Chapter 16 Review


drugs used to treat schizophrenia; they help diminish hallucinations, confusion, agitation, and paranoia but also have adverse side effects

Traditional Antipsychotics

historically, the first medications used to manage psychotic symptoms

Tardive Dyskinesia

repetitive, involuntary movements of the jaw, tongue, face, and mouth and body tremors resulting from the extended use of traditional antipsychotic drugs

Atypical Antipsychotics

new antipsychotic drugs, which do not create tardive dyskinesia

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAO)

a class of drugs used to treat depression; they slow the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters in the brain

Tricyclic Antidepressants

drugs used for treating depression as well as chronic pain and ADHD

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

drugs prescribed primarily for depression and some anxiety disorders; they work by making more serotonin available in the synapse


a class of anxiety-reducing drugs that can be addictive but are less dangerous than barbiturates


a class of anxiety-reducing drugs that can be addictive and carry a risk of overdose


a salt that is prescribed for its ability to stabilize the mania associated with bipolar disorder

Prefrontal Lobotomy

a form of psychosurgery in which the connections between the prefrontal cortex and the lower portion of the brain and severed; it is no longer in use

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

the treatment of last resort for severe depression that involves passing an electrical current through a person's brain in order to induce a seizure

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

a treatment for severe depression involving exposure of specific brain structures to bursts of high-inensity magnetic fields instead of electricity

The antidepressant medications known as the SSRI's work by

decreasing serotonin levels by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neuron

Aunt Julia has been in treatment for years for schizophrenia. She often has jerky spastic movements, which she tells you are from her medication, not the disorder itself. What side effect is she experiencing?

tardive dyskinesia

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is still in limited use for people with which disorder?

major depressive disorder

Helen Mayberg was surprised to find that brain images are Area 25 showed ______ in people with severe depression one helped devise a way to treat them with deep brain stimulation.


Both traditional and atypical antipsychotic drugs work the best on ______ symptoms of schizophrenia, but they are generally less effective on the _________ symptoms.

positive; negative


the use of psychological techniques to modify maladaptive behaviors or thought patterns, or both, and to help patients develop insight into their own behavior

Psychoanalytic Therapy

therapy aimed at uncovering the unconscious motives that underline psychological problems

Free Association

a psychotherapeutic technique in which the client takes one mage or idea from a dream and says whatever comes to mind, regardless of how threatening, disgusting, or troubling it may be.


the process in psychotherapy in which the client reacts to a person in a present relationship as through that person were someone from the client's past


the process of releasing intense, often unconscious, emotions in a therapeutic setting

Client-centered Therapy

a form of humanistic therapy in which the therapist shows unconditional positive regard for the client

Behavior Therapies

therapies that apply the principles of classical and operant conditioning in the treatment of psychological disorders

Token Economies

a behavioral technique in which desirable behaviors are reinforced with a token, such as a small chip or fake token, which to be exchanged for privileges

Systematic Desensitization

a behavior therapy technique, often used for phobias, which the therapist pairs relaxation with gradual exposure to phobic object, generating a hierarchy of increasing contact with the feared object


a form of in vivo exposure in which the client experiences extreme exposure to the phobic object

Cognitive Therapy

any type of psychotherapy that works to restructure irrational thought patterns

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT)

an approach to treating psychological disorders that combine techniques for restructuring irrational thoughts with operant and classical conditioning techniques to shape desirable behaviors

Group Therapy

a therapeutic setting in which several people who share a common problem all meet regularly with a therapist to help themselves and one another

Support Groups

meetings of people share a common situation, be it a disorder, a disease, or an ill family member.

Jose's therapist asks to hear about Jose's week. Jose tells him about some difficulty he is having with his wife and how he feel worried in his marriage. The therapist expresses his sympathy and understanding. He tells Jose he knows what it's like to feel


Which of the following methods is widely used for the effective treatment of simple phobias?

systematic desensitization

Often therapists integrate cognitive techniques for restructuring irrational thoughts with behavioral techniques to shape desirable behaviors in what is known as cognitive

behavioral therapy

What is the safest and best form of treatment for depression?


Dialectical Behavior

treatment that integrates elements of CBT with exercises aimed at developing mindfulness without meditation; it is used to treat borderline personality disorder

Dr, Chisholm believes that different disorders require different techniques and strategies for treatment. She is most likely a practitioner of

integrative therapy

Combining drugs with psychotherapy works well for which of the following

mood and anxiety disorders

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a combined treatment program developed for the treatment of

borderline personality disorder

Optogenetics has shown promise in the treatment of which the following disorders?


How does Botox work to improve mood?

by paralyzing the facial muscles involved in negative emotions