PSY 100 CH 14

# of people that suffer from some type of mental disorder


issues that interfere with treatment

-People may not realize that their disorder needs to be treated.
-Beliefs (stigma) and cirumstances (e.g., financial) that keep people from getting help.
-Even people who acknowledge they have a problem may not know where to look for services
-When people


interaction between a therapist and client

electric psychotherapy

draws on techniques from different forms of therapy, depending on the client and the problem

drug therapy

treatment with drugs, biological procedure, or surgery


-Explores childhood events and encourages individuals to develop insight into their psychological problems
-develop insight into unconscious memories, impulses, wishes, and conflicts that may be underlying.
-assumes that humans are born with aggressive an


a reluctance to cooperate with treatment for fear of confronting unpleasant unconscious material


when the analyst begins to assume a major significance in the client's life and the client reacts to the analyst based on unconscious childhood fantasies

carl jung

emphasized the collective unconscious

alfred adler

linked emotional conflict to perceptions of inferiority

melanie klein

believed primitive fantasies of loss and persecution may underlie mental illness

karen horney

emphasized the differences between men and women in society and culture

modern psychotherapies are different from classical psychoanalysis

-Therapist and client sit face-to-face.
-Therapy is less intensive.
-Relief from symptoms is a reasonable goal, and support or advice is often offered.
-There is less influence of unconscious impulses

behavior therapy

assumes disordered behavior is learned and symptom relief is achieved through changing overt maladaptive behaviors into more constructive behaviors
goals: eliminating unwanted behaviors (consequences) and promoting desired behaviors

token economy

a form of behavior therapy in which clients are given "tokens" for desired behaviors, which they can later trade for rewards

exposure therapy

an approach to treatment that involves confronting an emotional stimulus directly and repeatedly, ultimately leading to a decrease in the emotional response

cognitive therapy

identify and correct any distorted thinking about self, others, or the world

cognitive restructuring

teaches clients to question the automatic beliefs, assumptions, and predictions that often lead to negative emotions and to replace negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs

mindfulness meditation

encouraged client to present in each moment, to be aware of his or her thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and to detect symptoms before they become a problem

cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

a blend of cognitive and behavioral therapeutic strategies
problem focused and action oriented.

humanistic and existential therapies

Assumption: psychological problems stem from feelings of alienation and loneliness, which can be traced back to failure reaching one's potential (humanistic) or finding meaning in life (existential).

person-centered therapy (humanistic)

Assumes all individuals have a tendency toward growth, and this growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions from the therapist


therapists words, body language, facial expression supportive and consistent


identify with clients feelings

unconditional positive regard

warm and accepting demeanor

gestalt therapy (existential)

goal of helping the client become aware of his or her thoughts, behaviors, experiences, and feelings and to "own" or take responsibility for them
Clients are encouraged to put feelings into action.

couples and family therapy

Work on relationship(s), not individuals

group therapy

-Multiple participants (who often do not know one another at the outset) work on their individual problems in a group atmosphere
-Clients can practice relating to others (including modeling appropriate behavior and sharing insights)
-helps with feelings o

self-help and support groups

-Discussion or Internet chat groups that focus on a particular disorder or difficult life experience
-often run by peers who have struggled w same issue
cost affective


the study of drug effects on psychological states and symptoms


a drug that has its primary effect in the brain

antipsychotic drugs

medications that are used to treat schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders
block dopamine receptors

atypical antipsychotic drugs

block dopamine and serotonin

anti anxiety medications

drugs that help reduce a person's experience of fear or anxiety
most common are benzodiazepines (valium, ativan, zanax)


facilitates GABA action
side effects:
drowsiness, effects on coordination and memory, addictive, interaction with alcohol


a class of drugs that help lift a person's mood
MAOIs, tricyclic antidepressants, SSRI's, SNRIs, norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors
most treat anxiety disorders

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

a treatment that involves inducing a mild seizure by delivering an electrical shock to the brain
for severe depression or mania
side effects: impaired short term memory and head/muscle aches

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

a treatment that involves placing a powerful pulsed magnet over a person's scalp, which alters neuronal activity in the brain
for depression
mild side effects


a treatment for seasonal depression that involves repeated exposure to bright light


surgical destruction of specific brain areas
for OCD


an inert substance or procedure that has been applied with the expectation that a healing response will be produced

outcome studies

designed to assess whether treatment works (often in comparison with another treatment or a control).

process studies

designed to answer why a treatment works or under what conditions

Hans eysenck

reviewed the effectiveness of psychotherapy across studies and found it to actually impede recovery

latrogenic illness

a disorder or symptom that occurs as a result of a medical or psychotherapeutic treatment

APA ethical standard

Striving for client benefit and no harm
Establishing trustful relationships
Promoting accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness
Seeking fairness in treatment (avoid biases)
Respecting the dignity and worth of all people

cognitive therapy
