Exam 4 CH. 16


-people's physical and psychological reactions to demanding situations.

general adaptation syndrome

-Hans Selye's model of stress as a general, nonspecific reaction that occurs in three phases: alarm, resistance, exhaustion.


-fight-or-flight response
-body becomes energized, through activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, hormones are released by the glands of endocrine system.
-heart rate and respiration and blood flow increase.
-enables us to


threat continues, but is not serious
-body adjusts its physiological reaction to reduce, or cope with, the still-present threat.
-arousal levels remain higher than normal, body can replenish some resources.
-people can function reasonably well, but suscep


--unable to neutralize threat
-body cannot maintain high state of readiness for extended periods of time and body starts to give up.
-resistance declines and stress reaction becomes more maladaptive
-death becomes possibility

cognitive appraisal

-the idea that to feel stress you need to perceive a threat and come to the conclusion that you may not have adequate resources to deal with the threat.
-stress depends on overall intelligence score when it comes to test taking. higher intelligence less s

external sources of stress

-significant life events such as:death of a loved one, getting fired from a job, natural disasters or catastrophes such as 9/11.
-daily hassles such as:stuck in long check out line, traffic, waiting a log time for food when you are hungry
-environmental f

internal sources of stress

-perceived control: feel that you lack resources to deal with threat, amount of influence you feel you have over situation, feel like no control of situation then stress hormones released
-explanatory style: general style of thinking, global explanatory m

social support

-resources we receive from other people or groups, often in the form of comfort, caring or help.
-help people maintain healthful lifestyle, confidence increase, help you cope.

reappraising the situation

-looking at hassle in positive manner, focus on certain aspects of situation, keep records of situations that have led to stress.

self control

-Ability to control & regulate emotions, desires, & behaviors
-Overriding short-term desires in favor of long-term benefits
-Self's capacity to alter its own responses
-Or the active management of one's many needs and goals

4 categories

-Thought control
-Affect regulation
-Impulse control
-Performance control


-famous longitudinal research study, "The Marshmallow Test," showed the importance of impulse control and delayed gratification for academic, emotional and social success. In the 1960s at the preschool on the Stanford University campus, Mischel put marshm

low self control

-Low self-control and SR depletion leads to
-More antisocial behaviors
Criminal behavior
-Less prosocial behaviors
-Poor decision making
-Decrements in emotion control
-Continuation of addictive behaviors
-Poor relationships
-Eating problems