be measured.
b. criterion validity is the extent to which a measuring instrument accurately pr

D. Face validity is a measure of the truthfulness of a measuring instrument.

Observational studies in which the researcher does not participate in the situation in which the research participants are involved utilize ________ observation.

1. Nonparticipant

The extent to which an experimental situation can be generalized to natural settings and behaviors is known as _______.

2. Ecological validity

Observational studies in which the participants are unaware that the researcher is observing their behavior utilize _______observation.

3. Disguised

_____ are full narrative descriptions of a participant's behavior.

4. narrative records

A ______ item is a type of item used on a tally sheet on which attributes that will not change are recorded.

5. Static

______involves a tendency for one group to be overrepresented in a study.

6. Sampling bias

When participants give a response that they believe is deemed appropriate by society, they are giving a ______.

7. socially desirable response

Using ______ involves generating a random sample in which each member of the population is equally likely to be chosen as part of the sample.

8. random selection

_______ is a sampling technique designed to ensure that subgroups are fairly represented.

9. stratified random sampling

Questions for which participants choose from a limited number of alternatives are known as _______.

10. closed-eyed questions

A numerical scale on which survey respondents indicate the direction and strength of their responses is a ________.

11. rating scale

A question that sways a respondent to answer in a desired manner is a _________.

12. leading question

Select the single best answer for each of the following questions. If you have trouble answering any of the questions, restudy the relevant material.
a. Laboratory; construct; naturalistic
b. Laboratory; ecological; naturalistic
c. Naturalistic; ecologica

C. Naturalistic; ecological; laboratory

Which of the following is true?
a. Naturalistic observation involves observing humans or animals behaving in their natural setting.
b. Naturalistic observation decreases the ecological validity of a study.
c. Laboratory observation increases the ecologica

A. Naturalistic observation involves observing humans or animals behaving in their natural setting.

_______ is (are) a greater concern when using _____observation because the observations are made in a (an) ______manner.
a. Reactivity; undisguised; obtrusive
b. Expectancy effects; disguised; unobtrusive
c. Reactivity; disguised; unobtrusive
d. Expectanc

A. Reactivity; undisguised; obtrusive

Naturalistic observation is to _______as laboratory observation is to _______.
a. more control; more flexibility
b. more control; less control
c. more flexibility; more control
d. more flexibility; less control

C. more flexibility; more control

Checklists are to _________ and narrative records are to ______.
a. more subjective; less subjective
b. less subjective; more subjective
c. less objective; more objective
d. both b and c

B. less subjective; more subjective

A tally sheet on which attributes that will not change are recorded utilizes ____ items.
a. static
b. action
c. narrative
d. nonnarrative

A. static

Personal interview surveys have the concern of ______but have the advantage of ______.
a. low return rate; eliminating interview bias
b. interviewer bias; question clarification
c. sampling bias; eliminating interviewer bias
d. both b and c

B. nterviewer bias; question clarification

Rich is conducting a survey of student opinion of the dining hall at his university. Rich decided to conduct his survey by using every tenth name on the registrar's alphabetical list of all students at his school. The type of sampling technique that Rich

D. random sampling

Imagine that you wanted to assess student opinion of the dining hall by surveying a subgroup of 100 students at your school. In this situation, the subgroup of students represents the ______, and all of the students at your school represent the _______.

C. sample; population

A question including non-neutral or emotionally laden terms is a _______question.
a. loaded
b. leading
c. double-barreled
d. open-ended

A. loaded

An open-ended question is to a _______question as a closed-ended question is to a _______ question.
a. multiple choice; short answer
b. short answer; multiple choice
c. short answer; essay
d. multiple choice; essay

B. short answer; multiple choice

Consider the following survey question: "Most Americans consider a computer to be a necessity. Do you agree?" This is an example of a _______question.
a. leading
b. loaded
c. rating scale
d. double-barreled

A. leading

A ______ is a table in which all of the scores are listed along with the frequency with which each occurs.

1. frequency distribution

A categorical variable for which each value represents a discrete category is a ______ variable.

2. qualitative

A graphical representation of a frequency distribution in which vertical bars centered above scores on the x-axis touch each other to indicate that the scores on the variable represent related, increasing values is a ________.

3. histogram

Measures of ______ are numbers intended to characterize an entire distribution.

4. central tendency

The _______is the middle score in a distribution after the scores have been arranged from highest to lowest or lowest to highest.

5. median

Measures of _____are numbers that indicate how dispersed scores are around the mean of the distribution.

6. variation

An alternative measure of variation that indicates the average difference between the scores in a distribution and the mean of the distribution is the _____.

7. average deviation

When we divide the squared deviation scores by N-1 rather than by N, we are using the ________ of the population standard deviation.

8. unbiased estimator

O represents the _____standard deviation, and S represents the ______ standard deviation.

9. population; sample

A distribution in which the peak is to the left of the center point and the tail extends toward the right is a ______skewed distribution.

10. positively

A number that indicates how many standard deviation units a raw score is from the mean of a distribution is a ________.

11. z-score

The normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 is the ______.

12. standard normal distribution

A ______ is a graphical representation of a frequency distribution in which vertical bars are centered above each category along the x-axis and are separated from each other by a space indicating that the levels of the variable represent distinct, unrelat

1. C. bar graph

Qualitative variable is to quantitative variable as ______is to ________.
a. categorical variable; numerical variable
b. numerical variable; categorical variable
c. bar graph; histogram
d. categorical variable and bar graph; numerical variable and histogr

2. D. categorical variable and bar graph; numerical variable and histogram

Seven Girl Scouts reported the following individual earnings from their sale of cookies: $17, $23, $13, $15, $12, $19, and $13. In this distribution of individual earnings, the mean is _______the mode and ______the median.
a. equal to; equal to
b. greater

3. D Greater than; greater than

When Dr. Thomas calculated her students' history test scores, she noticed that one student had an extremely high score. Which measure of central tendency should be used in this situation?
a. mean
b. standard deviation
c. median
d. either the mean or the m

4. C. median

Imagine that 4,999 people whoa re penniless live in Medianville. An individual whose net worth is $500,000,000 moves to Medianville. Now the mean net worth in this town is _______and the median net worth is ______.
a. 0;0
b. $100,000;0
c. 0;$100,000
d. $1

5. B. $100,000;0

Middle score in the distribution is to ______and score occurring with the greatest frequency is to _____.
a. mean; median
b. median; mode
c. mean; mode
d. mode; median

6. B median; mode

Mean is to _____and mode is to _____.
a. ordinal, interval, and ratio data only; nominal data only
b. nominal data only; ordinal data only
c. interval and ratio data only; all types of data
d. none of the above

7. C. interval and ratio data only; all types of data

The calculation of the standard deviation differs from the calculation of the average deviation in that the deviation scores are:
a. squared
b. converted to absolute values.
c. squared and converted to absolute values
d. it does not differ.

8. A. squared

Imagine that distribution A contains the following scores: 11, 13, 15, 18, 20. Imagine that distribution B contains the following scores: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Distribution A has a ______standard deviation and a ______average deviation in comparison to dist

9. A. a. larger; larger

Which of the following is not true?
a. All scores in the distribution are used in the calculation of the range.
b. the average deviation is a more sophisticated measure of variation than the range; however, it may not weight extreme scores adequately.

10. A. All scores in the distribution are used in the calculation of the range.

If the shape of a frequency distribution is lopsided, with a long tail projecting longer to the left than to the right, how would the distribution be skewed?
a. normally
c. positively
d. nominally

11. B.negatively

If Jack scored 15 on a test with a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 5, what is his z-score?
a. 1.5
b. -1.0
c. 0.0
d. Cannot be determined

12. B. -1.0

Faculty in the physical education department at State University consume an average of 2,000 calories per day with a standard deviation of 250 calories. The distribution is normal. What proportion of faculty consumes an amount between 1,6-00 and 2,400 cal

13. B. .8904

If the average weight for women is normally distributed with a mean of 135 pounds, then approximately 68% of all women should weigh between _______ and _____ pounds.
a. 120; 150
b. 120;135
c. 105;165
d. cannot say from the information given.

14. A. 120; 150

Sue's first philosophy exam score is -1 standard deviation from the mean in a normal distribution. The test has a mean of 82 and a standard deviation of 4. Sue's percentile rank would be approximately:
a. 78%
b. 84%
c. 16%
d. cannot say from the info give

15. C. 16%

A _____ is a figure showing the relationship between two variables that graphically represents the relationship between the variables.

1. scatterplot

When an increase in one variable is related to a decrease in the other variable and vice verse, we have observed an inverse or _____ relationship.

2. negative

When we assume that because we have observed a correlation between two variable,s one variable must be causing changes in the other variable, we have made the errors of ______ and ______.

3. causality; directionality

A variable that is truncated and does not vary enough is said to have a ________.

4. restricted range

The_______ correlation coefficient is used when both variables are measured on an interval/ratio scale.

5. Pearson product-moment

The ________correlation coefficient is used when one variable is measured on an interval/ratio scale and the other on a nominal scale.

6. point-biserial

To measure the proportion of variance accounted for in one of the variables by the other variable, we use the _____.

7. coefficient of determination

_____is a procedure that allows us to predict an individual's score on one variable based on knowing their score on a second variable.

8. Regression analysis

The magnitude of a correlation coefficient is to _____ and the type of correlation is to ______.
a. slope; absolute value
b. sign; absolute value
c. absolute value; sign
d. none of the above

1. C. absolute value; sign

Strong correlation coefficient is to weak correlation coefficient as ____ is to ______.
a. -1.00; +:1.00
b. -1.00; -.10
c. +1.00; -1.00
d. +.10;-1.00

2. B. -1.00; -.10

Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the variables with the weakest degree of relationship?
a. +.89
b. -1.00
c. +.10
d. -.47

3. C. +.10

A correlation coefficient of +1.00 is to _____ and a correlation coefficient of -1.00 is to _____.
a. no relationship; weak relationship
b. weak relationship; perfect relationship
c. perfect relationship; perfect relationship
d. perfect relationship; no r

4. C perfect relationship; perfect relationship

If the points on a scatter plot are clustered in a pattern that extends from the upper left to the lower right, this would suggest that the two variables depicted are:
a. normally distributed.
b. positively correlated
c. regressing toward the average.

5. D. negatively correlated.

We would expect the correlation between height and weight to be ________, whereas we would expect the correlation between age in adults and hearing ability to be______.
a. curvilinear; negative
b. positive; negative
c. negative; positive
d. positive; curv

6. B. positive; negative

When we argue against a statistical trend based on one case we are using a:
a. third-variable
b. regression analysis
c. partial correlation
d. person-who argument

7. D person-who argument

If a relationship is curvilinear, we would expect the correlation coefficient to be:
a. close to 0.00
b. close to +1.00
c. close to -1.00
d. an accurate representation of the strength of the relationship.

8. A. close to 0.00

The ______is the correlation coefficient that should be used when both variables are measured on an ordinal scale.
a. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient
b. coefficient of determination
c. point-biseral correlation coefficient
d. Pearson product-m

9. A. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient

Suppose that the correlation between age and hearing ability for kids is -.65. What proportion (or percent) of the variability in hearing ability is accounted for by the relationship with age?
a. 65%
b. 35%
c. 42%
d unable to determine

10. C. 42%

Drew is interested in assessing the degree of relationship between belonging to a Greek organization and the number of alcoholic drinks consumed per week. Drew should use the _____ correlation coefficient to asses this.
a. partial
b. point-biserial
c. phi

11. B. point-biserial

Regression analysis allows us to:
a. predict an individual's score on one variable based on knowing the individual's score on another variable.
b. determine the degree of relationship between two interval/ratio variables.
c. determine the degree of relati

12. A. predict an individual's score on one variable based on knowing the individual's score on another variable.