
Ted talk: Language acquisition & development

Language has a critical period to learning.
Babies have a higher ability of acquiring a new language until the age of 7.
*First critical period for sound development for babies: 6-8 months
Babies during the critical period (6-8 months) can acquire a new l

Bilingual brain

Bilateral activity during speech
Activate more areas when naming objects or reading words out loud
More effort searching for correct word and inhibiting incorrect words
Better control of attention
Easier to shift attention between tasks
Denser gray matter

What is Aphasia

Language impairment
Broca's aphasia (non-fluent aphasia)
Wernike's aphasia (fluent aphasia

2 types of Aphasia

Broca's aphasia (non-fluent aphasia)
Wernike's aphasia (fluent aphasia

Broca's Aphasia (non-fluent aphasia)

Damage in Broca's area (Frontal lobe)
Serious impairment in language production
Seldom use pronouns (i.e., I, you, hers) and prepositions (i.e., on, for, of)
Understand most speech except for those with complex grammar
"The girl that the boy is chasing is

Wernike's aphasia (fluent aphasia)

Damage in the temporal lobe next the auditory cortex
Difficulty understanding speech, writing, and sign language
Almost intact recognition of items, but impaired ability to find words

4 terms associated with substance addiction



Cannot stop doing something even though it brings you more harm than good
Pleasures become weaker while costs and risks increase
Happen to drugs and alcohol as well as behavior


Insistent search for the activity
Distinguishing feature of addiction
Exposure to cues after long abstinence triggers renewed craving
E.g., Seeing a lit cigarette, a video of cocaine use
"want" "like": difficult to stop
Drug-related cue increases activit


Decreased enjoyable effects as addiction develops
Raise amount and frequency of use to greater levels


Body's reaction to the absence of expected drug
Anxiety, sweating, vomiting, nausea
Progress to hallucinations, fever, cardiovascular problems
Addictive behavior is to avoid withdrawal symptoms
Substance use to cope with stress caused by drug withdrawal