Psych 341 quiz 4

Classical Conditioning

The pairing of an unconditioned stimulus, an unconditioned responce and a neutral stimulus.


Conditioned responses can occur in response to stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus


Learning to tell the difference between different stimuli, responding only to the conditioned stimulus and not to similar stimuli


When the pairing of the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus stops. Gradual decrease in the response to the conditioned stimulus

Founded behaviorism
Applied conditioning principles to humans. Rejection of introspection.Tabula rasa approach

John B. Watson

Personality IS a group of responses to the environment. Radical determinism. Operant Conditioning.

B. F. Skinner

Radical determinism

All behavior is caused

Operant Conditioning

Behavior is changed by its consequences

Secondary drives

The drives that are learned by association with the satisfaction of primary drives

Approach-avoidance conflict

A conflict between primary and secondary drives that occurs when a punishment results in the conditioning of a fear response to the drive.

Approach-Approach conflict

A conflict in which a person is drawn to two equally attractive choices.

Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

A conflict in which a person is faced with two equally undesireable choices.

Social Learning Theory

A theory that purposes that habits are built up in terms of hierarchy of secondary drives

Act Frequency Approach

Assesing personality by examining the frequency with which a person performs certain observable tasks.