Chapter 1

What does it mean to reason empirically?

To base one's conclusions on systematic observations

4 scientific cycles

1. Theory-data cycle
2. basic-applied research
3. peer-reviewed
4. the journal-to-journal cycle

Theory-data cycle

Theory sets up the questions you ask about the hypothesis and collect data to answer the predictions you made through the questions
-most important cycle

contact-comfort theory

Harry Harlow proposed it
States that the mother and child attachment is formed because of the comfort mothers provide to children

cupboard theory

states the mother is only a source of food, therefore represents pleasure to children


a statement or a set of statements that describes general principles of how variables relate to one another


a set of observations


the approach of collecting data and using it to develop, support, or challenge a theory

3 components of a good theory

1. supported by data
2. are falsifiable
3. are parsimonious

basic-applied research

is composed of basic, applied, and translational research

basic research

not intended to address specific problems

applied research

done with a practical problem in mind; researchers are hoping findings will directly apply to solution of problems

translational reseach

researchers conduct studies in which they are intentionally using lessons from basic research to develop and test applications to health care, psychotherapy, etc.

peer-review cycle

process when a psychologist writes a paper about research and submits it to a scientific journal and experts criticize it

journal-to-journal cycle

people find scientific journals promising and will either conduct more research on it, new research in a different subject, or publish the research in non-technical terms in magazines or blogs

what happens to a theory when the data do not support the theory's applications?

it is revised

What is the difference between basic and applied research?

Basic research is for the sake of general knowledge, applied research is for a specific problem. These are connected through translational research

Distortion of publicized science?

-accuracy of stories
-statistics in data
-peer-reviewed deficiencies