Intro to Psychology Study Aid 1 Ch 2 Cox

Scientific Method

1. Observing some phenomenon
2. Formulating hypotheses and predictions
3. Testing through empirical research
4. Drawing conclusions
5. Evaluating the theory


Conducting a scientific inquiry that involves observing some phenomenon in the world.


An educated guess that derives logically from a theory; a prediction that can be tested

Drawing Conclusions

If a research finding is shown again and again, replicated, across different researchers and different specific methods, it is considered reliable


Also Meta-Analysis- A method that allows researchers to combine the results of different studies on a similar topic in order to establish the strength of an effect


Anything that can change


The entire group about which the investigator wants to draw conclusions

Random Sample

A sample that gives every member of the population an equal chance of being selected

Naturalistic Observation

The observation of behavior in a real world setting

Descriptive Research

Research that determines the basic dimensions of a phenomenon, defining what it is, how often it occurs, and so on


Presents a a standard set of questions to obtain people's self-reported attitudes or beliefs about a particular topic

Case Studies

An in-depth look at a single individual

Correlation Research

Research that examines the relationships between variables, whose purpose is to examine whether and how two variables change together

Correlation Coefficient

The degree of relationship between two variables is expressed as a numerical value, which is most commonly represented by the letter r

Positive Correlations

The longer the lecture, the more you yawn; The more you study, the higher your test grade

Negative Correlations

The longer the lecture, the lower your attentiveness; The more you party, the lower your test grade

Correlation and Causation

Correlation does not equal causation; Correlation only means that two variables change together

Third Variable Problem

The circumstance where a variable that has not been measured accounts for the relationship between two other variables. Third variables are also known as confounds


A carefully regulated procedure in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables that are believed to influence some other variable

Random Assignment

Researchers' assignment of participants to groups by chance, to reduce the likelihood that an experiment's results will be due to preexisting differences between groups

Independent Variable

A manipulated experimental factor; the variable that the experimenter changes to see what its effects are

Dependent Variable

The outcome; The factor that can change in an experiment in response to changes in the independent variable

Experimental Group

The participants in an experimenter who receive the drug or other treatment under study; those who are exposed to change that the independent variable represents

Control Group

The participants in an experiment who are as much like the experimental group as possible and who are treated in every way like the experimental group except for a manipulated factor, the independent variable

Experimenter Bias

Occurs when the experimenter's expectations influence the outcome of the research

Participant Bias

Occurs when the behavior of research participants during the experiment is influenced by how they think they are supposed to behave or their expectations about what is happening to them

Placebo Effect

Occurs when participants' expectations, rather than the experimental treatment, produce an outcome


In a drug study, a harmless substance that has no physiological effect, given to participants in a control group so they are treated identically to the experimental group except for the active agent

Double Blind Experiments

An experimental design in which neither the experimenter nor the participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental group and which are in the control group until the results are calculated

Descriptive Statistics

Mathematical procedures that are used to describe and summarize sets of data in a meaningful way


A measure of central tendency that is the average for a sample


A measure of central tendency that is the middle score in a smaple


A measure of central tendency that is the most common score in a sample

Standard Deviation

A measure of dispersion that tells us how much scores in a sample differ from the mean of the sample

Inferential Statistics

Mathematical methods that are used to indicate whether results for a sample are likely to generalize to a population

Statistical Significance

The standard is that .05 or less that the differences are due to chance

Research Ethics

A set of principles about the treatment that participants in research have a right to expect

Informed Consent

All participants must know what their participation will involve and what risks might develope


Researchers are responsible for keeping all of the data they gather on individuals completely confidential


Before or after the study has been completed, the researchers should inform the participants of its purpose and the methods they used


The researcher deceives participants about the purpose of the study, perhaps leading them to believe that it has some other purpose

Ethics of Research With Animals

Researcher must follow stringent ethical guidelines, whether animals or humans are the subjects in their studies